Thursday, August 26, 2010

Busy as a Beaver

Hey all:

TGIF...I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday. My week has gotten easier thank goodness. I was very panicky and had high anxiety on Monday and Tuesday. Today was the second day I taught my main classes and it went so well. I'm so grateful that I'm teaching courses that I had last fall. I am extremely familiar with the content so I'm very comfortable in front of my new students. Several of my students are in all three of my courses this fall.

I still have A LOT of organization to do for my new job. My office is in disarray. The space as acquired so much "stuff" over the years. The physical activity coordinator from 3 years ago (he held the job for several years) collected lots of paper, files, books, etc. and I need to sort through it all to see what should be kept. The lady that held the job last year also added to the office too. I have big plans for the space but it's going to take a lot of time.

I have not done squat yet for my DMACC course. I need to work on that over the weekend. DMACC is having technical difficulties with online classes too. Half of my course is supposed to be online....grrrr. I hope they have things figured out by next Wednesday when I start teaching.

I've been so busy....I haven't put any focus on my weight loss or lifestyle changes. When I'm settled at night, it gives me time to think about it and I feel rather disappointed. I'm still very intimidated at work since I'm surrounded by slim, fit people all the time. With my new job, I'm even more visible now so I've been very self-conscious. I need to set aside periods of time each day and work out. Even if it's only going for a walk on campus. I'm hoping I can use the weight room and exercise clinic in the Kinesiology Department too.

It's also crazy that August is almost done. Jon and I will have been together 10 months on September 4th. It actually seems longer than that. I'm hoping we can go camping on a weekend in September.

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!!!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

First off, I'm pissed because I wrote a comment on Friday, but the internet f'ed up and it deleted. I was short on time, so I had to just leave it. So . . . now I'm back on Sunday to try again. I was extremely happy it was Friday too. I was burnt out from the week; I needed a weekend.
I hear ya about the organization. I don't think I'll have that job done until next summer. There is so much stuff that I need to go through and some stuff I need to see if I use at all during the year before I pitch it. However, I did take the initiative and threw out a ton of stuff already. Just not everything. So, we are definitely in the same boat.
Good luck with the DMACC stuff. I think it's good you are challenging yourself, but be careful that you don't take on too much. I'm trying to keep myself in check on that too. There's only so much I can do before reaching dangerous levels of insanity.
My weight loss stuff has gone on hold a bit too. When you have a job to do, it's almost necessary to put that first and put weight loss on the back burner. Yes, you might gain some weight, but you will have a job and a paycheck. It's crappy prioritizing, but it's also the nasty truth. I'm sure you already knew that, but oh well, I said it. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary. It's ironic because Jason and I are closing in a 7 years, but it hasn't felt that long. Jason might beg to differ. Ciao for now. Back to school stuff. Blah.