Monday, September 12, 2011


Hey all:

I'm considering doing a little bit of work tonight before sauntering off to bed. I figured I'd veer off my plan a little bit and blog. Be cautioned...I don't really have anything specific to blog about per se but it's nice to take a break and just write. I'll just go off on some tangents.

--Happy Day ISU won! I was so proud to see replays of the football game and hear great comments on the news. I hope we can keep this up the rest of the season since the remaining games are all difficult.

--Physical Therapy is going OK. Today was rough because my back was unhappy when I woke up and it was difficult to move during all my PT exercises. She often gives me a back massage around the discs and I couldn't even tolerate that. They need to give the official word so my MRI gets scheduled soon.

--Gavin's football team won their first game. I'm impressed by his coaches. It's evident they've used the practices wisely. Sadly he's missing his game this Sunday since we're traveling to Illinois for the basset hound event. I think that's the only game he'll miss.

--I'm actually watching the final episodes of Kate Plus 8 tonight. It's depressing how downhill the show has progressed. I knew it wouldn't be the same considering all the drama in the family but it's still depressing to watch. Not sure why I'm watching the train wreck.

--I had a touch of being overwhelmed at the end of last week. I had a lot of tasks pile up at home, ISU, and DMACC. I stuck to my rule of not working on the weekend despite the urge to try and get a few things done. I had a very productive Monday though and make tons of progress through my list. I'm grateful I have a white board in my office so I can constantly alter my list and erase things when they're done. It's satisfying to erase a lot of items each day.

--I haven't been reading for pleasure and it's irritating. I have so many magazines to read from over the summer. I still have a stack of relgious books to read but I haven't been in the mood to dive into any. I'm really not sure what type of book I'm in the mood for.

--Swim & Gym starts tomorrow and we have the largest enrollment we've had for the program in a long time. I think we have 36 children enrolled for the fall. We've had 19 and 22 in the past sessions. We really can't take anymore due to ratios and such and it will be interesting to see how things flow with extra bodies now. Fortunately I have 10 employees that will help keep things safe and organized. I actually created an assistant position for the program because I'm sick of being so stressed. I picked out a strong PE major that worked for Summer Youth Fitness. I'm hoping I can confidently leave the gym area and put her in charge if I need to do something else for the department when the program is running. It will be nice to delegate responsibilities.

Ok, that's enough randomness for now. I hope everyone had a good start to their week.


LeAnn said...

Hi. I need to blog badly, but I'm afraid I'll just complain about the Ryan situation. I'll try to fit it in soon; I'm sure blogging will be therapeutic.

Congrats on the win. I wore my ISU shirt yesterday, so I did give some support. A back massage sounds great. I was surprised you didn't mention the ovarian cyst interfering with your PT. How did that appointment go? What does Gavin seem more interested in this weekend: the basset hound event or his game? Because, I could be persuaded to come to Ames this weekend, I think. That way he wouldn't have to miss his game if he didn't want to.

I saw some of Kate Plus 8 too. Gosh, Kate just looks and sounds crazy. I'm not sure if I saw new episodes or what, but they were on an RV trip. It looked like the trip was going to hell. I saw a preview for Sister Wives, which is starting sometime later this month. Maracas! I haven't read anything for pleasure in too long. I guess now that I am single and lonely, I'll have time to read.

I hope I didn't add too much stress since your week ended with you stressed and overwhelmed. I'm sure my drama wasn't helpful. So, thanks for putting up with my crazy life. Do you have a Swim & Gym session two or three times a year? I feel like I hear about it a lot.

TTYL. Thanks for everything big sis.

project.100.gone said...

I so wish I could have seen that game. I'm thinking it must have been really exciting. Man I've missed football.

Sorry your back isn't playing nice. I hope they stop dinking around and get you in for your MRI before you do more damage. Idiots...them, not you.

I'm sorry that you're already feeling crunched for time although I was really happy to hear that you're sticking to your no work at home rule. I think it's so important to have a place where you can take time for yourself and by not working at home you have your work life and home life separate and I think that's healthy.

It's hard for me to get into certain books at times. I love reading but every once in a while I just feel like not reading. Maybe you're going through that right now. Good luck finding something that tickles your fancy.

I can't believe it's time for swim and gym already. It seems like you just finished summer youth and fitness. You sure are a busy girl, aren't you? Have fun and I hope your assistant helps you feel less stressed!! Delegation is a wonderful thing.