Wednesday, January 2, 2013



I'm hoping the completion of this blog entry will tucker me out so I can hit the hay before 2am.   I slept earlier today due to not feeling well and I'm way too perky but I've been productive at least.   I paid some more bills, watched reruns of "Sex in the City", prepared some January birthdy cards, worked on some laundry, and organized Gavin's thank-yous that he'll hopefully work on tomorrow.   I'm hoping I can wake up at a decent time in the morning so the day is productive.    We have to run up to Ames as I need to make an appearance at work, visit Sam's Club, and take Gavin to an orthodontist appointment.   We have an ISU basketball game to attend too. 

New Year's Eve was lowkey which is preferable.   We went to our favorite chinese/thai place in Des Moines for a calorie-filled supper.   We could have just gotten one entree and split it as it was too much food.   We got home soon after that as people were driving poorly and apparently drunk driving is popular on December 31 and January 1.  We watched a marathon of Roseanne way past midnight.    

I had a good time putting the Christmas decorations away.   Left out some snowman decorations though as it's going to be winter awhile longer.   Sounds like our tree is going outside tomorrow to wait for its pick-up on January 14.   I'm impressed so far, it was easy to keep alive.   And hardly any needles have fallen off...I'm sure that will change when we haul it out of here.   I also redid my address book which was oddly enjoyable too.   It's amazing how many addresses I had in my original book and I've not communicated with some people for 9-10 years.   I had more than 5 different addresses for some people too so it was nice to organize that part of my life.   Nerdy yes. 

I'm not sure how I feel about the health changes I need to continue to strive for in the new year.   The dietary always seem a little easier than the physical activity side of things.   In theory I still have a membership to a gym here in Ankeny and I need to start using that with Jon.   (However, they've never deducted money from my bank account so I'm not sure if my "key" will work for entry)   I'm going to spend some time and research more recipes as I'd like to freeze more meals and use the crock pot more often.  It would be nice if I started these healthier habits now while life is a little slower because I'll let work become an excuse come January 14.   I would really like 2013 to be filled with a lot of sustainable weight loss.   Not even sure what I weigh right now but I'm sure I've gained some back over the last weeks.   I'm not too thrilled about Weight Watchers in the next months as people's resoultions will involve membership which results in very full meetings and long lines.   The crowds die down toward the end of Feburary though. 

Guess that's it for now.   Happy 2013!!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I noticed your blog and Facebook status are near the 2 am mark - geez! However, I slept a good chunk of yesterday, so I went to bed around midnight, but it wasn't easy to fall asleep.

It would be helpful if I didn't have work today, but I suppose you have to start sometime. Enjoy your dwindling break.

I feel the same about the wellness center and New Years' resolutions. It's going to be busy for a couple of months, which is annoying for those devoted. Oh well. What's with the new WW 360? It's kinda funny how you have more success with the eating portion of weight-loss, and I have more success with the exercising part. I just wish I could see my results.

I would share more about NYE, but I mid-as-well save that for my blog.

P.S. My horn is fixed.