Friday, September 20, 2013

Grateful for the Weekend


Work is somewhat settled so I decided to take some time for myself.   I'm sure I'm forgetting to do something major though....that's the fun part.   I'm leaving early today too as I've worked over 50 hours already.   I'm excited to do things around the house and clean a bit since that is mindless work.   We have huge tree limbs and stuff down too...the neighbor is arranging the clean up but I will probably still need to do something for our property.   I am attempting to send myself pictures from my phone but the process isn't working.    I'm sure you can envision large tree limbs laying in our driveway.

Woohoo!!  Quick edit:  


We were supposed to go to Illinois this weekend but that's canceled with Jon still being in Colorado.   We were going to a basset hound rescue fundraiser.   Maybe next year!   It's actually really fun because tons of basset hounds run a muck and participate in a parade.   Jon is supposed to be back on Monday or Tuesday next week if the work progresses in Colorado with locating people and pulling out search teams.

Eating well and exercising have been thrown out the window from a high rise building.    I've been super stressed lately and it's causing me to be impulsive with food choices and overeat.   Sigh.   I'm also constantly busy and cannot figure out how to get to the gym.   I'm going to have to exercise in the morning or something.    I'd like to exercise with Jon but there is no way to do it.    I work late Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.   Wednesday and Fridays work but we try to do Weight Watcher's on Wednesday too.

My DMACC job is going fine...I am able to work ahead and keep up with my tasks.    ISU is another story.  My class for PE majors is taking so much time.   I was told I could easily use materials from the professor that typically teaches it but I wasn't happy with the materials.   I'm taking a lot of time to fine tune presentations, homework expectations, etc.   The students start teaching our lab kids next week and I want them to do well.    My health classes are going OK...I'll have a lot of grading pile up soon.   My position for coordinating the grad students is kicking my butt.   A lot of little situations keep occurring and the collection of them all takes so much of my day.    I'm going to send the students an email outlining my expectations for professionalism as some assume I just handle their issues for them.   We had major chaos this week due to a TA needing a substitute.   He was told to find some options (which he did) but he never got their phone numbers!   When a sub was actually needed for a certain, acute event he couldn't get ahold of the people to teach his 8am class.   Who does he call?   Jenny.   At the buttcrack of dawn when she's still at home and unable to do much to help the situation.

The after school program has also been less than enjoyable.    The risk management requirements are such a pain.   Any time I submit paperwork or information to them, I feel like I am getting scolded even though I'm doing what I should be.    They seem inconvenienced that I'm asking for background checks.    I have a couple great employees but a lot of the volunteers and helpers aren't showing great work ethic.   I ask for ideas for games and activities and they act like I'm asking for the calculation related to nuclear fission.    Back when I started with Swim & Gym in 2004, everyone was anxious to suggest activities and be part of the program.   I cannot figure out what I can do to make people more excited and helpful.   I feel like a mom during the program that has to boss people around to get the work I want. 

On a bright note, I'm liking the bible study program on Sunday nights.   It's for couples but I'm obviously going solo with Jon gone.   We have a free will donation meal at 5:30.   We watch a video in the series after that.    Then we go to small group discussions that are purposely organized so your significant other is not with you in the group.   I think Jon and I are the only unmarried couple.   For some reason it throws people off when I correct them.   They'll ask where my husband is and I'll try to humorously state that I haven't found him yet but Jon is in contention for the job.

Alrighty, that's enough for now.   I've looked busy for awhile in my office and I'm going to sneak home.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Time for an Update


It's a new semester, stress levels are elevated again, and like clockwork my blog was put on the back burner.    I'm on my lunch break and decided that I'll use the computer for personal reasons for the next hour and take a break from several tasks.

I guess I'll tattle on myself to start with....the weight loss and exercise are not going well.   I can tell I've gained weight back due to how some clothing is fitting.   I should be more upset but I'm still in "excuse mode" due our busy schedules, exhaustion levels, etc.  I've been so impulsive lately with food choices.   If something starts to sound good when I'm at work or on my way home, that means we typically end up eating out at a restaurant.   I wanted to be working on my running program by now too.   My treadmill still looks rather lonely and unused.   I keep telling myself that we'll get our schedules set and a routine will develop but things are still hectic and our weeks vary.   I keep thinking about the fact that I'm working too much.   I've cut out a lot of Red Cross hours but I also need to work less for DMACC.   It's impossible for me to say no to the money though.   DMACC pays remarkably well and it's helping us live more comfortably and my debt is being whittled down more quickly.  I keep thinking about this phrase...

"Do I live to work or do I work to live?"

On a positive note, Gavin is playing football this fall and he's doing very well.   I was impressed that he was eager to be on B team as he realized that he'd have more playing time if he wasn't on A team.   I like it too because he plays after A team and it will be easier for me to leave work and arrive at his games on time.   I'll have pictures in the future.  

The semester has started off decently.    I'm teaching a new class that helps introduce our PE teachers to the methods of teaching elementary PE.    We worked with kids for the first time yesterday.   Some were very enthusiastic and willing to help.   Some looked like they were in the seventh level of hell and wanted nothing to do with it.   I can tell it's not my favorite class to teach already.    The set-up for the class is screwy and it's hard to present information, do activities in the gym to help the students practice teaching, and have time to work with our lab students.   The other two health classes are usual courses and my DMACC classes are the same too.

Jon and I have decided to take a bible study class on Sunday nights at a different church.   It's a program called ALPHA.   We did an intro to the class on this past Sunday.   It does look interesting and we plan to continue.   The only turn off was the enthusiasm of some of the hosts and they were WAY too excited.   You could tell they were worried about people not returning the following week.   It kind of reminded me of the personalities at Weight Watchers.   I'm often tempted to tell people to back the hell off and give me space.  

I'll live some more life this week and try to have an update again in a more timely manner.    I'm not proud of taking a month off but what can I say?   At least I'm back on the horse again.