Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Ankeny had it's Trick-or-Treating event last night.   Fortunately the forecast wasn't spot on so we did have kids come visit the house.    It was supposed to storm but everything stayed south of us.   I think we had about 50 kids.   Our part of the street usually gets ignored since the park is across the street and some of our neighbors don't participate.   I still have high hopes for creating a scary experience in the front yard for kids to walk through.   Just need to find the time and money to organize that.   I'll lure the children in with decorations and fog and such. 

We ran to Weight Watchers real quick last night and I'm pleased that I only gained 1.4 lbs.   Yes I'm happy about a weight gain.   I ate poorly last week and my weight should show the results.   I expected more of a gain though.    Anywho, it's a new week.   I really want to cook at home more in the next seven days.  Actually I should be cooking more at home in general for the next months.   I think a batch of chili is in the cards soon.

I recognized that Halloween bums me out now too.   I sincerely miss taking Gavin out trick-or-treating.   I think the holiday holds most of my fondest memories.   (yes it beats out Christmas)   It was so fun to go to West Ames and take him around Shirley or Mary's neighborhoods.   Makes me want to borrow a young child and take them out next year.

And for a laugh.   I went to the Post Office today to buy stamps.    After leaving and approaching my car, I notice that the bottom of my shoe is really slippery and that I've brought some sort of substance into my car on the floor mat.   My first thought was "oh crap I stepped in dog crap".    I checked outside the door and nope!   A piece of carrot cake was sitting in the parking lot.   Yes, carrot cake.  I stepped in the cake and tracked into my car.   Thanks to the person that decided to ditch their dessert in a weird spot. 

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Meant to respond earlier, but I've been busy.

How's WW going lately?

I've never been a big fan of Halloween unfortunately. The candy was my highlight of the holiday. I'm not sure what I will think/feel if and when I have kids.

Well, as I dislike carrot cake, it doesn't bother me that you found it on the ground. Lol.