Friday, August 6, 2010

August is Upon Us

It's been my intention to blog for some time now...especially since we started a new month. My workload is steadily gaining so I'm starting to miss the down time I had for blogging and other non-work related activities. We still have some fun stuff coming up (like the State Fair) but I really need to kick it into gear and make some headway into my work for ISU.

I took over some new duties and will be the Physical Activity Coordinator for the upcoming school year. My main duty is to ensure our physical activity classes are of high quality. I evaluate and check-in on the graduate students that teach those courses, keep tabs on inventory since those classes require various pieces of equipment, and monitor our pool setting. It should be interesting. I got a brief orientation about the position but I think I'll learn a lot just by experiencing it for a year. The grad students have mandatory meetings that I'm going to also attend so I'm on top of all the information. I actually attended the meetings way back in 2006 but I'm sure some things may have changed. I don't want anything to be unclear especially when it comes to legal aspects.

I'm teaching three classes and fortunately I taught all three last year too. I just need to organize myself so I successfully reuse all my materials correctly. I've also chosen to use WebCT so portions of each class will be online.

I really need to get my butt in gear and prepare for the semester's session of Swim & Gym. I need to start advertising and hiring for a couple vacancies on my staff. I really hope the PE students take advantage of the opportunity to work with kids and teach PE. It should be interesting. I just reminded myself that I need to find a life guard too. Uff-duh.

Now for my broken record statement....I need to get my lifestyle in order. I've been eager to buy some new clothes for work this fall but at the same time I'm leery because I'd rather be a little slimmer before doing so. I'm also eager to make changes because I have a feeling my doctor will want blood work in December when I get checked out to renew my gallbladder medication. It would be nice to have a change in my cholesterol and triglycerides. Most of all, I need to introduce physical activity into my every day life. I'm trying to think of some ideas to bring more activity in our home life and do have at least one good one. I think Nicole suggested it before. I call it the "Physical Activity Lottery". We put a bunch of feasible activities into a jar and pick one out each day (probably after school). It may not need to happen every day though, especially when the after school program starts up on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gavin also has flag football starting up too and may not need the extra physical activity either. I know my schedule will be light on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays so I should strive to do my personal workouts on those days.

I've gone haywire with my eating too. The last few weeks have been filled with indulgences and unhealthy choices. I know I've undone some of my Weight Watcher's work. *sigh* I could also be saving A LOT of money if I'd create menus and stick to better food choices. It's so irritating that I can't always control what I put into my mouth. Grr.

Ok, this blog feels really random and unstructured but I'm going to post it anyway. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Well, you've beat me to the punch. I hope to blog sometime this weekend, before I get crazy busy preparing for school. I'm looking forward to Czech Days though. It seems to be the only summer thing left to celebrate. I'm looking forward to spending time in my classroom and making it my own too, but that's a weird enjoyment that I don't think all people share.

Sounds like you shall be muy busy this year. However, I'm sure we'll all be busy. UNI used WebCT a little, so I'm familiar with it.

I'm having some trouble with the diet and exercise stuff. I've been doing relatively fine, but my ability to jog has decreased a bit. I haven't been able to go as far as usual. My eating has been the hardest though. I feel hungry almost all the time. Keeping busy is the only thing to keep food off my mind. I would like to get back to my previous routine of eating and jogging. It's tough. I want it to get cool enough to use the oven without sweating. Jason and I both need to eat home-cooked meals again.
Alrighty, talk to you later. Your blog was not that random. Hope you and Gavin had a good school shopping day.