Sunday, September 21, 2014

Restarting Weight Watchers for like the 100th Time


I was up early today (and yesterday) so I better use this time before church for productivity.   I think I have a plan for the pace of my blogging.   Whenever I plug-in my activity monitor to charge, I'll sit down and blog.   I'm supposed to plug it in once a week so that may help with frequency and consistency.   I keep thinking that things will slow down and I can find time to easily blog and do personal things, but nope.   By the end of this week, I'll be knee deep in grading due to some assignment due dates creeping up.

Jon and I went to Weight Watchers this week.   I am happy we did for various reasons:

  • the meeting leader has changed and she's not even close to annoying as past leaders  (some are very dramatic...I'm sure people like that but ugh)
  • I feel like I have a handle on the fall semester and it will be easier to be mindful about bringing lunches to work and making meals at home
  • I think if I take a few weeks to get the eating in check, it will be easier to boost the physical activity.   Most days I am moving plenty due to tasks at work but I need to make that consistent throughout all seven days of the week.
My first weight-based goal will to be to drop 15 pounds.   I am hoping to do this by Halloween.   (Always fun to pick a date that's associated with candy, right?)    Fifteen pounds will bring me to a weight that I see as a significant checkpoint in the process. 

One thing that bugs me is that I wish I was a better cook.   I do struggle at some point with making food at home because I only make a few things well.   And some of those food items aren't the most healthy due to the amount of butter, gravy etc.   I'm not great at tweaking recipes.   I am hoping to stumble onto some more recipes (like usual) so I can create a variety of food options.   I think that will keep us from desiring restaurants so often.  

On a different note, I am doing well with reading for pleasure.   In the past month, I read the original story of The Wizard of Oz.   I have always wondered how the book differed from the movie.    Many of the details are different and I can see why they put certain things in the movie and left out other details.    I am currently reading Emma.   It's OK.   I may need to take a break from Jane Austen and Jane Austen-like authors for awhile after this book.  I don't know if I've read too many of the classics lately and I'm getting "blah" about them or if I've read the really good ones and I'm now into the average books.   I also purchased the Julie & Julia book on my Kindle last night.   I watched the movie (again) and decided to see what the book is all about.   So far it's a pretty good read but I learned the real Julie Powell's life went downhill after the fame of her blog, book, and movie.   I almost want to read a biography about Julia Child too.   And no, I won't be whipping up any French recipes.   

I think that qualifies as a sufficient update!  

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Yeah, you secretly blogged! Wow, fifteen pounds by Halloween? I think it's a great goal, but I know I couldn't meet it. I actually haven't lost much weight. I think I've toned, turned some fat into some muscle. Anywho, watched out for that candy!

Does cooking really have that much to do with it? I am a very basic, novice cook, but it doesn't really force me or make eat unhealthy or eat out more often. Maybe it's a whole different ball game when there are other people in your household. I'm a family of one.

I started reading Emma once, but I didn't get super far. I'm well into Jane Eyre right now, because it's part of my written exam in the winter. I love Jane Eyre, so this re-read is enjoyable. I'm not sure if I'd ever want to read Julie and Julia. I like the movie though. Bon appetit! I read The Wizard of Oz a long time ago. I remember disliking how different it was from the movie. It turned me off from it.

Well done for blogging!