Thursday, January 17, 2013

Killing Time

I have about 20 minutes before I need to start teaching a CPR class so I thought I'd try to crack out a blog entry.   In theory nothing should distract me or interrupt me as it's after hours and practically no one is still at work.   In theory...not holding my breath on that.

I had an entry started last week but couldn't devote solid time on it so I scraped it and started over with today's entry.   Last week I was pleased as I dropped 5 lbs and got back on track with Weight Watchers.   I really want to be down an official 20 lbs at the end of the month.   Eating went well this week and we went to the gym so I was hoping for another 1-2 lb loss but alas not this week.   I actually gained 0.2 according to their scales.   I wasn't a happy camper but I'm anticipating to see a decent loss next week.   I've been doing really well with my ActiveLink contraption.   I'm usually earning 3-4 activity points a day due to all the walking around at work.   My workout at the gym on Monday actually gave me a total of 4 points in less than an hour.   A lot of people use those activity points to be able to eat more food but I'm really trying to just bank them and have them result in more weight loss.   I'm sure I'll have a week that I need some extra points but I don't foresee that soon.   (I'm making sure to buy Gavin a mini cake at Hy-Vee so baked goods aren't a problem this weekend.)

Regardless of the gym visit, I need to continue to boost my activity further.   I really wish I was more perky and useful in the mornings.   I know I could get a nice running workout done if I'd get up around 6am.   Sigh.

I need to upload some photos of our living room for the next entry.   We now have an accent wall in the living room.   It's cardinal red and matches our front door.   It looks freaking sweet.   Still need to work on some trim work before it's officially complete.   We are going to put a large picture of Chicago on the wall (black and white) to somewhat tone down the color.   Pictures soon!

The last piece of news is the fact that I'll have a full-fledged teenager in my home this weekend.   I'm very blessed and lucky to have such a good kid.    I see and hear "wonderful" parental stories of kids doing poorly in school, getting into trouble outside of school, etc.   Knock on wood but that really hasn't been a problem.   He's still extremely helpful at home (a little more grumbling on some days though).   It's also a relief to know he's responsible and get let himself in after school and stay at home alone for extended periods.  

Ok...time to teach!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Ah, I was wondering why you weren't online much tonight. Exercising is good for you and you feel pretty good afterward, but I am hitting that point where I'm almost bored. I miss summer weather - I want to play golf or tennis. I'd rather go hiking too. I know though that I could never be a morning exerciser unless my job started at 10 am.

I'm anxious for your pictures, but I guess I got a sneak preview already. It'd be cool if you guys did a black and white family picture to put on that wall, eventually.

Yay for Gavin being good, but he had/has a good family and good support. However, you never know what the teenage years will bring. You are just at the beginning. We weren't angels as teenagers, but Alissa did ok.