Monday, September 5, 2011

Produce and Anger

I have to say that creating titles for each entry is a challenge yet fun at times. You probably think I'm angry at cucumbers or something but I'm not. Gavin and I just finished watching a show about heroes on 9/11 and right when the show started I was filled an immense saddness and anger all at once. It's sad that I had forgotten (bad choice of word) about all the suffering and panic that day. I didn't actually forget but the strong emotions had faded. I constantly remember that the buildings aren't there anymore but the personal stories they shared made me think about the poor people on the planes, those that probably died immediately when the planes collided with the buildings, those that were trapped and had absolutely no way to get out, those that fell from the buildings or jumped, those trapped in stairwells, those that got out of the buildlings but died due to the collapses, those that got out and surived but live with that nightmare every day, and those that lost loved ones on the day. The crappy realization is that we have still have to live with worry and fear that another attack may take place on the country. It makes me worry and wonder about the world that Gavin will live in when he's an adult. I got really pissed thinking about those that planned the attack and acted. I know our country was pleased that Bin Laden was found and killed but who knows how many other people/countries hate the USA enough to cause terror.

So where were you when it happened? I remember finding out when I got to Gilman Hall for my chemistry lab. They closed down the building since part of it was considered to be a federal building. I hopped back on the bus and went back to my first apartment in Ames and immediately turned the on TV. The second plane had recently hit the second tower so it had sunk in that it wasn't an accident. I was staring at the TV when the south tower collapsed followed by the north tower. Gavin a lot of questions tonight because he had never sat down and watched the proper order of events before. I often forget that he was only 1 year old when this really puts the time line in perspective for me. I do hope to go back to NYC someday and hopefully there is a proper memorial site in place by then.

On a lighter note, we went to the Farmer's Market in Des Moines for the first time ever this weekend. The weather wasn't great but the rain showers weren't horrible. Jon had been to the market before so he had good suggestions for food. The breakfast sandwiches are supposed to be wonderful so I shared one with sharing I mean I had two bites and he had the rest. It was on a biscuit with ham, egg, and american cheese. I was fine with only two was really rich. (And I had forgotten to take my gallbladder meds so I didn't want to toy with my body.) We had also made plans to meet up with Tiffany and Gregg so I got to see pregnant Tiffany. She is now entering her third trimester. She looked really good.

I purchased a pierogie....well a so-called pierogie. In my opinion, pierogies are like a big ravioli typically stuffed with potatoes and other goodies. This pierogie was kind of a donut consistency. It reminded me of a bismark or long john filled with cheese, potato, and mushrooms. It wasn't horrible but I don't think I'd get one again. I also went to one of the natural smoothie venders and got my first taste of wheatgrass in a drink. It wasn't horrible. I'd get one again. I got the "Berry Beety" smoothie. It had blueberries, apple juice, beet juice, and wheatgrass in it. I could slightly taste the wheatgrass and really taste the beets. It was refreshing.

Even though I used the word produce in the title of this, I didn't actually buy any produce. I have stuff at home to use up and I didn't want to buy things I wouldn't use in a timely manner. It was neat seeing the variety of dogs out and about too. The local radio station (pop music) had a dance-off event too in the middle of things that was fun to watch since it was choreographed. After the market ended, we went to a local English pub and had some appetizers while catching up with Tiffany and Gregg. They've moved back from Maryland and are living in Tiffany's hometown by Iowa City. Gregg is job is Tiffany even though she'll be having the baby in early December. She's done some substitute teaching. I actually hope we can go to the market again before it ends this fall and hopefully we can utilize it better next year. I haven't even gone to the market in Ames in years. When we were using WIC, we'd go a lot since I got vouchers for free produce. It would be cool to get some local produce or baked goods.

My back feels better! I've been doing my PT exercises and I think the realignment of my hips was really contributing to my discomfort. My back still isn't 100% but I've made great gains since Friday. I don't have to think so much and be on guard when walking around. I was in the habit lately of constantly being on guard in case my legs gave out. It's still difficult to get up out of bed and sometimes from a chair. But's been wonderful to not have constant pain. I do not know how Jon did it when dealing with the pain prior to his knee surgery and after the surgery. My pain was really wearing on my sanity on some days and really affecting my moods. I felt more like myself in the past couple days. I was nervous about attending the ISU football game since the seats aren't great for posture or back health. I didn't have any pain while watching the game just some discomfort when navigating the stairs. I was actually shocked that we won the game. Both teams played poorly in my opinion and there were issues with sportsmanship. Sadly an ISU player was disqualified and removed from the game. I thought the ISU vs UNI game would be our only one this year but now I really want to attend another. I'm hoping to either attend the Kansas or Oklahoma State game. Both are in November since our schedules are rather busy in September and October. Yippee Football!

I hope everyone has a labor free day tomorrow. I'm planning to rearrange my bedroom so manual labor will exist but nothing related to my job. It works for me.


project.100.gone said...

I too have anger and some fear about what happened almost 10 years ago. Not only regarding the act itself and the potential threat for future terror but also how we as a country have handled some of it. I could get into that but it would be a blog entry of it's own.

I remember where I was. It was a Tuesday morning and I was in my bio lab. We had been to the pond collecting samples and when we were back in the lab the instructor turned on the TV. It was early at that point so we didn't really know what the extent of what was going on at first but as the time moved on, we understood. About two hours later I was my bio lecture taking a quiz and someone called a bomb threat for the campus. The entire school spent the day outside, it was a beautiful day, while they searched all of the buildings. I made friends sitting on my dorm hill while we were waiting...I was sorry in the moment that I hadn't grabbed my car keys that morning but looking back it was a happy mistake. Neither my roommate or I had a TV or computer that year so I didn't get to see a lot of what was going on immediately but it was all so very sad. I still can't believe it's been 10 years.

I'm so glad you got a chance to meet up with Tiff and Gregg at the farmer's market. I hope that they are about to find work in the area. I know she would really like to be near her family once she has the baby. I can't wait to see her baby girl!

I am equally happy, maybe even more so, that your back is doing better. I hope that whatever your PT did is going to keep giving you pain relief. I can't imagine having chronic pain all of the time. I'm so glad you were able to truly enjoy the football game without having to deal with a painful back. FOOTBALL IS BACK!! Sorry, had to get that off my chest :-)

Enjoy your last labor free day. I sure intend to do nothing, except laundry. It's a beautiful cool day here and I love it!!

LeAnn said...

Titles are challenging because you have to brief and to the point and creative. Not an easy task. Anywho, 9/11 reminds me of the major, personal events that happen in our lives that are significant at the time, but years down the road, those events have lost their significance. I don't know if I am making sense. 9/11 almost seems like a scary movie that I imagined, never really saw. It was a huge nation-shaking event, but it didn't hit me as real since I didn't know anyone literally involved. I feel like I sound naive and uncaring, but I don't think I am. I had been in Spanish class in ninth grade. The TV was turned on and the TVs stayed on all day. The school day was essentially shot. It's weird to think about.

I've never really visited or enjoyed a farmers' market. I've heard good things though. I'm a farmers' market virgin. The food you mentioned sounded okay, but nothing that would probably float my boat. That's nice that your friends are back in Iowa.

I still want someone (qualified, preferably) to work on my back. Ryan isn't strong enough or heavy enough to crack my back, and his attention span is horrible when it comes to giving me a massage. I hate stadium seats. I remember having knee pain when we went to Colts games. The seats and the insufficient leg room take away from the fun of the game. I suppose I wouldn't be surprised if exercising (which includes stretching) would help my stiffness.

Alrighty, good blog. Later gator.