Thursday, May 24, 2012

End of May Update

Greetings again:

I'm winding down for the night and actually feel pretty tired.  I'm hoping to be nestled in my bed quite soon.   It wasn't a full day of work for me but I did clean the hallways and complete my manager duties for the apartment building.  It's amazing how cleaning can be a workout and work up a sweat.  I'm just glad to have all that done before I leave for Waukon.

That being said...I'm very excited to go home for the extended weekend.  It's going to be busier than I like but it will be fun celebrating, seeing family, and having fun.   I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a trip to the boat for some blackjack.   Fingers crossed but not holding my breath.   It sounds like my Mom is fairly organized for my sister's graduation party so I'm hoping Friday night and Saturday are pretty straightfoward. 

I was given the opportunity to read the first too books in the "Fifty Shades" series.   I was skeptical at first since the book was getting so much press and attention.   I had heard the book was sexual and somewhat graphic but still figured it was like those romance novels that you seen with the Fabio and some tormented woman on the cover.  Holy cow was I wrong.   The author of the book was quite ballsy when writing the series and I was often surprised by what I was reading.   Well done lady.  I read the first two books in the series in less than a week.  It says a lot when you can sit and read 10 chapters in one sitting.  I can definitely understand why conservative groups are upset about the book though. 

I'm also happy to say that I finally used my gift certificate my Dad gave me to have my car detailed and waxed.   The Fusion looks very purdy.   I'm hoping I can keep the inside and outside looking spiffy for awhile.  They also did a good job of getting rid of the cigerette smoke smell.  I'm sure it may return but I appreciate the temporary fix.   It still irritates me that the dealership did such a good job of hiding the fact that a previous driver smoked.   Bleh. 

Tomorrow is Gavin's last day of sixth grader.   I'm sure more of the teenage agnst will be appearing this summer.  He's still excited about our move.  We'll have a lot going on in the next thirty days in regards to packing and having actual movers arrive.   I'm very excited to not pay rent much longer.   Woohoo!

I guess that's it for now!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Counseling Session Part I


So I started off my week in a proactive fashion and went through with the counseling session I scheduled at an office in Ames.  I set it up through the Employee Assistance Program that Iowa State offers its employees.  I had expected to be nervous and worried about the appointment but I really wasn't.  I was really comfortable talking to her (I picked a female seemed odd to talk to a guy about all this). 

She took time asking about my family, my past, and all that relevant information.  I went into it thinking I wasn't going to learn anything new.  I've been telling myself for months...years that I know what I need to do and I know all the facts about weight loss.   I have to admit some of her questions for me were quite hard.  The first tough question was "If you had three wishes, what would they be?"   Another difficult question asked what I did for myself on a regular basis to relax and replenish myself.   One of her main conclusions at the end of our hour together was that I'm a "yes" person and that I'm not putting myself first very often.   She thinks that I'm using food as my tool for relaxation and comfort because I no longer use or have other sources.   I had never thought about it that way.   She is correct, I don't really utilize my hobbies anymore.  I don't play tennis anymore.  I really don't get together with friends anymore for Ladies Night Out.   I do try to read for pleasure but that's not very consistent.   She said it's no wonder that I turn to food at night because it's become the consistent source of comfort and endorphin-release in my life.   She gave me some homework/questions to think about before we meet again:

  • What am I going to consider adding to my life to bring me pleasure and relaxation?
  • What am I feeling prior to eating at inappropriate times? 
I was very impressed with her understanding.  I know she's paid to not degrade me or make me feel stupid but she did a good job refering to the science of overeating and how a person can become addicted to food.   She recognized my education and knowledge and really helped me realize how my past and present situations seem to be sabotaging my health. 

Another great visual she presented was that of a glass of liquid.   She made me think about all the "straws" that are depleting me in terms of my energy and attention.   There is a straw for Gavin, ISU, Jon, immediate family, friends, the Red Cross, and any other responsibility in my life.  She said for every straw that depletes me, I need to have a source replenishing my energy, providing attention, and renewing my sanity in life.   I really don't have many sources for that.   And the sources I do have are not being utilized very well.  

I do want to see her again but it won't be for weeks since her schedule is very full and she has time off for a wedding.   It will give me several weeks to do some thinking and make some simple changes.  

On a completely separate is a picture of the complete garden.   I didn't take any pictures of the garden with the fence erected around it but Jon did set one up to ensure the basset hound doesn't get in and dig.  We do have the occasional rabbit in the yard too so I wanted them to have reduced access too.   I bopped down to Ankeny tonight to water it.   It needs to grow faster.  Ha.

That's it for now! 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Biggest Enemy...My Big Toe


I had planned to blog on Friday but I'm glad I did not.   I was so emotional on Friday and unhappy about a few things.  I'm sure that blog would have been a long rant of self-pity and anger.   I've had off and on issues with the toenail on my right big toe.  Well it got real irritating last week so I called the doc Friday morning and they got me in to look at it.   The doctor went back and forth about trying to work on it.  Her first choice was for me to go home for another week and soak it three times a day in episom salt to try and get the nail out myself.  I had tried that and could not get the toe to cooperate.  Luckily she was willing to numb up my toe and cut it out after some discussion.   I had a repeat of the dentist though.  She could not get my toe completely numb so sadly I felt more of the procedure than I wanted to.  I would have prefered to feel nothing of course.   After about ten minutes, she was done and half my big toe nail was gone.  Holy crap it was sore all of Friday and even on Saturday periodically.   Apparently I'll have a normal looking toenail in about 9 months since it will take that long for the missing side to grow back completely.  It's going to creep out those poor gals at the beauty school when I get some pedicures but TOUGH LUCK!  I have pictures but I'll keep those to myself.  They're a little nasty. 

I've also had some weird bouts of vertigo.  I spoke to the doctor about it too and they checked my blood sugar.   Blood work was fine.  I've been able to pinpoint when it happens so that's helpful.  I typically wake up with it whether I'm standing or still lying in bed.  If I make really quick movements (e.g. standing up quickly) I get dizzy.   I'll feel a little unsteady periodically but the really bad dizziness only occurs in the previously mentioned situations.   I'm hoping it will pass but I'm supposed to see the doctor again at the end of the week of the vertigo continues. 

On a very good note...we planted the garden today!!  It took maybe a few hours (including the trip to buy tomato and pepper plants).   We planted four hills of cucumbers, eight tomato plants (better boy hybrid), three pepper plants (yellow and red), green onion, carrots (short and sweet variety), and radishes.  I'm the most excited about the cucumbers.   We sadly found out that we'll need to cut down a tree that Jon planted several years ago as it's splitting down the center and rotting.  A good storm could actually knock a significant part of it down if it's windy enough.   Jon's bummed since trees aren't cheap and he did some nice landscaping around it.  However, it's removal may allow for us to extend the length of the garden next year.  I'm not sure what else I would plant but I'm sure we could add more veggies to the plot.

I have a lot of summer camp work to do this week.  I'll be hiring more life guards and aquatic instructors.  Thankfullly a couple emailed me this week asking to apply for the jobs.   Whew.   I have a mandatory meeting for all the employees on Wednesday.   I also need to sit down and do some finance/budget planning for the program too.  Exploring the budget always stresses me out because I want to keep the program affordable for families but I don't want to run in the red by the end of July.   Sigh.  I'm also starting a summer independent study with a student tomorrow morning.  He's a dual major with the department and was unable to take a required PE course in the fall.  It conflicted with a mandatory athletic training course.  Fortunately I taught the PE class before so I offered to work with him over the summer since I have to be at work often anyway.   If he had to wait for the official class again, it would throw off his graduation an entire year.  Not cool.   He's incredibly smart and diligent so the class should be a piece of cake. 

Onto some personal stuff...I'm meeting with a counselor tomorrow to discuss my eating habits and binge eating.  When going to the doctor, they of course always check weight and height.  I've gained a lot of my weight back.  And I knew this....I could tell by how my clothes are fitting, etc.  Iowa State provides resources for employees so I decided to check into it.  I get to visit with a professional three times for free.  Why not give it a try?  It's been very frustrating this time around because I know that my age makes my weight status more critical.  I'm no longer able to say that I'm overweight and still able to function well.  It's affecting my cholesterol, stamina, sleep, mental health, and maybe even this dizziness crap.   I'm not sure what to think about tomorrow's appointment but why not give it a whirl?  It's driving me nuts that I have a challenge in my life that I've not been able to attain for years.   Teenage pregnancy?  Did it.  College?  Made it through.  Graduate school?  Not a piece of cake, but accomplished my goals.  Losing weight and make my life healthier?  Seesaw back and forth every time I try it.  Blah!

Anyway...that's enough for now.   Hopefully this doesn't reek like self pity.  I hoped that waiting a couple days before blogging would prevent that.   :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's May....Hallelujah!!!


I'm hoping to complete this blog entry tonight but I'll admit I'm fading fast.  I've felt sick most of the week and slept poorly.  I've also been eating poorly, not exercising, and Weight Watchers has been on the back burner.  I'm fairly confident that my poor sleeping and illness is related to the poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.  I just don't get it....I'll have spurts throughout the day of "you are going to work out later today" but by the time I get home I'm bushed and unmotivated is an understatement.  I'm scared that I've gained a lot of my weight back.  Major blah!

A positive event in life is the end of the spring semester.   It was wonderful to complete grading and submit my final grades for both institutions last week.   Surprisingly I gave the most Fs and Ds ever this spring.  Student motivation seems to have taken a dive.  So many are happy with just doing the minimum too so I was also surprised by the amount of Cs I assigned to students. 

I have been working on administrative tasks for the summer camp program.  I'm almost done hiring.  I'm still short on life guards and swimming instructors.  I haven't had many apply and those that have applied have expired certifications.   You'd think they'd check the dates on their cards before applying.  Perhaps they thought I'd not notice.  With the Office of Risk Management cracking down on all youth programs, I don't dare let things like that slip by.   I've been organizing meeting materials for the mandatory orientation I'm holding next Wednesday for all employees.   I am also training many in CPR and First Aid too.  We currently have 100 kids enrolled in the program and I'm willing to let a few more register.  I'm curious to see how many parents send in forms toward the end of the month.   Many forget to send in the forms or forget about the program until right before June and expect to be enrolled without an issue.   Sigh.

I'm also working one-on-one with a student that had a major class conflict this past fall.  The student is an athletic training and physical education major.   He had a class for both majors at the same time in the fall and one of the professors was not willing to work with him.  I taught the class a couple years ago so I figured I'd work with him for six weeks so he could complete the credits.   I have to be on campus often anyway so this is one of my good deeds for the summer.   I'm also trying to show the new professor that it's appropriate to go out of your way sometimes to help students.   There have been interesting politics with the new professors too but that's another entry for another day. 

I'm anxious for my youngest sister's graduation party later in the month.   It will be fun to hang out, see family, help out Mom, etc.   It will be nice to have a long weekend for some fun.   I have to go home the weekend before too for a wedding.  I wish I was more excited for it and the related festivities but I don't.  I feel very out of the loop with that group of friends.  

Ok, I think that's all for now.  My big goal is to get back on track wifh my health.   I obviously need to make that into more specific smaller goals.   I wish I wasn't so impulsive with my food choices.   I'm actually thinking about making an appointment with counseling on campus since they have dieticians on staff.  I think it's free for faculty.  :)