Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Recipes for Ya'll

Creamy Orange Citrus Breeze


1.5 quart (6 cups) of cold orange juice, divided
1 package (4 serving size) Jell-o Vanilla Flavor Fat Free Sugar Free Instant Pudding
1.5 cups thawed Cool Whip Lite Whipped Topping

Pour 3 cups of orange juice into a large bowl. Add dry pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk for 2 minutes. Gently stir in whipped topping.

Add remaining 3 cups orange juice; mix until well blended

Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve. Garnish with orange slices if desired

I haven't tried this yet but it sounded decent since it seems frothy.

Chicken Almond Salad Sandwich


2 lb rotisserie chicken
0.5 cup finely chopped celery
1/3 cup finely chopped red onion
0.5 cup light mayonnaise
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp celery salt
salt and pepper to taste
0.5 cup sliced almonds, toasted**
1/4 cup of golden raisins (optional)
16 slices of pumpernickel or whole wheat bread
8 lettuce leaves

Remove skin and bones from chicken. shred meat into large mixing bowl.

Add celery and red onion; mix to combine. Stir in mayonnaise, lemon juice, celery salt, salt, and pepper.

Add almonds and if desired, golden raisins. Mix to combine.

Spoon chicken salad onto 8 of the bread slices. top with the lettuce leaves and the remaining bread slices.

**To toast almonds, heat dry skillet over medium heat, add almonds to the pan and toss until golden brown.

I actually tried this at Hy-Vee as it was one of the samples. The actually used little french bread type slices that were toasted. It was a small portion but very filling since the bread was whole wheat. I'm usually turned off by chicken salad but the celery, red onion, and the almonds added great texture to the meat. The amount of mayo was appropriate too and wasn't overwhelming.



Yes I am alive in the blogging world! Technically I should be in a deep slumber right now but I wanted to write a little bit before trudging off to bed. I've been in a non-weight loss funk for awhile now. I always call attention to those issues but that didn't seem to bump up my motivation for change. It irks me. I'm hoping that the end of the semester and the extra time in my life will allow for healthier activities and the changes I desire. I'm caught up with most of my grading but will have another huge batch of papers to correct during Final's Week. Yippee Skippy.

I want to get in a better blogging routine. Honestly, I wish I could blog every day so I could express (and document) my thoughts, feelings, etc about the things I need to change. Hopefully I can accomplish my goal of more consistent blogging this week and into next week.

I also need to focus and attend Weight Watcher's regularly. I'm not sure how long I'll be a member if my employment changes so I better take advantage now. I also want to start using my bike more often (so Gavin can use his new one too). Jon has shown an interest in losing weight too so I'm hoping we can goal set together and work on healthier menus for the summer. He wants to buy a grill and that would be marvelous. I miss having an outdoor grill. I give major props to my George Foreman grill though. It makes a mighty fine turkey burger. I need to whip those up again!

Before I depart, I want to include a couple recipes that caught my eye. I've had a sample of one of them and it was great. I'll include them in a separate entry so it's more organized.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A new diet revolution...

Ladies, I have found the perfect way to lose weight. Just get a tooth infection! Let me tell you, I have no interest in eating at all. I probably wouldn't eat anything if my stomach wasn't growling non-stop. Good grief. Anyway, I went to the dentist and I have to have a root canal. Some people say they're not that bad and then there are people who tell me how horrible they are. I don't know who to believe so I guess I'll have to decide for myself. They're doing the root canal itself in 2 parts and then they'll seal the tooth. I won't be getting my crown until after the new year when I will have dental insurance. Let me tell you, this whole dental dilemma is costing me an arm and a leg :( Anyway, I'm on antibiotics and Vicodin now. I took my first ever Vicodin last night and let me tell you, there is NO WAY that I could take that while at work. My arms and legs were all tingly and when I woke-up to go to the bathroom I ran into the wall...not my proudest moment ever.

I was going to blog about exercise and eating well but I don't have much to report. I'm not really eating...I've had a banana and hard boiled egg today, GO ME! And I'm not really doing much for exercise. I might go for a walk tonight if I get home a decent hour. I'm stopping in and visiting Chris to see how her appointment went today and then I have to go to the grocery store and buy some milk, soup and other soft foods. Anyway, hope your week is going well!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wretched Tooth!

I'd start with Happy Monday but I'm just not feeling a happy today. I could be wrong but I have a sneaky suspicion that it might just have something to do with this wretched tooth that is causing me pain, which by the way is the same tooth that denied me sleep the last two nights. I hate being so cranky and tired on a Monday morning but that's just how I'm feeling today. Not only do I have to make a dentist appointment, and I despise the dentist, I have to go to an unfamiliar dentist and I'll have to pay out of pocket because I'm an idiot and don't have dental insurance. Ouch (that's for both my tooth and the thought of how much money it's going to cost me to deal with this). Anywho, I'm busy searching for a dentist this morning and will hopefully be able to get in somewhere in the near future. I'll keep you posted.

I could blog about other stuff but I would really like to get my ice back on my face which will require the use of my left hand so I'll stop now. I just wanted to whine a little...sorry you have to read it. I promise I'll blog for real this week some time.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

And I'm back...

Happy April ladies! I hope that you both had a wonderful Easter weekend. I had an excellent trip home. Here are some highlights:

1) My mom is doing well after her surgery. She is still in quite a bit of pain and the wedding took a lot out of her, let's just say that pews and folding chairs are not the ideal seating choice of somebody 10 days post back surgery, but she is definitely on the mend. She was initially told 6-weeks off work after surgery but I think she'll probably be closer to the 12 week mark.

2) I finally got to meet the men in my sister's lives. Kim and Hicham are a beautiful couple. Even though I was originally nervous about the speed of their proposal it is very obvious when watching them that they're in love with one another. I see many happy years ahead of them. Karla and Justin are also ridiculously giddy when together...I LOVE IT! Everybody keeps telling her not to rush into things and they hope that she's not settling with him. I can tell you, she likes him just as much as he likes her. However I will say this, I cannot wait until they have been together long enough that she can start dressing him. He has been a bachelor way too long :)

3) The cake making went well. They were delicious and they looked pretty good as well. The original plan didn't go as we had hoped (2 cakes per row of tables) because Bill's added an extra row of tables at the last minute. Not to mention when Bob was driving them to the hall his crazy driving caused two of the cakes to slide and the top layers fell off the bottom :(

4)The wedding was amazing. The weather was perfect, the ceremony was short, the food was excellent, the dance was a blast and I got to spend time with the people that I love. Dean and Alecia both looked wonderful and were flying high. I think that this is the start of a very long and happy life together!

5) Cody, my brother, has been losing weight. He started in February and last I knew he had lost 30 pounds. Well, that was an under estimation. He has lost 60 pounds since the beginning of February. He looks amazing. I haven't seen him this slender since he was in high school. I don't necessarily agree with the way he's losing his weight (he has been using a combination of low intensity exercise, severe caloric restriction and a weight loss supplement), he is being followed very closely by a doctor and the benefits of his weight loss are tangible. His blood pressure has dropped and the stress on his knees is much less severe. He has about 6 weeks left until he reaches his target weight. Talk about motivation to get myself in gear. I clearly won't be losing it as fast as he did but I'm OK with that.

6) My friend Chris had her surgery last week when I was gone. I haven't had a chance to see her yet but I'm going to go visit her in the hospital tonight. It sounds like they were able to get all of the cancer which is excellent. They did have to go deeper into the rectal wall than they were hoping but there weren't any complications. The surgeon did notice some leakage before closing her up so she has a colostomy bag for now but after her 6-week visit they hope to be able to remove it. She's not out of the woods yet but she is definitely on the right path.

Alright ladies. I don't really know much more right now. Have a great week!