Monday, December 19, 2011

It Feels Like Saturday


It's time for an update. (I'm procrastinating from cleaning.) I hope to straighten up my "desk". If you don't remember, I use the dining room table as my desk and it's overflowing with paper and items from the semester. I also need to organize my shelves on the kitchen counter. They too are overflowing with papers. I'm hoping that most things can be placed in my filing cabinet or filed in the garbage.

I also hope to work on my bedroom. The bedroom door is currently shut as Gavin has a friend over and he doesn't need to see the rubble.

I got a lot accomplished today. I ran errands this morning (not all of them sadly), got a much needed hair cut, and submitted the rest of my final grades. I also slept in until 10am. I wanted to be up at 9am. Whoopsie. I'll have more to do tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm pleased with my hair cut. My hair was getting really long and the ends we weird. The lady took around 2 inches off and re-did my layers. It looks much more professional. I'm having the least amount of highlights done on Thursday to fix my roots. I'm looking rather ghetto in that area.

I have a few more gifts to wrap and they are all for Gavin. He's too observant so I'm not sure when I'll do them this week. I'll probably have to hide in my room to finish that task. He was tough to shop for...I didn't want to spend oodles of money and sadly the stuff he's interested in costs oodles of money. Everything else is wrapped and ready to take to NE Iowa.

I've been trying to drink more water. Plain water sucks. I'm not too excited about adding Crystal Light packets either. While at the grocery store today, I remembered my idea of adding citrus to water. I love water with lemon at restaurants. I bought a lemon and a lime. I sliced them both thinly and added them to my 2 quart pitcher with water and ice. It's been delicious so far and it's a nice flavoring. I was hesitant to add the full pieces of fruit but had no use for half a lemon and half a lime so what the heck? I've drank 4 glasses of the water in an hour.

Doesn't it look tasty?

I haven't had a huge craving for sweets and Christmas goodies. People at work have been bringing various cookies, breads, etc. and I've left them alone. I didn't have the urge to make my cornflake Christmas wreaths or chocolate-covered peanut butter balls either. I'm excited to make popcorn balls though...not excited to eat them though. We had a potluck on Saturday after the Christmas pageant rehearsal. I made the artery-clogging cheesy hamburger dip. It was a big hit and was gone before the end of the potluck. If you ever want to make this unhealthy dip, see below:


--one big block of Velveeta (not the small block) I used the 2% milk variety.
--one typical jar of salsa...I went with mild since spicy food kills me.
--one can of cream of mushroom soup (this one surprises people)
--one pound of browned hamburger (some people add a lot more but I'm not big on the meat) Drain the hamburger too.

Cut up the Velveeta into smaller blocks of cheese and combine with the other ingredients in a crock pot. I served it with multigrain tortilla chips to make it healthier....ha.

That's all for now!


LeAnn said...

Ah, procrastination. I'm doing it now. However, I rarely procrastinate from cleaning. I usually use cleaning as my procrastination tool. It's good to have productive Mondays. I would have LOVED to sleep in until 9 or 10 am. Jealous, I am. I woke up with a headache instead, so not fair.

I totally agree about buying Gavin gifts. I'm still short on stuff for him. What are some of the expensive things he wanted? You make it sound like you looked like a hobo before your haircut. Too bad you're not more like me - I cut my own hair for free. No coloring needed. I still have a few presents to buy and wrap.

Kudos on the increase in water. I am actually not a fan of lemon water. I don't like plain water either. I only crave it when I'm super thirsty. Luckily, when I'm teaching and my mouth gets dry from all of my talking, I only allow myself water, so I still drink quite a bit of water. The Christmas wreaths are yummy as well as the popcorn balls. I don't know about the peanut butter balls; I don't remember those.

Anyway, back to some grading. Fingers crossed for an early bedtime (for me, not you).

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

First of all I'm glad that your grading and everything is done!

Don't feel bad about sleeping in, you need to catch up.

I love how something as simple as a trim can make a girl look and feel better!

I didn't have to wrap any gifts this year which isn't sad. I'm a terrible wrapper. I shipped everything to Karla and she's doing it all for me.

Your water looks delicious. I love water so it's not hard for me to drink it but sometimes it's nice to have a little flavor and I really don't like the crystal light packets.

I love the dip, although I've never seen it made with the soup. If I ever make it again maybe I'll try it.