Friday, January 4, 2013

Car Maintenance Galore

Just hanging out at a car dealership waiting for The Fusion.   Decided to be a responsible car owner and get some of the recommended maintenance as I'm close to 90,000 miles.   Plan was for an oil change, tire rotation, and transmission flush.   They actually took me back a bit ago and showed me my front brakes.   Not good.   My back brakes aren't great either but luckily they can wait until next month when I have another paycheck to draw from.   I need a power steering flush too but hopefully that can wait too. 

I was in quite a sour, pissy mood yesterday after attempting to have my first productive workday of the new year.   I was quickly reminded about my workload when I got to the office and didn't accomplish a sliver of what I needed to yesterday.   My main goal was to clean my office.   I didn't even get started due to my email, distractions, etc.   My teaching evaluations were released yesterday and I wasn't pleased with the remarks from my HS 275 class.   What really pisses me off is the whining about my notes policy.   I spend HOURS and DAYS working on my PowerPoint presentations.   I refuse to just post those to Blackboard and give them to students.   I refuse to alter my PowerPoint presentations so students can fill in the blank or complete them.   It takes a lot of time to alter them and I don't have that extra time.   Most of my classes in college required ME to buy a notepad, invest in a pen, and jot down my own notes.   They were rarely given to me electronically.   Furthermore, a lot of the content I review and teach isn't difficult.   If they'd read the book ahead of time, they'd realize what they truly need to take notes over rather than trying to shorthand everything I say during the 50 minutes.   *end of rant*

I also review all of the graduate teaching assistant evaluations as it's my job to ensure they are doing a good job.   I also got a little fired up about some of the remarks from students as it's evident that some of our TAs are lazy and don't seem to undrerstand that students are customers.   They paid to take a volleyball class, weight lifting class, etc.   When the teachers don't have energy, initiative, or proper communication skills it really shows the department doesn't care about the educational experience.   I bust my butt to help improve the quality of the classes and teaching but I have a few TAs that don't give a crap.   (Kudos on the resolution Nicole but it's been almost impossible to not curse in the last 24 hours.)

On the positive side of things, I had a great day of healthy choices yesterday.  Despite my stress level being through the roof, I didn't eat to feel better.   I thought out my food choices and played some Wii to attempt to be more active in the evening.   I really want to be at a 20-25 lb weight loss by the end of January.  

I almost need to set a resolution or major goal about procrastinating.   My tendency procrastinate affects all parts of my life.   If I procrastinate with grading, I end up working at home, going to bed late, ignoring Jon and/or Gavin, etc.   If I procrastinate with other work tasks, I throws off my preparation for teaching and I feel mentally disorganized all day.   I often just get distracted at home and our plans change easily.   Many trips to the gym were canceled due to that problem.   We'd even eat better if I better used my evenings or early mornings to prep food or the crockpot.   Sigh.  The amount of structure needed in my life is scary.  

Anyway, I should end this on a positive note.   Here are some perks in life right now:
  • Still taking a daily multi-vitamin on a regular basis.   Taking one about 6 days a week.  
  • Still flossing regularly and my mouth is truly healthier.   I hope the dentist concurs.
  • Still eating breakfast better than I had for years.   It doesn't happen every day but most work days.
  • I visited my counselor yesterday and we had a good chitchat.   It's amazing how I'll go with a topic in mind but she'll help me realize something else that's more important to focus on.   The stress that Jon has been experiencing with his job has been affecting me a lot and she's trying to help me alter that.  
Hopefully I'm out of this place in the next 30 or so minutes so I can hit the office in Ames.   Fingers crossed.  


LeAnn said...

Wow, 90,000? How many were on there when you bought it? I need new windshield wipers and possible two new tires. We'll see. We didn't get car detailing gift certificates this year. Wonder why.

Sometimes I want to give out evaluations at the end of the school year for reasons of curiosity, but I'm 98% sure most students wouldn't take it seriously. It's frustrating that they don't take evaluations like that seriously or they are self-centered with the answers. They don't consider the teacher, their professional role, and the purpose of the class. Its purpose it not to be super easy.

As I expected, I need to figure out my eating and get back into a routine - break screwed it up. Congrats on the discipline with the eating as well as finding/trying healthier recipes.

Procrastination is probably a country-wide disability. My students do it, I do it. However, it usually only pertains to certain tasks. I didn't realize you were still seeing a counselor. I think it's good you included how Jon's work stress is affecting things. Congrats on the vitamins and breakfast successes. I need to get some gummy vitamins. I just finished that big container that I got at Sam's Club awhile back.

Ta for now.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I'm a procrastinator as well. It's a bad habit and a hard one to break. Good luck getting it under control this year! I know you can do it.

Boo to car maintenance! Although ignoring generally leads to more expensive issues down the road so it's a necessary evil.

I never posted on blackboard. Pay attention in class, take your own notes and do you're reading. You'll pass your class.

Good job on the healthy decisions even when stressed. That's one of the hardest things to do. Many props dear friend!