Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hello Again....Weight Watchers

Greetings!   After a reminder about blogging, I figured I'd write this and do some work afterwards.   I should probably switch that order but nah.   I decided to be more visual and proclaim my love for salmon.    It's amazing I was so afraid to try that wonderful fish for years.   I've been eating it a lot lately and I really enjoy it.    Even took the plunge and bought some from Schwan's this week.   Here's hoping I can successfully bake it and enjoy it at home as it's not always the cheapest meals at local restaurants. 
Jon and I jumped back on that horse called "Weight Watchers" this past week.   I've gained weight since the winter due to my apathy towards weight loss.   I'm pleased that I haven't gained an immense amount and it will be somewhat easy to drop what I've gained and keep working toward my major goals.   The start of the ISU summer camp has really boosted my activity levels.   I'm on my feet a lot and it's allowing me to reach my activity goals most days.   I set foot in the gym again this past week too.    Using the elliptical wasn't as pleasant as I remembered but I completed a 45 minute workout.  
My evening DMACC class started at the end of May.   It's primarily online (which is what I need to work on after this blog).   We meet only once a week on Thursdays.   It's been interesting as the students aren't very peppy and excited about the content.   Most sit there like they are attending a funeral.   It doesn't help my motivation for class prep but luckily the class will be done at the end of July.
The ISU summer camp started off very well this week.   The week prior to the start of the week sucked.  S-U-C-K-E-D.   The Office of Risk Management really, REALLY needs to get their act together.  I can sympathize they are short staffed but the hell they put me through before June 3 was ridiculous.   Essentially the were very much behind with running the background checks for those employed by the program.   I was told I couldn't start the program on June 3.   They didn't realize the kids were to start attending on June 3.   (Which is confusing as I have to fill out paperwork through their office to get permission to even offer the program...they initially gave me permission to start on June 3.) boss stepped up and ripped them a new one and things were worked out.   It was an awkward situation as I don't want to burn bridges with the folks at Risk Management but what they did was soooo unprofessional.   Grr.   I honestly would love running the youth programs if I didn't have to deal with the politics and the ever-changing rules.   I can appreciate there needs to be rules and regulations but the fact they are constantly changing or updating is frustrating.   The patterns of communication need much improvement.
I was happy to spend today at home for the most part.   We've decided to abandon Wal-Mart and try to use other stores more often for our needs.   The ability to get the food/items we need at Wal-Mart has sucked lately, not to mention the courtesy of the employees.   Gavin and I hit up Target today and it was a much better experience.   I was able to transplant some of my indoor plants.    I should have transplanted them years ago.   Both are in the original pots/dirt I received them in years ago.   I also bought a couple more tomato plants as several perished in my garden.   I put them in pots though and plan to grow them on the deck.    I added another cucumber plant too as my seeds didn't germinate.   I also replanted some onions as I wasn't impressed by how many were appearing.  
The other interesting event today was the consumption of duck eggs.   My program assistant raises ducks and has been selling the eggs to some of the faculty.   She asked if I wanted to try them so I got a complementary dozen.  I made omelettes this morning.   The egg whites are very clear and the yokes are much bigger.   In general the eggs are bigger in size.  They taste like chicken eggs.    I don't think I'll go out of my way to buy them regularly but they weren't as scary as I anticipated. 
Hopefully I can blog next week and report a weight loss after I weigh-in at Weight Watchers.   Need to get back on track!!   A couple of women that started at the same time as Jon and I were awarded recently.   One of them has lost 75 lbs already!    She lost more than 1 lb a week obviously and it does make me kick myself for not staying on track.  

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I haven't tried salmon out of fear. I know I should eat more fish, but the only fish I trust is tuna and cod. I occasionally miss Schwans. I know I could request them to come to my place, but I don't. I always feel guilty when they come repeatedly and I don't want to order or I'm not home.

I'm glad to hear your back on the WW train. I think it'll be a good summer for you, especially as you have your summer program keeping you busy. I'm sure it helps to have Jon on your side, especially to help the eating. 75 lbs? I would be pleased as hell if I lost that much weight.

Sucks about your Risk Management people. Sounds like they need to get their act together, get some organization. At least your boss got their attention. I can't imagine the mess there would have been if they postponed the start of your program.

Yikes, I didn't even think about duck eggs. Something just doesn't sound right. Good luck with the gardening. It'd be nice if the sun and temps cooperated.

Yay for blogging.