Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh what a beatiful morning...

Wow, just wow! I love this time of year. Now that the rain has given us a short reprieve I can fully appreciate the magnificent fall weather! I got up this morning and it was cool, crisp, and amazing! You would think my adoration for this time of the year wouldn't surprise me anymore but it seems like I love the fall more and more every time it rolls around! This weekend I had the chance to do some cleaning at home and I even got out all of my fall/Halloween decorations. I didn't put up most of the Halloween stuff yet but all of my fall decorations (pumpkins, scarecrows, gourds, leaves etc.) are up. I like the way that I have decorated my apartment but I especially love the homey feel it gets when it's decorated for a season/holiday! I am just so content right now that I can't hardly contain myself, however, as this is not a blog dedicated to autumnal glory I shall cease my adulation and talk about the important stuff!

The beginning of my week was good. I was hoping to get outside and do some walking but the rain hindered my attempts. I am, however, going to go out for a walk tonight after work. I'll throw on some sweats, grab my iPod and hit the pavement. In weather like this, I really wish I had a dog. It would be nice to have a dog to walk when it's this beautiful, however, on days like Monday, I'm thankful that Willow uses a litter box! I haven't actually had to cook at all this week because I've been eating leftovers for the most part. However, I'm going to make this new recipe tonight that I'll try tomorrow. It's a Mexican casserole that I found online. If it's any good I'll post the recipe. It's not the greatest recipe as far as healthful eating is concerned but I feel like I'll be able to make some adjustments to make it a little more lifestyle-change friendly. I also need to start a list for the grocery store for this week. I have to say ladies, I really feel like I've fallen into a good pattern with planning my menus and then going to the store. It eliminates the 'oh crap, I have no idea what to make' thought process that lead to a lot of my excessive eating out.

So, I know that we've all talked about getting back into the swing of things, so I feel like I should post some goals.

1. I have decided that I want to eliminate pop from my diet. At the beginning of the year I stopped drinking pop for almost 2 months. I still don't drink nearly as much as I was but I really want to cut it out again. Obviously it's not something that I will never have again but I want to get out of the habit of having it as an everyday beverage.

2. I want to continue to plan my menus and cook at home. It's cheaper, better for my and more satisfying.

3. I want to become more regular with my exercise. I especially want to add some strength training in. I will do at least 3 cardio type work outs per week and strength training twice.

Alright, that's all I have for toady. I hope that you ladies are having a great Wednesday and that the remainder of your week is pleasant! Take care and keep up the good work!!

p.s. we can all use a good laugh from time to time, Jessica sent this to me and I found it hilarious! Enjoy! (it's a bit long)...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PE Drama Explanation

So I mentioned this dilemma to many people. I'm going to write down the specifics in this blog so I can just send people the link. It's too much information to type over and over.

First of all, IAHPERD is the Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Every year, a venue in Iowa holds the IAHPERD Convention. It provides learning sessions, discussions, and continuing education for professionals. Last year my previous boss requested that it be held at ISU. She was put in charge of many things. She moved to Texas in February. She did not tell IAHPERD leaders that she moved and was no longer helping with the massive convention. They found out on their own and are not very happy. The PE program has taken a huge hit to our reputation. It's so embarrassing to have PE experts mad at our institution.

All of this came about because I remember my boss talking about it and starting the planning process at the end of 2008. A local PE teacher spoke to me about it on Friday so I decided to check in with the president of IAHPERD and she gave me the low down. I could sense her discontent and disappointment in her email. I've stepped forward as an ISU contact because I can help the save time and money. I know who to contact for help about rentals, reservations for classrooms & gyms, etc.

I have a strong feeling that ISU is going to look very incapable when the convention comes together at the end of November. UNI is also not happy with us either because originally they were to host this event. My past boss talked the head honchos out of that decision and had it moved to ISU for this year. Apparently UNI was prepared to host everything. Now those head honchos have even more work fixing this situation at ISU. I want to help but I'm not sure how much help I can be since I'm already pretty busy with my teaching responsibilities, Swim & Gym, and student teaching stuff. Not to mention Gavin.

Our PE program is already vulnerable since we don't have a professor anymore. We certainly don't need the most important PE event in Iowa affecting our reputation either.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Brr... is so cold in here! Granted, I have nobody but myself to blame. I was the one who left all of my windows (including my sliding door) wide open all day and left my fans running. When I walked in tonight, it was a balmy 59 degrees in here. When it's damp and windy, 59 is not warm! I closed up my apartment when I got home and the temp is slowly rising which means the blood flow is gradually returning to my toes...yay!

I haven't blogged in a while, mostly because I don't feel like I've had much to say. Things have been going well. I did eat out this weekend and I have to say, I wish I hadn't. I was craving Chinese so I ordered it on Saturday night and it was bad. Well, it wasn't really bad but it just didn't taste good. Not to mention, I felt really crappy after eating. I've been doing all of my cooking at home lately and my stomach isn't used to all of that grease (I got sesame chicken which is deep fried). Besides eating out, I made some really good meatballs with mushroom gravy in the crock pot this weekend. Very tasty and so easy! I love that Jenny started cooking in her crock pot because it inspired me and I've been happy with everything I've made in it.

While I've been doing well eating in, I have to say that I need to work on my snacking. I've been paying attention and I tend to snack when I'm bored. I need to find something else to occupy my time so that I'm not as tempted to snack. I also have not been working out as regularly as I have scheduled. My goal for this week is to get in my regular workouts. I'll let you know how things go!

OK, I don't really have much more to discuss, I hope that you ladies are enjoying this chilly, windy and wet weather...I don't know how you couldn't be!!! Have a great week with lots of success!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grr Car Grr

Here has been the recent events with my car....

1. Few weeks ago my car battery dies and needs to be replaced. The night when I'm supposed to be driving it up north to drop it off at the transmission rebuilding shop.

2. I had a seal replaced in my transmission since there was a leak.

3. We leave church this check engine light turns on. Jenny is displeased.

(LeAnn...don't say anything to Mom & Dad about this.)

I have a growing list of ailments for my car too. A motor in a back window is shot, window cannot lowered. The pump associated with the cooling in my car is shot too. No air conditioning and my car doesn't like to even blow cold air with the general fan function. Lock on my driver door is broken. Scared to lock my car because if something happens to the passenger side front door lock, I cannot enter my car. Don't want my ISU parking permit stolen though.

Just needed to complain somehow and I don't want to tell my parents yet because we'll just argue that I need a different car. A different car isn't feasible yet because I need more savings so I can make a down payment and handle car payments in the future. Then again, I cannot keep putting money into repairs every other month because that is adding up fast too. Adulthood can certainly be a headache at times.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Biggest Loser Tips

Hey Ladies-

As I was cleaning up in my bedroom, I stumbled upon a gift that I haven't been using since I moved in August!!! My "Biggest Loser" calendar! I took the time today while watching "Superman Returns" and pulled out some tips I want to include so I don't lose the pieces of paper amongst the disaster on the dining room table.

Tip 1: If and when you hit a plateau, take note of how your clothes are fitting. You may not see a decline on the scale but chances are that you're still losing inches and gaining muscle tone. A pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle--about three times as much.

Tip 2: Have protein with your carbohydrates as much as possible. That way, your meal breaks down more slowly in your body and you won't burn out so fast and lose energy. (Hmm do mushrooms contain a lot of protein? I like to add a ton of them to spaghetti or pasta...I wonder if that's helping me out any)

Tip 3: Remember that enriched bread means white flour. White flour is low in fiber and nutrition.

Tip 4: Don't forget to add strength training to a weight loss program. It boosts metabolism and increases the amount of calorie-burning muscle on your body. Each muscle group should be worked twice a week, with two days off in between. (Added this one to remind myself most of all since I suck at incorporating weight training)

Tip 5: Goal setting 101. Make your goals SMART. Specific, measurable, action-based, realistic (and rewarding), and time-based

Tip 6: Try to eat one raw vegetable a day. (I typically don't enjoy raw veggies unless they are accompanied with dip. I need to portion my ranch dip better and I could still make this habit healthy)

Tip 7: Fit, healthy people do not see daily activities and chores as taxing. They enjoy being able to do these things easily. Chores and errands can easily become "mini-workouts" if you have the right mind-set.

Tip 8: Write down your goals and keep a visual reminder of them in front of you. This may mean you keep them in several places. Bathroom mirror, refrigerator, in your car, etc etc. (I definitely need to do this so I remember when I am and am not staying on track...especially with exercise.)

Tip 9: Cook vegetables for the minimal amount of time so you preserve nutrients.

Tip 10: Use the cap from your salad dressing to measure your portion....most caps equal one teaspoon. (Hmmm, I think some are tablespoon size...really depends on the brand)

Tip 11: Try grocery shopping in a whole foods store. You'll be surprised of how many healthy foods appeal to you. (We have one in Ames that I've thought about visiting for years...I'm just scared how expensive it will be)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back on that success bandwagon....

Hey ladies-

So I ended up falling asleep earlier tonight when watching t.v. so I have too much energy now at 11:15pm. I'm going to do a little grading and obviously write this blog entry. Then I'll end up staying up too late reading a book...the vicious weird sleeping cycle continues.

I'm still not exercising regularly. I AM GOING TO START MY RUNNING PROGRAM ON SUNDAY! I currently feel very run down during parts of the day. If I start incorporating regular exercise, I just know my energy level will perk up. I got a rude awakening earlier in the week. I had to take paperwork to a main building on campus (Beardshear Hall) and holy crap the stairs kicked my ass. I had to go to the top floor and I usually take the stairs whenever possible. I was winded by the time I got up to the 3rd floor and I hated it. I'm 26....I should be able to bop around, take the stairs, and run errands without feeling super tired during the day.

On to our list of success...steps 8-10 to follow.

8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

I don't think I need to go into very much depth on this one. It's pretty self-explanatory. I need to keep in mind that I cannot take a step back or give up when things become challenging. We already know about weight loss plateaus and how those can cause people to fall off the wagon. Exercise can be come too routine and boring....causing people to fall off the wagon. A holiday or weekend eating experience can cause you to lose control with your diet and fall off the wagon. Fact of the matter is that you have to be aware that difficult times are always around the corner. One thing I tend to be naive about is that weight loss will always be a lifetime struggle. Yes, maybe I'll drop my full 80-100 desired pounds but I'll always have to be diligent about maintenance.

9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.

I'm very excited to save money. I haven't been able to do it regularly since I was in high school working at a part time job. That savings didn't last long though because that money was needed when I moved and started out on my own in Ames in 2001. I really want to save a decent chunk of money each month when I'm paid. I know it will be difficult to save after my first paycheck this month though. ISU was screwy with my paperwork so I wasn't paid in August so I have extra credit card debt right now and a few extra bills that need to be paid off.

Anyway...I don't want my increase of pay to cause me to spend money that I shouldn't. We've already started eating out too much and I also feel we are running over to Hy-Vee too often. I'm going to create a monthly budget so I can pay my bills, control my grocery shopping, and other expenses that are luxury based. I want to be able to buy wholesome foods when it comes to creating recipes and eating better at home. Hopefully after September I can get all the finances in order so I can open a savings account and prepare for February. School loan repayment starts that month...yippee (eye roll). I'm also curious as to how my taxes will play out too since I will be working full time for part of the year and I have benefits to factor in. Meh.

10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

I work in a department where most people are physically fit or at least look like that are in very good shape. At times I do feel like I'm looked down upon based on my appearance and extra weight. I do make a strong effort to not judge or treat any of my heavier students different than the PE majors that have the desired physique. With so much discrimination in the world, it's sad that we have to have another realm of the issue with overweight/obese people. Sadly, I know I'll get more respect from people in the Kinesiology world when I start to lose weight again. At the same time though, I can understand why they want people to represent what health should look like...but at the same time people need to realize that being physical active doesn't look the same for everyone. Some people can run 10 miles a day, while some people get some great benefits from a 60 minute workout that isn't so hard core. I already know that it doesn't take to get my heart rate up so what I do to improve myself will look a lot different from my coworkers or friends in the Kinesiology area.

Basically I think some people forget that everyone is human. Everyone has their flaws. I struggle with my relationship with food and exercise is not habitual for me (yet). I'm not a perfect Kinesiologist but I know how to work towards improvement.

Monday, September 21, 2009

How about some more steps toward success?

Hope you had a fantastic start to your week. I for one had a very decent Monday. Yippee for cooperative physical education majors.

Onto steps 4-7 that will lead us to success with our health style endeavors.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

I think this point can be very difficult with weight loss. We already know that the process seems to cycle. We do great for awhile but then we slip back into a rut or bad habits and we stop losing weight. Or worse yet, we gain weight back. It can be tough to remain positive and upbeat when we struggle with a goal we deem so important. I know that a bad weigh-in day at Weight Watchers used to totally ruin my mood or energy for the rest of the day. That's why it's important to have goals that aren't scale related.

I also find it hard to stay positive all the time because my failure stares me right in the face some days in the mirror. I can tell my body isn't changing for the better and that reminder is thrown at me when I dress, shower, go shopping, etc. But if I create goals that are diet and activity centered we'll still get boosts of success along the way that contribute to the physical changes we desire.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

All humans make mistakes. Even though we are very passionate about the changes we want to make...we've made mistakes and failed. And we will make more mistakes and fail some more as time passes. It's just the way it goes. The important thing is that you learn from wrong doings and mistakes and hopefully alter your future based on that.

6. Be generous.

Sometimes I see this as a fault. I'm way too generous when I think I need a treat or reward (food based). I've been known to ruin my diet/weight loss by rewarding myself too much after a successful week. But on the other hand, it's very important to reward yourself and not restrict yourself from foods you love. You just need to find a balance and realize that moderation is key.

7. Have a grateful heart.

Being grateful and not taking things for granted go hand in hand in my head. I may struggle a lot with my weight but I'm grateful I still have my health. And I'm grateful that I have support and that I can provide support to others. I may not have a ton of money to work with but I'm grateful that I can usually afford healthy food and that I've been able to invest in my physical activity habits. I just wish I used my treadmill and bike more often!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Yet another reason to get a good nights sleep!

Let me start off by saying HAPPY FRIDAY! It's been a long week and I am ready for a little R and R! My workload today is going to be pretty light which always seems to make a Friday go a lot slower. I was checking my normal news sights this morning and I ran into a few tips on weight loss and healthy lifestyles that I felt you ladies might be interested.

Did you know that our hectic lifestyles (applied to the population in whole, not just us) is one of the many reasons that obesity has become a huge issue in the U.S.? There is a newly published study that has shown a relationship to increased eating and lack of sleep. From the article that I read:

According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, people who slept only four hours a night for two nights had an 18 percent decrease in leptin (a hormone that signals the brain that the body has had enough to eat) and a 28 percent increase in ghrelin (a hormone that triggers hunger), compared with those who got more rest. The result: Sleep-deprived study volunteers reported a 24 percent boost in appetite. Short sleep can also impair glucose metabolism and over time set the stage for type 2 diabetes.

So, what do we do? First, and most obviously, we should get more sleep. The researchers suggested getting anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep each night. However, they did note that this is not always possible or even practical and went on to say that you should make smart choices in the event of insufficient sleep. When we're tired we crave carbs...perhaps this is why breakfast foods tend to be 'carb-centric!' Instead of grabbing a donut or candy reach for complex carbs and protein. You'll still get the boost you need from complex carbs and you'll remain satisfied for longer due to the protein and the increased digestion time of the complex carbs. It is also suggested that short bouts of exercise can help to decrease the cravings. A 10-minute walk outside is an easy and fast way to increase your energy without partaking in any extra calories. The last suggestion was to get the best sleep possible by sleeping in a very dark and quiet room that is a comfortable temperature. They also suggest limiting activities in your bedroom to 2 things: sleep and sex!

I also was reading another article that suggests using the scent of peppermint to help curb your appetite. The article didn't name the source that it was using so who know's if it's real but apparently there is something in in the scent of peppermint that triggers the release of an enzyme in your brain that allows you to feel satiated. So, if you're feeling more wholistic grab a reed diffuser and some pepperment essential oil and go to town!

Alright ladies, there are my words of wisdom for today. I hope that you have a great weekend and lots of success accomplishing any goals that you might have!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday already!?!?

WOW! This week has been flying. I can't believe that it's almost 11 on Wed. I don't know where the days go anymore. I have had a pretty good week so far. I was up way too late on Sunday night because I was nearing the end of an amazing book and I could hardly put it down. The silly thing is, is that it was a book that I had read before and I knew how it ended. Anyway, it lead to a very sleepy Monday. By the time I left work on Monday I was SOOO tired, all I wanted to do was a grab Subway, go home, eat and go to bed. However, I am proud to report that I did none of those things. Instead of being lazy I decided to go home, work out, make dinner, load my dishwasher and finish my book. I have to tell you, I know it's not like I cured cancer or anything but I felt really great about myself when I finally got to bed (at a decent hour no less) on Monday night. The only thing that I didn't do that I should have done was journal. At least there is still room for improvement! I didn't work out last night but I will tonight before I have dinner again. Right now I am on the every other day during the week and then each day of the weekend for my workouts. I really feel very motivated in this area of my life right now so I figure why not roll with it!

I have been cooking at home and the one thing that makes me sad about cooking at home is the increase in dishes. I don't mind doing dishes, usually, but lately I haven't had the desire. Part of my problem is that I need to find a drop-off for my recycling as the plastics that I cleaned are living in my sink right now. I have decided that I want to do more for the environment and I figured that recycling was a pretty easy start. As an Iowa girl, I've always recycled pop cans but in Michigan it's even more enticing as the bottle tax is 10 cents! However, that's all I've really ever done on my own. After cleaning out my fridge the other day (and getting a TON of plastic bottles out of there) I decided that instead of throwing out an entire sink full of bottles, I should find a local drop off. I think that would be an excellent project for me this weekend.

While I'm on the subject of eating in, I am going to be trying some new recipes this coming week and I hope that they turn out. If any of them are as good as they sound I will make sure to post them seems how we all appreciate new recipes! There is a pineapple pork recipe that I am looking forward to trying in my slow-cooker over the weekend that I think has huge potential. I just can't decided if I want to go the teriyaki, bbq or sweet and sour route with it...I guess I'll have to decide before I go to the store.

OK, seems how you ladies have been so kind as to share your recent literary gems, I thought I should share some of the books that I am reading or hoping to read. This weekend I reread the 7th Harry Potter book. I don't know if either of you have read/plan to read the HP books but they are some of my favorites. It is a series that I can just read and read and read. I just finished the 7th book and was sorely tempted to start reading the first and work my way back it. I tend to read the books once a year and I always forget how amazing the world the J.K. Rowling created is. I suppose when you know how the books are going to end before you write the first book it makes it easier but when you sit down and read through them in a row it's amazing how many small details she has in each book that are brought up in the subsequent novels. I don't know how you ladies feel about fantasy or fiction for youth (because the first novels are definitely for youth) but if you've ever thought about reading them I would go for it. I like all kinds of books but I tend to read a lot of fantasy and mystery. I have 2 other series that I'm reading. If you're interested in murder mystery, Jan Burke has a series featuring Irene Kelly and her husband. Super good books. She has 3 others that aren't in the series and I've read 2 of the 3. Another author I really like is Kim Harrison. She writes fantasy and her series is an alternate reality where supernatural beings and humans live in co-existence. Her series features the witch Rachel Morgan who is a bounty-hunter for all intents and purposes and works with a vampire Ivy and pixy Jenx. Its a worthwhile series to read if you enjoy that genre. I've also read some Nick Hornby lately. I most recently read "About a Boy" and I've also read "A Long Way Down." His books are more dark satire but very enjoyable. "A Long Way Down" is actually about 5 (I think it's 5) people who meet on the roof of a building on New Year's eve because they intend to throw themselves off. So yeah, these are just a few of the books/authors I have been reading lately...I guess I've also read the Twilight books recently (not bad reads themselves). I could talk about books that I like for pages and pages so I guess I'll stop here.

Ok, so this novel length blog entry is done. Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your weeks!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Life is Better

Hey Ladies-

I had a decent day and caught up with a lot of work. I feel much more sane and much more healthy. The remainder of my week is very busy though so I'm hoping my momentum and stamina last until Friday afternoon.

Onto my discussion about the "21 Suggestions for Success" by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. As you remember, I'm going to try and relate each suggestion to our lifestyle changes. Here goes nothing...

1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.

Marry someone that loves you for who you are. Marry someone that doesn't try to change you. Many people believe they must look a certain way to attract the opposite sex. I admit I think about this belief a lot, especially now when I'm trying to date again. I associate my need to lose weight with my desire to find a wonderful man. Will I find a wonderful guy that accepts me at this size? We all know that a man truly loves you for your personality, intelligence, and parts of your appearance. It's foolish to say that attraction has nothing to do with it but it shouldn't encompass the entire relationship, marriage, etc.

Sadly I do hear that couples become unhappy with each other after years of marriage because appearances do tend to change. Both the husband and wife may gain weight, become a little droopy, etc. I think the focus on physical appearance can even plague people married for a long period of time unfortunately. It's sad that some people can truly become miserable because the forget about the friendship, personality quirks, humor, and other attributes found within their mate.

It drives me nuts that I think I have to be skinnier to find a great guy. I need to fix that line of thinking.

2. Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.

Yes it's important to have a career you enjoy and love. I'm not going down that tangent though. We've already established that losing weight and creating healthy habits takes a lot of time, therefore it takes a lot of WORK. I'm twisting this suggestion in order to create a reminder that we need to use methods of exercise that we enjoy in order to pursuit our goals. Yes, running 10 mile a day on a treadmill will certainly help us burn calories but I don't see any of us thoroughly enjoying that form of exercise. I personally wish I could find a tennis partner because I know I'd play regularly, enjoy the activity, and I'd really value the time devoted to exercise.

That being said, I wish I enjoyed running more. I do like the feeling I get when I'm done running but I have to admit the feelings before and during aren't always pleasant. I also wish I enjoyed weight lifting more too because I know it's important to participate in that regularly. My diet isn't helping my bone density so I need some weight lifting to help out in that area.

3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

Hmm...this one is tricky. But after pondering, I realized this can relate to the support we need to give one another as we continue to strive towards weight loss and healthy changes. We obviously need help along the way in various ways. Exercise partners, verbal encouragement through a blog, rewards, etc are very important. But basically we really need to encourage and cheer each other on because we all know that the right words at the right time can really perk us up and improve our motivation.

I finished two books by Jodi Picoult recently. "My Sister's Keeper" is very good. I had a hard time putting it down. I also read "Keeping Faith". It is also good but it didn't hold my attention as well as "My Sister's Keeper". "My Sister's Keeper" is about a child that is sick of being "harvested" whenever her sister sister needs bone marrow or other necessary tissues. It really makes you think...especially me since I'm parent.

"Keeping Faith" is about a family torn apart due to divorce. The child starts to act funny and develops an imaginary friend. She starts addressing this friend as God which confuses people because the family is Jewish but not very religious at all. The girl has never seen a bible or gone to church/temple yet she can recite Bible verses. She develops a stigmata and things get pretty crazy. The father decides to fight for custody because he believes the mother is hurting the daughter or causing the daughter to hurt herself. I guess I was naive because I wasn't expecting something that religious despite the title.

I will be starting another book of Jodi's called "Harvesting the Heart". Apparently a woman deals with her mother's abandonment as she starts her family. I plan on reading the seventh book in the "Left Behind" series first though. Who knew I could enjoy a religious series so much!

This blog is long enough....over and out.

The real world is kicking my ass...

Hey ladies-

I haven't been very diligent about blogging the past several days. It's usually the highlight of my day to sit and read or actually blog. I've been under the weather...not sure if I had a flu bug or not. I wasn't very functional all weekend due to lethargy and being so achy. Due to the lack of functionality, I fell WAY behind with my work. I have a serious stack of things that need to be read (student journals for two classes) and grading for other classes. Most of my free time is non-existent this week due to scheduled meetings, Swim & Gym starting, and Gavin's starting flag football. I'm hoping to be back on schedule by Wednesday so hopefully I can continue with my blog theme (those tips to success) because I have all kinds of information on my brain that I want to put into writing.

Just wanted to let you know why I'm not very active lately on here....I'll be back in action very soon!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back to the real world...

I know that it's been a while since I've blogged and I'm pretty sure that you've been sitting on the edge of your seats anxiously waiting for my to write something...right, I'm right aren't I?!?! Well, waiting for it or it goes!

My trip home was fabulous! I got to see everybody that I wanted to, maybe not for as long as I would have liked but a girl can't have everything in life. The drives there and back were stress and incident free (wa-hoo)! I got to spend a fabulous day with my sister, my nephew's birthday party was a success, the wedding was gorgeous and so much fun, we had a blast at the quarry (who couldn't have fun in water that was 12 foot deep, 3 feet from shore), and then I spent Tuesday alone with my mamma (well, if you don't count the 2 gentlemen who were making repairs to their house)! The worst part of the entire trip was leaving. I didn't realize how much I missed everybody until I was there spending time with them (which is saying a lot because I missed them terribly). I cannot wait until I come back again, I am even more ready for the day to come when I can move back permanently! Anyway, it was amazing and I am so thankful I made it there and back in one piece!

Before I left I told myself that I would not stress about anything on my trip including my diet and exercise. I knew that there would be some extra eating out and I knew that while I wouldn't be exercising per se , I would have opportunities to burn off the excess calories (chasing kids, swimming, dancing, swimming, manual labor...thanks mom)! I also told myself that if I had free reign to do whatever on my trip that when I got back I must get back on track with my diet and exercise. So, here I go...I believe that it was this time last year that we really got to our start!

First, I have been inspired and motivated by Jenny's crock-pot success! So, one of my goals is to start using my crock-pot more frequently. I would like to try at least 1 crock pot recipe per week. The nice thing about the crock-pot/slow-cooker technique is that you can often times get more than 1 meal out of a single recipe. My recipe this week isn't such a good example (I'm making strogenoff) but next week I intend to do pork in the slow-cooker. Not only will I be able to get the pineapple pork made that I want to try but I can also make other pork dishes from my slow-cooked pork. If I already have the meat prepared, I am more likely to cook at home because that's usually what takes the longest to do at night when I get home from work and am tired. I know that Jenny doesn't do strogenoff, however, if you'd like the recipe LeAnn let me know. It's super easy and so tasty!

I also want to get back into a more regular exercise routine. I never stop exercising completely but I just don't do as much as I should as often as I should. Today, I pulled out my dance workout DVD (which, in all honesty, I haven't used for a while) and did one of the routines. I felt great doing it and I feel great now that it's done! I love the way I feel when I'm being good and productive so I don't understand why it's so hard to stay committed. Anyway, I'm going to make a schedule for myself and hopefully that will keep me on track with my exercise. The menu works to help with the eating right so I can't see how a workout schedule could hurt at all.

Finally, I want to get back into journaling. I did the best and had the most success last spring when I was journaling. I wrote about my day, how I felt and how I did and I made goals for the next day. I need to take the time to do this again because it allows me, more than anything else, to be completely honest with myself; and let's face it, we could all use some bold faced honesty once in a while.

Alright ladies, I need to be off. Have a great weekend and enjoy the glorious weather! Stay strong and committed to the cause!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another Crock Pot Creation

I made another masterpiece in my Crock Pot today. Here is the recipe.

Broccoli Cheese Casserole

10 ounce package of frozen, chopped broccoli that is thawed
(I purchased the kind that only has florets...I don't enjoy stems)
1 cup cooked rice (I used brown rice)
1/4 cup chopped celery (I omitted this because I wasn't in the mood for crunchiness)
10 3/4 ounce can cream of chicken soup
4 ounces of jar cheese sauce (that horrid Cheese Whiz stuff)
4 ounces of can mushrooms(optional)
1/8 tsp of garlic powder
1/8 tsp pepper
1/4-1/2 tsp salt (I didn't add much since the cheese sauce is salty to me)

Mix all the ingredients together in the slow cooker. Cook on low for 1.5 hours or until heated through.

I actually found a Cream of Chicken that included mushrooms so I used that...what can I say? I love mushrooms!

Monday, September 7, 2009

While I was in a truck stop bathroom today.....

I saw a really cool inspirational poster. Sorry, no scary horrible story to share with you. I'll share the messages now and hopefully enthrall you with some more comments afterward.

21 Suggestions for Success
By H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.

2. Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.

3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

6. Be generous.

7. Have a grateful heart.

8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.

10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.

12. Commit yourself to quality.

13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.

14. Be loyal.

15. Be honest.

16. Be a self-starter.

17. Be decisive even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.

18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.

20. Take good care of those you love.

21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.

I'm usually not someone that will read a poster and be amazed or impressed but this one really caught my attention because all of the 21 points are very valid and important to me. I've decided that my upcoming blog entries will focus on 1-3 of these suggestions for success each time I write. I'm going to relate them to weight loss and lifestyle changes in the hopes we are motivated as we progress into fall. Of course I want you to provide your input, comments, and/or life stories so we can make each of these points meaningful. Hee hee, who knew that something good could come from the wall in a truck stop bathroom?

Friday, September 4, 2009


The nature of this entry is negative because I need to vent. Fortunately I've had time to calm down and relax so hopefully this doesn't sound like a rant.

First of all, I was very organized today and ready by 3pm to leave for Waukon. Just needed Gavin to arrive around 3:45pm when the bus dropped him off. Everything was loaded in the car. And yea....the car wouldn't start. I think I just need a new battery and hopefully my uncle can help me get a new one in the morning. It pays to have family here that know a lot about automotives.

Secondly, I'm too lazy. I have not resumed my treadmill program. I shouldn't even say resumed.....I need to restart it completely to build my endurance! Grrr....I know better! I could even be biking to work too!

Thirdly, I've totally been eating to curb my emotions this week. I've been eating to feel better whether it's for stress, frustration, etc. I overate tonight too since I was pissed off about my car. I do great during the day....I watch my portions and I don't snack. But when I get home at turns into a buffet experience. I eat what I want and as much as I want. I usually end up feeling miserable because I eat too much crap. I feel out of control sometimes and it's ridiculous. I really need to start using some strategies so I stop and think before anything goes in my mouth. I may start journaling or making some sort of checklist so I can identify why I'm eating.

Needless to say, I hope the rest of my weekend goes better. I get paranoid when stuff like this happens because I expect a trend to occur. I don't want the weekend to go more downhill. Especially with the things I have planned. I get to see family, my friend Marie, and Nicole!! We had planned on attending the Waukon Vs Maquokota football game tonight. My car made me miss football :(

Hopefully this will be my last entry until next week because my butt better be in Waukon tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quick update...

Just a quick note about the meeting I had with my boss yesterday. I met with him for about 40 minutes. We discussed everything that I had written down on my notes and then some. I told him about the laziness, rudeness, lack of following protocol, etc. He seemed really quite receptive to the whole situation. He also seemed very surprised, he truly had no clue how bad things were down in the lab. It's all in his hands now so we'll see what comes of. However, the main point is that I got the tension off my chest and can now focus on my upcoming trip!