Friday, March 23, 2012

I have returned!!!

I'm displeased with how long it's been since I've blogged.  It's been an interesting few weeks.  Fortunately there have been a lot up ups and only a few downs since I've last written.  I'll see how much I can mention in today's entry (in no particular order).

--Spring Break was fun!  I had a nice time visiting Waukon for an extended stay and it was nice having some low key days.  I do admit I should have worked more than I did but I'll discuss that later.

--I've discovered that I like gambling too much.  Blackjack has taken ahold of me.  We went gambling when at Waukon and took a spontaneous trip to Altoona and played more blackjack and I dabbled in roulette.  Well I dabbled in roulette incorrectly but did end up winning $40 from my first and only bet.  Anyway...I need to hold off on gambling for awhile.  I certainly understand how it's a common addiction.

--My food choices and eating habits have been poor.  I've turned things around this week.  First of all I went to Weight Watcher's on Monday night.  I got the official confirmation that I've gained weight.  I had known that I gained weight because I could just feel it.  I was hoping the gain would be 5 lbs maximum but sadly it exceeds that amount.   I gained about six lbs over the last weeks.  It makes sense though...I've not been tracking my food and haven't been to a meeting.  I've been impulsive with my choices when it comes to buying junk food and going out to eat.  I really binged on chips (cheese balls to be exact) over the past weeks.  I've been counting my points this week and trying to be more mindful.

--Jim Gaffigan was a great show this past weekend.   His apparel wasn't great but he made up with it his new jokes.  I hope he comes back to the midwest.  I'm also glad that Gavin wasn't the youngest kid at the show. 

Well I got distracted last night with a phone call and other tasks so I'm picking up this entry now.   I just got to the office and had my annual exam at the doctor this morning.  My blood pressure was 110/70 something!  I expected it to spike since I was experiencing some high anxiety about the blood draw.  She was also pleased with my weight loss.  It was nice to have a visit and not be scolded continually during it. 

I'll continue with my random reflections on the last weeks:

--I made a trip to Lane Bryant and Torrid with LeAnn.  I bought a winter coat through Lane Bryant (online) but really hadn't shopped for clothes in awhile.  Since I've been trying to get a better handle on finances and such, I been holding off on clothing purchases.  I actually have clothes wearing out now so I felt justified making some purchases.  I'm actually wearing the hippie-style top I got at Torrid today at work with a nice little sweater thingy with it so it's work-appropriate.  I've gotten a lot of compliments so I'm glad I got it.  I needed some simple black athletic pants for my activity classes at ISU and for Swim & Gym.  My swim suits have officially bit the dust and are too thin so I was fortunate to find a two piece at Lane Bryant.  I wish they would carry swim suits that were a tad bit more modest.  Most of them cried out "look at my bust" when I looked at them and the one I bought makes my chest look like a priority.  Not the look I'm going for when I'm teaching kids swim lessons. 

--We went to Taki during Spring Break too and had a pretty good meal.  I was a little disappointed with the seasoning on the veggies but the meat and accompanying sauce was delicious.  I may try Ohana Steakhouse the next time we want our food prepared for us in that manner.  

--I had intended to work on Thursday and Friday during Spring Break so I wasn't overwhelmed with grading when I came back to work.   Well that didn't happen and I've been dealing with a lot of grading throughout this week.  I am hoping to work on it diligently tomorrow since I don't have any Saturday plans.  It breaks my "no work at home" rule but I need to push through this so April doesn't become a month of "scramble to catch-up". 

--According to the scale at the doctor, I've lost weight already this week.  I need to not snack constantly all weekend.  I really wish I liked popcorn more...that would be such a simple and appropriate snack on Saturday and Sunday.  It just doesn't trip my trigger. 

OK...I need to put my nose to the grindstone and get some work done.   Happy Spring!


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I am so happy you blogged again! I've missed you but I know you have a lot of life going on so you're forgiven :-)

I'm glad that you made your way back to Weight Watchers. I think that getting back on track in the most important, and hardest, thing when we slip back into our old ways. I do that a lot and just start again!

It sounds like you had a nice break. I'm so glad that you were able to do fun things and spend time with your family. We should all be so lucky!

I'm glad you enjoyed your time gambling. I've never even been to a casino so I can't say that I've ever lost or won anything but I know my family always has a nice time when they go. I don't think any of them do much beyond slots but I always thought the tables would be more fun. Glad you didn't get too beat up during roulette.

I desperately need to go clothes shopping, I think that will be on the agenda for tomorrow. I'm glad you were able to find the items you were looking for. I always hate buying swimsuits for the same reason you mentioned, I don't mind showing a bit of skin but I also don't want to show my boobs off to the world either.

Good luck getting your work done! I hope your week back to work goes well.

LeAnn said...

Good job on blogging. As you probably know, I haven't gotten that task done yet. Spring Break was good. I'm in a similar boat with the whole - I wish I accomplished more work. However, I'm pretty proud that I got my portfolio 99% done.
Don't get addicted to gambling, then I'll feel bad. Don't get Jon addicted either. However, he could use some practice. The roulette table was a bit scary. You're lucky you didn't get a Russian hit put on you by Svetyana.
I feel confident that you are still in good shape with your weight-loss plan. Just keep going in your current direction - go to the meetings, track the points, watch yourself with the snacking.
Jim Gaffigan was pretty good. Taki was pretty good, but you're right about the vegetables. Let me tell you - the filet was to die for. We can try something else next time. Did I pay you back for all that I owe you?
I hope the LB stuff works out for you. I'm happy with my purchases, except I wish things weren't so darn expensive.
I better get moving. Talk to you later!