Saturday, October 6, 2012

An October Update

Greetings on this fine Saturday:

I'm hanging out, spending too much time on the Internet (so much for just quickly checking my email), and decided I should create a quick blog entry.   It was a typical week.   Busier than I'd like but I was very productive and tried my best to keep up with all my tasks.  This upcoming week is midterm.   I will have a lot of excess grading to completing as I need to send in any necessary midterm reports for my classes.   Luckily I have a gut feeling about those that need a report already.  I'm sure my math at the end of the week will support that. 

I had a successful weigh-in with Weight Watchers on Tuesday.  I lost another 2.6 lbs so I'm very close to being down 20 lbs.  I was surprised to have lost anything.   It was that "fun" week of the month so I was feeling all bloated but hey, I'll take the weight loss.  It's been easier making better choices.   I'm still not craving restaurant visits but we're also doing a good job of eating out once in awhile so we don't desperately miss a certain food or cuisine.  Hu Hot has been a favorite lately.   If I only get meat and veggies, I can pretty much eat all I want.   We've also visited the new frozen yogurt joint in town.  It's called Cherry Berry and it's just like Orange Leaf in Ames.  You grab your own bowl, fill it with self-serve yogurts, and choose your toppings.   Jon's a lot better about covering his yogurt with fruit.   I'm a sucker for Kit Kat and maraschino cherries. 

I'm trying in general to keep myself moving more at home and work to increase physical activity but structured workouts haven't been a constant in my life.  I'm in the large group of people currently that pay for a gym membership but barely use it.  Bleh.  I'm still lucky that my body is willingly letting me lose weight but I'm waiting for a plateau to hit. 

Gavin had a positive report at parent-teacher conferences.   The only class that was slightly disappointing was his French class.  He currently has a C and I'm hoping he gets up to a B.  He doesn't care for the class much and has felt behind for most of the last weeks as he didn't have the foreign language last year like others in his class.   If he's trying his best I'm happy.   And with the current situation, he probably is just average in the class so the C is a fitting grade.   Sadly I cannot help him much, I know squat about French.  I also learned that he's quite chatty in History class.  

I guess that's enough of a update for now.  

If you're someone that occassionally or regularly partakes in the Smart One meals, do consider the Breakfast Quesadilla.  Holy smokes they are wonderful.   They include egg whites, cheese, veggies, and turkey bacon.  I'm so thankful for those and the breakfast sandwiches.   It's been nice eating breakfast on a more regular basis again. 

Have a good weekend!


LeAnn said...

Wow, closing in on the 20 lb mark is quite exciting. I wish I were. Kudos on the eating out part too. I pride myself on having that under control too. I've kind've lost my liking of HuHot a bit. It's good, but I'd rather go somewhere else if I have a choice. I'm like you with the frozen yogurt. I'd put toffee, whip cream, or gummy bears on mine.

Ooo, parent-teacher conferences for Gavin. Did he come with you, or was it just you? Just curious as it's very common at CCHS that students come with their parents. Not always but often. I don't think that happened very much at Waukon.

I do buy Smart Ones for my lunch. I might get that quesadilla for my lunch sometime. Thanks for the idea.

Kudos for blogging again. I think your change in plans today was smart, but that's just me.

gavsmom said...

They didn't say if we were to bring the kiddo with or not so I asked him and he declined to accompany Jon and myself. It was different having Jon come with but I'm happy he did.

We actually could have was amazing how warm the fire made our area. Maybe next year.