Wednesday, June 11, 2014

And Now Things Start to Get Hectic!

My busy season is officially upon me as the summer program started at ISU this week.   In total, the program has been running for 29 years now.   It is my fourth year as acting director.   I am proud to announce that I have figured out how to kick start things appropriately so necessary trainings, hiring practices, etc. take place with less issues.   We've had a couple issues in the last days but nothing major.    Right now we are dealing with a kid that peed their pants.   And a language barrier exists between the parents and myself so it's been fun figuring out a solution. 

We had our garage sale this past weekend.   Mother Nature didn't help much with the torrential downpours and opening it again on Sunday didn't fair well.    It was nice to get rid of stuff from the basement though.   I still need to run boxes and items to Good Will or Salvation Army at some point.   I thoroughly enjoyed the Japanese Steakhouse meal as well as the trip to the local casino.  

My ISU summer course starts on Monday so I should be working on my prep for that....I'll likely put some hours in on Friday so I'm good-to-go for the week of lectures.   I'm glad I checked in with a secretary today because I thought my class ran til July 31.   It's actually done on July 24th.  

DMACC is going slow and steady.   Midterm takes place already next week.

Due to the increase in work this week, I am kicking butt with my activity levels.   My activity monitor is lighting up nicely by the end of the day.    My eating isn't as great though.   It's irritating because in the beginning of the day I think "I need to lose weight and be better about my choices today."   By the end of the day I easily give in to my cravings and don't think much about the nutritional value of my choices.   I wish my morning frame of mind would stick all day.    My clothes aren't fitting as nicely either which worrisome and it makes sense based on my weight.   It's gone up.  

I wish I could put the same passion I put into my job into my weight loss desire.   I don't understand why this has been a difficulty for about 15 or so years.   Grr.

Time to walk around and check on 110 children.  

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

It's good to hear that your program is starting fairly smooth. If it helps your activity levels, so much the better. Take those bad foods out of the picture, out of sight, out of mind. Popsicles are the unhealthiest food I have in the apartment. Just my advice.

True story with the garage sale. I took some of my stuff to the consignment place; we'll see how it fairs. Everything else is getting donated to the local goodwill place.

Good luck with your hectic schedule, weight loss battle, and the little ones who lack bladder control!