Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back on Track

After the shocking number on the scale a couple weeks ago at Weight Watchers, I got myself back in gear and lost 5.4 lbs.  I haven't completely lost the weight I gained in March but I took a significant chunk out of it.   I'm getting very close to being the "lightest" I've been in probably 4 or so years.   Not ready to announce that weight to the world yet but I only need to lose about 2 lbs to make it happen. 

I used to relish the weekends and want them to last that I have Weight Watchers on Monday evenings I'm always very anxious for Monday to roll around.   I'm sure people would like to throw a brick at me when I state that I'm ready for Monday to come around.  I'm somewhat hopefully that I can get Jon to start Weight Watchers when I live in Ankeny.  We have a small group of guys that attends my meeting in Ames so I'm hoping it's not taboo for him to attend in Ankeny.

Gavin and I have been progressively sorting and packing items in our apartment.   The official move date is still up in the air.   It may not be fiscally sound to move in May like I had hoped.  Sadly it may have to wait until June.   When I live with Jon I want to be able to contribute and pay my portion of the bills.  If I move in May I won't have enough money to pay my necessary bills associated with the car, school loans, etc. and still pay rent for an apartment I'm not using.   It doesn't help that my income takes a huge cut in the summer since I'm not full time.  Luckily I've been boosting my savings account (thanks tax return) and I'm going to try and not use any of my credit to make it through the summer months.   The daily commute to Ames will also take more money out of my checking account too. 

I'm hooked on reading the Hunger Games series.  I finished the second book last night.   I dove into a couple chapters of the third book.   I may actually go and see the movie this weekend.   I figured it would be like the Harry Potter and Twilight craze....well it is like those but for some reason it tripped my trigger more than the others.  I still don't really get into Harry Potter.  I've been somewhat amused by the first Twilight movie but haven't watched it in its entirety.  I may try to read the series over the summer.  I have a stack of books on my dresser though so I should probably focus on those.   The sequel to Gone with the Wind may be a lost cause.   It lost my attention in January and I've not picked it up since.  The other books have a religious basis and I haven't been in the mood for that lately either. 

I have found a Smart One product that I love.  I consider it an appetizer since it's snack-like.

I'm actually having a difficult time finding foods for lunch that I'm not sick of....I need to cook more and bring left overs.  I quickly got sick of my Campbell's soup options and I only eat a few of the Smart Ones frozen meals.   Quite frankly some of those frozen meals are awful.  I got a gross surprise when I tried the Chicken Carbonara a few weeks ago.  I took one bite and threw it in the garbage.  Gross sauce, gross meat, just gross.

Anyway...I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the weather.  Gavin and I went for a nice walk and spent a lot of time outside on Sunday evening.  We walked to his friend's house...I sat in their backyard like a weirdo reading my Hunger Games book, and I walked him home.   The boys were originally going to play in the park between our homes but the people using the basketball court worried me so we went to his friend's home and used their basketball hoop.  It was nice walking around...even at 8:30 it was nice out and fun to walk with Gavin and chit chat. 

That's it for now!


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I'm so glad that you're getting back on track. That is the most important thing. It's inevitable to slip up, it's what you do after the slip that changes the outcome.

I will admit that I think you're crazy about the Monday thing. I definitely like it when the weekend rolls around.

I'm gald that you guys are getting things settled in Ankeny. It would be nice to get down there earlier but you'll make it work until June.

I am so glad that you like The Hunger Games. It's such a good series. If I didn't have a huge stack of books that I wanted to reread (two series worth) I would want to read them. I don't know why but I feel like readng them would be different than just listening to them. Call me wouldn't be the first time.

LeAnn said...

Bite your tongue about the weekend. They are two days where I can sleep in and get caught up on life. Congrats on the weight loss, but you're going to WW tomorrow, so you'll probably have a new amount to post. Does Jon really need to go?

Does moving a month later really matter? I think it would help give you more time. Are you looking forward to the drive from Ankeny to Ames? I'm looking forward to you getting rid of those couches.

The Hunger Games isn't too bad of a series. Like I put in my blog. The first two books are pretty good, but the third one had a part or two that I disliked, but it ended pretty well or at least how I wanted it to. I'm still deciding what to read next. I think you should embark on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series next.

Hope you are enjoying the weather. I haven't. Sorry for my late comment. Btw, I blogged. :-)