Sunday, August 22, 2010


My blog entry is similar to LeAnn's as we participated in Czech Days together this weekend. It was nice to pack up after work on Friday and leave town after picking Gavin up from school. Sadly we had to head to my uncle's visitation in Waukon. After spending time with family at the funeral home, we ate at a restaurant in town that no longer gets my vote. The service sucked and the food was horrible. It's a pity that a place like that cannot do better to serve Waukon. I try to make eating out a treat and that place turned my treat to trash.

Czech Days was fun like always. I only won Bingo once. The heat of the day sucked but it was nice to see family. Some of our cousins from Oklahoma were up visiting. I miss the old days when we were younger because my cousin Lori has changed so much since she's gotten married and become a mother. I cannot imagine how she raises 4 kids under the age of 8. I wasn't "wowed" by the food at the festival because the common foods like chicken noodle soup, brats, rib eye sandwiches, and pork sandwiches don't trip my trigger. I got my usual creamed chicken meal and it was too rich for me.

I agree with LeAnn that there isn't a lot going on during the month of August but Czech Days certainly is a high point for me. I'd like to say the State Fair is a high point too but I usually get more excited about a concert at the State Fair...not the fair itself.

ISU starts tomorrow so I'm excited to start a routine and get into the groove of things. I'll have to be present on campus a lot more since I'm supposed to be easily accessible in case graduate students need assistance the first week or so. I'm used to teaching my classes and leaving campus to work at home a lot. I'll need to make good use of my office, which hopefully means I can keep my work at work. I only want to work on DMACC materials at home.

Hope everyone else has a good start to their week!


Nicole said...

Glad you had a nice final weekend before the semester started...minus the visitation and the poor dining experience. Czech Days sounds like fun...any chance to hang out with family is good in my book.

I'm with you on the State Fair. I do love to wander around the livestock barns and see the sights I just wish it was in the fall instead of the summer so it wasn't so hot. I don't mind warm but some years it's just miserable.

Good luck with the start of classes...I'm sure you'll do wonderfully with your new responsibilities.

LeAnn said...

How dare you not comment on the wonderful hosting I did Friday night. Lol. I am/was curious if you (and Gavin) sleep well. You guys weren't here long, but I was hoping our hosting was what you needed/wanted. Yea, Mulligans was a total bust. I completely regret eating anything. I heard from a co-worker that there were between 20-40 citations written Friday night for public intoxication. I thought that was surprising and unusual. We didn't see any of that Saturday, but oh well. Hope the Stikas weren't one of them.
I'm not much of a fair person. I feel like I get bored easily. However, I remember enjoying the Belgian horses last time I went to the State Fair. I like my horses big! I enjoyed seeing Lone Star too. Good luck with your school year.