Friday, March 2, 2012

Delayed Update

I don't want to leave my office until 2pm so I have just enough time to hopefully write a quality blog entry.  I did some tasks this morning (mainly email-related) and visited a student teacher.   I almost forgot about lunch with a friend so I went to an awesome local Italian eatery for some tequila chicken fettuccine.  One of my favorite pasta dishes of all time.   My pal used to work at the Red Cross (she was my boss) but the Red Cross was phased out in Ames so she was laid off.   It was nice to see her again.

If I were a train you could say I derailed this week (and part of last week) with my eating and Weight Watchers.  I've gained weight back.   I haven't stood on a scale but I can tell and I'm eating way too much at night.   I'm being impulsive with my food choices.   I'm not tracking my points.   I think that's enough tattling for now.   I'm excited to get back on track for the weekend.   I always seem to fall off the bandwagon when I get close to losing 20 lbs.   Every time!  I really want to have lost 20-25 lbs by March 23.  I have a doctor's appointment that day and want the doc to see a significant change.  

I had a case of being lazy and indifferent hit hard.   Gavin's been under the weather and I didn't feel so hot last week either.   I know one thing I need to do is make a solid grocery trip and stock up on some essentials.   I need fruit in my house and I need all necessary ingredients for some wholesome meals that will provide leftovers for wholesome lunches.  

I'm supposed to teach a Red Cross class on Monday and I hope it gets cancelled.  I won't be able to weigh-in for Weight Watchers if the class takes place.   I'm hoping that there is no enrollment or low enrollment.  Fingers crossed.  Sadly I think I would have heard by now if they were canceling it. 

I'm so excited for some down time in a couple weeks when Spring Break hits.  It will be nice to be in Waukon for a few days but I have to continue to make smart food choices.  I'm hoping the weather will be nice so I can go on walks with Mom and be outside.  I wish they had tennis courts outside LeAnn but maybe we can play at the Community Center place.  

It's almost 2pm so I'm going to mosey home early so I can change clothes and go to DMACC.  I teach from 5-10pm tonight (puke).   I hope my motivation changes before 5pm.   It usually does and the night actually goes fast when I teach a portion of this seminar.   It's extra money too.  Gotta love the $$$.


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

It's easy to get derailed but it only takes one good choice at a time to get back on track. Hang in there Jenny and don't let your hard work be for naught. I know you can do this. 20 pounds is right around the corner!

It's hard to be good when sick I think. I hope that everyone is well and that you're getting back to normal.

I'm jealous of you spring breakers. I miss spring break. However, I get vacations so I guess it's all good :-)

I know what you mean, money is good. It's what keeps us clothed, fed and housed!

LeAnn said...

I agree with Nicole. I think you'll be able to turn it around. You're going to have bad days or even weeks, but it's realizing it, and then, going back to healthy.
I feel completely derailed in general due to this overwhelming cold that I have acquired. It makes me anxious to be healthy again, so I can function.
I can't wait for Spring Break - just need to get through one week. I can't imagine having to teach 5-10 pm. I couldn't do it. I'm guessing you still have your Red Cross class.