Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sir Pappy the II

Bizarre blog entry name eh?  Jon had his sleep study and got a C-PAP machine to wear at night to help with quality sleep.   It needed a name...a regal name.  I'm glad he had it done and I'm considering a sleep study too.  My primary physician hasn't mentioned the need for one but my dentist did last year.   The need for quality sleep has become more common and apparent in research related to weight loss.   Not sleeping well creates a wicked issue with weight status.  If you don't get quality (REM) sleep each night it can alter metabolism and make weight gain more likely.  If you are heavy though, it can be difficult to correct sleep since excess weight disrupts sleep patterns (sleep apnea).  I can actually tell I'm sleeping better now that I've started losing weight.   I don't need to nap during the day either.  I actually have tried to nap periodically and I couldn't fall asleep during the day.  

I had a good weigh-in this week and lost another 1.6 lbs.  I'm so happy that I've been able to lose and still eat out.   It pays to avoid appetizers and make better food choices.   Jon, Gavin, and I went to Dublin Bay last week and had a dandy dinner before a basketball game.   I got a blackened ceasar wrap with mashed potatoes.   I didn't eat the entire plate (the tortilla and chicken were quite filling).  LeAnn and I visited Perkins and I tried to make a good choice there too.   I love omelets so got one with veggies, cheddar cheese, and asparagus.   I did get hash browns because hash browns are the bomb.  I've avoided getting them with cheese on top though.  

Now that was all good and well for last week....this week has been different.   I've not been counting my points and I've been more indulgent.  It's happening primarily at night and I'm going into graze-mode again.  I ate some of Gavin's ice cream treats when I should be focusing on my Weight Watchers goodies.   I've been eating my Cliff Bar Fruit Ropes too often.   I made pasta last night after DMACC and didn't follow portion sizes.  The cool thing is that today is a new day  (I just reminded myself to track the points I've eaten today).  I've been in control so far today and the afternoon will be busy at work so mindless snacking isn't possible.  I'm worried about my eating patterns at home though.   Hopefully my household tasks and fatigue will help keep me out of the kitchen. 

I finally measured out my stride length and am wearing a pedometer.   I'm interested to see how inactive I am especially on days that require lots of grading and computer time.  I'm constantly telling my students the importance of 10,000 steps a day and I don't even measure my output.  Sad. 

Goals for this week (and probably next week):

I will keep track of my points every day for Weight Watchers.  

I will wear a pedometer every day and take a good look at my data each day.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

Per LeAnn's is my Parmesan Chicken recipe (from my Aunt Shirley):

chicken breast (I buy it cut into strips rather than full breasts)
a small container of plain yogurt

Breading incredients:
approximately 3/4 to 1 sleeve of Ritz Crackers (I use whole wheat Ritz)
garlic powder (to taste...I use 1.5-2 tsp)
parsley flakes for taste and color
1/3 cup of grated parmesan cheese
4 tbsp of butter/margarine (I've reduced this to 2 tbsp to make it healthier)

You need to grind up the Ritz crackers into crumbs.  Add the garlic powder, parsley flakes, and parmesan cheese.  You need to zap the butter/margarine in the microwave so it melts.  When the dry ingredients are blended well, add the melted butter/margarine into the mixture so it becomes clumpy.  (In theory you may not even need the butter but it does add nice flavor).

After trimming the fat from the chicken breasts and rinsing them, you need to coat each piece in the plain yogurt.   After the chicken is coated, dredge it in the Ritz cracker concoction and ensure each piece is covered well.   Space each piece of chicken apart on a baking sheet.  It may be wise to cover the sheet with aluminum foil since the chicken can stick a little bit.  

Bake the chicken for 50 minutes at 350 degrees.   If you are using chicken breast strips, they may bake more quickly.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

15 LBS

Greetings and good evening:

It was a Swim & Gym day and I'm still rather energetic after 9pm.  Weird!  I got home a bit ago from a mini grocery trip to Hy-Vee for some Smart Ones and other necessary groceries.  I was lured by asparagus so I made some of that and am enjoying it as I type this. 

Onto the good news....I made my 15 lbs goal!  I was pleased to have made up for my previous gain of 1.2 lbs with a 3.4 pound loss.  I was rather shocked because I ate a lot the night before at our church potluck dinner.  Like usual I ate too many cheesy potatoes but I made solid effort on that day to save points for that meal.  I ate a lot of veggies and fruit to tide me over. 

Speaking of vegetables...

I'm on a asparagus kick lately.   It's lower in price too for some reason.  Apparently there is too much asparagus in Mexico or something.  I love cooking it up with olive oil, salt, ,and pepper.  Putting too much on it does not do it justice. 

I still haven't gotten the motivation to exercise.  I'm attempting to work in more physical activity each day but have not planned out actual workouts for the week. 

I have a check-up on Friday and requested a blood draw to see the status of my glucose levels, cholesterol, and triglycerides.  I'm sure the numbers will suck (triglycerides guaranteed).  I'm still interested in see what they are of course since they can be another measure of change.  That's the cool thing with changes do show up nicely over time when it comes to your blood.  I know it will take my triglycerides awhile to lower since those levels are related to the amount of storage fat you have in your body.   And I have plenty of storage fat that needs to shrink down.  Fingers crossed that I don't act like a huge pansy on Friday morning as I hate needles and the removal of blood from my body.

Time to go check the dryer....adios!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Awaiting Monday

I am once again anxious for Monday due to my weigh-in at Weight Watchers.  You may have noticed I didn't have a gloating blog entry after this past Monday.   Yup, I gained weight.  I expected to gain actually due to some choices over the weekend.  I was expecting a pound but the wonderful scale decided to add 0.2 extra.  I wasn't pleased but it isn't something that's going to knock me off my path.   A woman in my row hit her 35 lbs loss and spoke about it.  She had been super close to her 35 lbs goal since November.  She fluctuated and had weeks of no loss for 2 months!  It's amazing how the human body can make change in the right direction difficult.  I've gotten my eating back on track this week and I'm hoping I lose that 1.2 lbs or a little more.  I'm so close to 15 lbs!

I'm finally starting to get a little burnt out on yogurt.  I expected this to happen and I tend to eat a lot of a food and suddenly need a break from it.  I'm waiting for that to happen with tomato soup too.   I did some investigating with bread last night and found a product that won't use up 8-10 points for two pieces.  I wasn't happy with the Sara Lee products at Wal-Mart but found a WheatSmart bread from Wonder.  Two pieces = 2 points.  Bread and carbohydrates can be so deceiving.  I was so sure my multigrain choice a couple weeks ago would be spectacular for points and nope. 

My cravings have not been for "bad" foods.   I'm not craving my Doritos or anything like that.  The overeating from last weekend was due to portion problems.  Cheddar cheese and crackers are wonderful and I can't stop myself from eating a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers (wheat) and a huge chunk of cheese.  I've curbed that this week because we're out of crackers.  My snacking is reappearing at night again too when I'm at the computer or watching TV.  I need another lesson in making things with yarn Nicole!  I need to keep my hands busy at night with crafts or something. 

Swim & Gym started this week and it started off well!  We only have 16 kiddos but that's alright.  We may have some more join late but it's less stressful having a low number.  Some of the kids' personalities warrant them for being counted twice.  I started the advertising process today for the summer camp too.  I created the new flyer and enrollment form.   I gave the massive registration packet to Risk Management for review too since they take forever to approve it for me.  I need that document by April 1.  The next big endeavor for the program is hiring staff.  I'm hoping that plenty of PE majors are needed part-time work. 

I guess that's all.  I'm about ready to head home for the day and do some cleaning.  It occurred to me that I need to tidy up for the sake of the place being cleaner, so I can pack efficiently, but also the manager will be showing our apartment to people.   I'd be quite embarrassed if people saw my bedroom and my workspace in the dining room. 


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ten Behavior Skills Lucky People Use to Succeed

It pays to poke around in my office and find random documents.  I found this handout amongst the rubble.  It's from a guest speaker we had visit the department in 2009.  I think the themes can certainly be applied to health-related changes in life.  Heck they can be applied to many situations in life. 

1) Look for the good in people and situations

Expect the best from people and situations.  Be grateful for what you have.  Being grateful leads us to attract and create more things to be grateful for.  Learn to appreciate yourself and your accomplishments.  Don't put off being happy.  Don't wait for something great to happen.  Accept and appreciate yourself and your life right now.  Stop complaining about the negative (or perceived negative) and start talking about the positive.

2) Believe and succeed

There is increasing evidence in scientific and psychosocial literature that you become what you think about.  Successful people visualize their goals and think about them often.  One of the best times to do this is before you sleep.

3) Set Goals (in writing)

It's easy to set mental goals but you need to see them in a tangible form whether you write them in a blog or on a note you tack to the refrigerator.  You need constant reminders of those goals.  Sadly most of us are too distracted to remember to simply think about them regularly.  Put reminders in your car, write them on a bookmark, or anywhere you star at frequently.

4) Overcome fear of failure and procrastination

The hardest part of most jobs or tasks is simply starting them.  Action cures fear and procrastination.  Water doesn't flow until you turn on the faucet.   Don't worry if the actions aren't perfect just be happy you are taking action and moving in the right direction.

5) Be ferociously persistent

The most successful people in the world have had countless failures.  The key to success is how you respond to setbacks or disappointment.  Don't give up.  Don't take 'no' for an answer.

6) Ask and you shall receive

He simply recommends that we read a book called "The Aladdin Factor" by Jack Canfield and Mark Hanson.

7) Constantly strive to improve your vocabulary and communication skills

OK this one may not have a huge connection to lifestyle changes but we can all agree that poor communication is a huge pain in the butt.  I wish everyone prioritized the goal of sounding professional when the speak and write.

8) Enter into partnerships or collaborations with others who have skills, abilities or resources you don't have.

You can also benefit from those partnerships if other people have similar goals.  I'm struggling to find a work out partner that's in Ames.  I know I'll have one when I move to Ankeny.

9) Develop excellent people skills

Take a genuine and sincere interest in other people.  Praise co-workers and associates.  Build the self-esteem of those around you.  Don't always tell people, show them by examples.  Mother Teresa stated "People around us are starving for appreciation and acknowledgment and we have the ability to give them this gift on a regular basis."  Be enthusiastic about everything you do and be a person of high integrity.  Do what you say you're going to do.  Avoid arguments and always allow for the other person to save face. 

10) Work hard and practice the above-references techniques/behaviors on a daily basis

You cannot learn success strategies by reading books or listening to lectures.  You have to practice them on a daily basis so they become habitual.

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. 

Friday, February 3, 2012


I'm pleased to be having a more relaxed work day compared to the rest of the week.  I caught up with my grading (it was like pulling teeth).   I'm also tidying up my office a bit.   My main concern is the bookshelf in my office.  

I did contribute to the problem that you see on the third shelf.   I have a horrible habit of throwing books on top of other books.   The shelf is actually starting to bow a little bit.  I don't want to come to work and see destruction everyone when it collapses.   The other shelves were primarily organized by the previous coordinators before me but due to that many things are outdated.   I'm slowly but surely getting things out of this office and off that shelf.  I have a ton of books to bring from home too so I'm trying to create a "personal resources" shelf and one designated for the resources owned by ISU.   I'm hoping to toss many VHS videos.  

The cool thing about the process is that I'm also emptying boxes I have in my office.  I'm already starting to pack things up at home so having extra empty boxes is quite beneficial.  

I am anxious to be productive this weekend.   I have a lot I want to do at home and our plans changed for Saturday afternoon/evening so I should have more time to devote to the apartment.   I also need to clean those stupid hallways in the building too.  

I've really come to enjoy Campbell's Sirloin Burger with Vegetables soup.   I can eat the whole can and it's only 6 points.  I'm pretty picky about meat products from a can and soup but the sirloin burger pieces are tasty.   It's been a big change for me to eat less Wisconsin Cheese and Potato soups.   I love those cream-based soups.   I'm grateful that tomato soup is still doable on a regular basis.  If I wasn't a soup lover, weight loss would be much more difficult for me. 

I'm also grateful that I'm enjoying deli-type sandwiches lately.   I bought some multi-grain bread at Wal-Mart (sadly 8 points for 2 slices), honey smoked turkey, regular cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and honey mustard.  I eat one of those sandwiches every other day and it's so filling and yummy.   I need to start hunting for healthy bread that doesn't take up so many points.   I could never do a diet plan that severely restricted carbohydrates.  

I haven't missed the processed food as much as I thought I would.  Tuna Helper was a regular in my life and I've only made it once in the last month.   As I was eating it, I was wishing I had made homemade tuna casserole instead.   We've only had macaroni and cheese once too and 90% if it went down Gavin's gullet.  I'm trying to appreciate the Smart One meals more.  Unfortunately I only like a handful of the meals.  The tuna augratin casserole is OK.  Not my favorite.  I do love the potatoes with cheese broccoli.  Some of the pastas trip my trigger but I'm rarely wowed.   If either of you are interested in Smart One coupons, please let me know.  I get one a week from Weight Watcher's usually.  It's the type of coupon that requires you to buy a certain quantity of Smart Ones and you get a few bucks off.  Luckily Hy-Vee has had them on sale frequently so the savings have added up.  

OK, time to attend a meeting before I leave the office for the day!  Enjoy your weekend!