Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Not a big fan of PAIN!

I'm having a hard time buckling down to do anything super productive at work thanks to my back.   I figured I'd whine about it in the blog.   I gave in and have involved the medical community.  I go back tomorrow and will visit with the neurosurgeon again.  Apparently if I have something major like this, neurology has to be involved since they were involved last year with all the back shenanigans. 

I spent a lot of time this morning being pissed at myself.   I bet I could be 30 lbs lighter right now if I had stayed on track with Weight Watchers and boosted my physical activity.   My back would probably be much happier.   I actually think I'm more upset about that than the constant pain.   I'm so grateful to be relatively tolerant when it comes to pain.   I'm able to stand and walk so that's fantastic.   I'd have to say my pain is around a 10 when I lie down, bend over, or sit.   When I stand up or walk, it's only a 2. 

I'm also worried because I'm depending on my body to cooperate so I'm useful and helpful for the rest of the move.  I need to be sorting, packing, and preparing and not being able to sit and bend over is very problematic.   Frustrating!!!

Anyway....just wanted to vent some disappointment and frustration before my work day gets underway.   I'm hoping it storms soon so the temps drop.   I've had enough 90 degree temperatures and heat index spikes.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm sure a bum back is a huge inconvenience, but that's Murphy's Law. We're always ailed when we least need it or expect it. I don't know what to tell you, because as we know, it's up to each of us to get motivated, stay dedicated, and so on. I've thought the same thing. I actually thought I could lose 10-20 pounds for Alissa's grad party, but it didn't happen. It's good to set goals, but I've failed quite a bit. Btw, I agree about the weather/temperatures. I'd like to stop running my AC. And, I'd like to jog outside for some extra vitamin D(?).

Good job blogging. It'll probably be awhile before you can again due to moving. Try to figure out the garage sale stuff.