Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Break Time


I should be diligently grading these unit plans in front of me. I have the attention span of a 2 year old today. Luckily I don't have a ton of work to complete today before I mosey down to Ankeny so I should be able to complete this grading task before 3pm.

Life has included many late nights lately. I've been bringing work home with me and working into the late hours. It's been helpful because it's kept me half buried in work rather than completely buried. It's also been damaging because my sleep schedule is messed up and I'm not getting enough sleep most nights. I had the opportunity to be sleeping by 10pm last night but I couldn't settle down until 2am. Waking up at the desired time was impossible. I can't pull that tomorrow as I have to be here around 7am to prepare for the 7:30am final I need to deliver.

I was able to do something very worthwhile (and non-work related) last night. I accompanied Jon to a Wal-Mart in Des Moines for a shop with a cop type of event. Kiddos came in with folks from Big Brother/Sister and did shopping for their families with funds from the police department and other sources. I was a gift wrapper. At first it was embarrassing to gift wrap with the other ladies because they were fabulous with their skillz. When things got busy, I stopped caring and simply tried to get wrapping paper on all the items.

My card writing task is about done. I'm finishing the last of the cards for people at church (yippee no need for stamps!) and handed out some at work today. I still need to do some gift wrapping at home and make sure everything is organized for the trip to Waukon. I'm not sure if we are taking my car or Jon's jeep but I'll have to strategically pack so everything fits and nothing is forgotten.

OK...back to grading. I wish I was more motivated!!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

There are a lot of times where I should be grading something, like right now. My motivation is running low these days. I'm anxious for break. I can't really work too late either; I get too tired. I worked pretty hard last night with only one major interruption. I was up early for a meeting too. Long (mostly successful) day. I wish I could go to bed at 8 pm and wake up at 6:15 am fully refreshed.

I would be useless for me to help with any gift wrapping. I'm bad at wrapping presents, as you will soon realize. I haven't wrapped anything yet. That will be happening this weekend. I'll have to work on my New Years Newsletter soon since New Years will show up after Christmas pretty fast. Christmas in Waukon is just over a week away. Hallelujah.

Time to go get my laundry and put it away - a good way to ignore the stack grading I need to do. Ta ta!