Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It's almost midnight and I should be in a deep slumber.   I had a half day with ISU today and took a nap earlier today so it's thrown off my fatigue-level.   My health ed prep class provided a Health Fair for a local elementary school.   It went fairly well and I was impressed with the majority of my students.   Some of the groups could have put a little more effort and enthusiasm into their displays but the school was pleased with our performance.  

My grading duties will greatly increase soon due to the amount of teaching taking place in my classes and the fact that all of my ISU students will turn in a unit plan soon.   I'm treasuring my down time while I have it. 

My Wednesday DMACC class is going ok...many students are behind on a class project but that always happens.   I can remind them until I'm blue in the face but it doesn't help much.   The project is an easy 50 points so it's frustrating when some choose to do 1/2 of it or barely any of it.   My online DMACC class is even more depressing and so many of my students are missing due dates and appear to have mentally "checked out".   I'm not sure if some have simply accepted the fact they have an F or if they are going to plead and beg toward the end of the month.  

I have to say that I'm pleased with my activity levels.   I've been on my feet a lot and my actvity tracker is reflecting the fact that I'm burning extra calories most days.   My food choices are below par though.    I need to cook more at home!   I plan to try some new recipes this weekend and try to plan for meals for next week.   I haven't been to Weight Watchers in quite awhile.  I'm avoiding it because I know I've gained and I just don't want to hear it.   Sad.  I have to say the spring weather is making outside activities more appealing.  I'm going to clean up the yard later this week.   Gavin has actually requested that we go somewhere and play tennis.  Heck yes!

I'm very excited about my Michigan venture in May.  It will be nice to wrap up my ISU/DMACC duties and take a quick jaunt to see Nicole.   I'm sure the weekend will seem short and go by quickly but it's well worth it.  

My organization for my summer program started and I'll be hiring my staff soon.  I did already hire my program assistant and my swimming director.   The motivation for PE majors to work sucks though.  I'm curious to see how many even apply to work for the program.   I may need to hire elementary ed majors to help fill voids.   Considering Gavin's usual camp is closed, I'm curious to see if I see more families show interest in my program.   I don't really have much room for expansion but we may be able to increase from 120 to 140 children....maybe.

Time to fold one more batch of laundry and hit the hay.   Get to attend an early morning meeting right off the bat in the morning which means I have to be on my way to Ames by 7:15pm.  

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Sometimes I forget that you are done almost a month before me. April is going to drag for me, but I'm sure May will fly by.

Students are just plain old frustrating. It's not surprising that other countries are kicking our butts. I had some ridiculous arguments with students today - why they can't drink coffee at school or bring food into the classroom, and why answering phone calls in class is wrong. I feel like it's such common sense that I shouldn't have to explain it. Their sense of entitlement is off the charts. Anyway, I'm surprised how many of them settle for grades when they could get a better grade if they put forth more effort.

Tennis sounds like fun. Golf too. I'm getting a little spring/summer fever, but it's not bad yet, because the weather and temps aren't quite high enough.

I'm sure your Michigan trip will be fun. Just a weekend? It's too bad you can't extend it some. Alissa and I will have to figure out something too. Maybe Apr 20th will work.

Kudos on blogging.

P.S. My eating is horrible lately. Don't feel bad, but we both need to kick our arses in gear to have a happy and healthy summer!