Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome Weekend

Hey Ladies:

Gavin and I have had a pretty low key Friday evening. We are watching a "Law and Order SVU" marathon. We are preparing to attend the Iowa State Fair tomorrow. I'm not sure what time we'll actually head down to Des Moines. I'm not exactly thrilled to deal with traffic, parking, etc. Oh and don't forget the heat. Originally we planned to head down at 8am so parking would be easier but maybe we'll leave later in the morning. The Shinedown concert isn't until 8:00pm.

I'm really not ready for next week. I actually have to start working on Sunday night because our orientation starts for our graduate students. The rest of the week is full of meetings, seminars, and more preparation for the start of classes on Aug. 23rd. The areas I need to use for my Fundamental of Outdoor Team sport are still underwater though...or severely covered with muck and sludge. Blah.

I finished "Gone with the Wind" two days ago. The book really impressed me. I do admit a few parts of the book were very slow and drawn out but the turning points were very dramatic. It also possessed many unpredictable turning points. I've never been interested in the Civil War but the inclusion of this event was the backbone of the story. It was interesting to hear the opinions and stories of soldiers and civilians in the South. I was very surprised by the ending. I'm not going to give much information about it in case you would like to read the book. I'm excited to rent the movie soon or catch it on Turner Classic Movies.

My next book is rather random. It's called "Protecting the President". It's written by two men in the secret service that worked for Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. One of the authors actually saved Reagan when an assassination attempt occurred outside a hotel. It captured my attention more than I expected. The behind the scene facts and stories are amusing.

I am now an official employee for DMACC. I got my caboose over to Boone today to complete paperwork. I'll be teaching a class for them every Wednesday from 3:50-5:30pm about personal wellness. I still need to get organized for it and create a syllabus.

On top of all the ISU work, DMACC job, random Red Cross teaching, flag football chauffeuring, I hope to include regular exercise. We'll see how that goes.

Stay cool!


LeAnn said...

Hello. A SVU marathon sounds fun to me. I very much like that show. I don't think I'll ever be much of a fair person. The food is not bad, the booths aren't too bad, but that's about it. Sometimes there is decent music too, I guess.
I'm not ready for next week either. I'm glad we start on a Thursday. It'll make the week easy as hell. Then . . . Czech Days! On top of the class stuff, I need to get ready for the play. Meetings and auditions start pretty soon too. Plus, there is a field trip in September that I'm obligated to go on, so there are little extras that add big stress.
I don't know if and when I'll read Gone with the Wind, but your critique is good to know for future use. I'm still working on the Witches of Eastwick. I want to be done before school starts. By the way, you said all the "much and sludge" - I believe you meant muck! LOL. Had to point it out. Your Asian responses are retarded. The hyperlinked elipses take you to sites that are basically Asian porn.
I had an interesting orientation day yesterday, but I'll try blog about it tomorrow or soon. Jason and I are leaving soon for Lindsey's wedding. I still haven't decided on what to wear. Talk to you later. Have fun at the fair.

Nicole said...

I know that I am really late in responding...sorry about that. Low key Friday nights are kind of a nice way to start the weekend. It's nice that you get to have some Gavin-Mom time before he gets older and starts going out on Fridays.

I've never read or watched Gone with the Wind. I've always been intrigued by the movie, I love old movies and it's in my Netflix queue so I'll eventually see it.

I hope all of your work things are working out. I'm sure you'll pull everything together always do!