Monday, September 5, 2011

Last year on this weekend

I stepped on the scale and it read 344.8. Last year on this weekend I was already so depressed that while that number shocked me, it couldn't really depress me much more than I already was. Last year on this weekend, I thought there was no hope. I thought that I would be heavy my whole life. Last year on this weekend, I looked like this:

This weekend I stepped on the scale and it read 260.2 and I was elated. The number shocked me a little but I quickly recovered. This weekend I see a future with a thinner, healthier me. This weekend I feel that I will never be back to where I was ever again. This weekend I see hope for not just myself but for everyone who is currently or will ever struggle with weight loss. This weekend, I look like this:

I know I still have a really long way to go but I never thought I'd make it this far. I can't believe it's been a year already since I started my final weight loss attempt. There have certainly been ups and downs along the way but after a year I think I can handle the bumps and bruises as long as there are plenty of happy times in between!

Alright, I'm going to go take advantage of this beautiful weather and get some walking in. Have a great day and I hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day Weekend!


LeAnn said...

I like your year-to-year comparison. That was a fun, creative idea. You look not only lighter, but happier and healthier. It's awesome to see. It's crazy (but super good crazy) that you've lost almost 100 pounds. I say that when you reach that milestone, you should take $100 and go gambling! Fun!

It makes me feel a tad worse (no offense) that you say "I know I still have a really long way to go ..." because I think you've come a long way already. If anyone has a long way to go, it's me. It sounds like you've lost weight but gained confidence, wisdom, and bragging rights! You go girl!!

project.100.gone said...

Actually LeAnn, I'm going to buy myself diamond earrings when I reach 100 pounds so I might have to save the gambling for 150 :-)

project.100.gone said...

I sent a message via MSN but I'll reiterate the fact that you look wonderful. I love before and after photos. It's nice to get a visual reward in addition to feeling better! Keep it up!