Saturday, January 18, 2014

Off to a Good Start....Professionally

As the title states, the new year has started off on the right foot in regards to semesters starting up for both ISU and DMACC.   No major complaints with work despite my schedule being very busy most days.   I am teaching three classes for ISU, two for DMACC, running Swim & Gym, supervising three student teachers, supervising the grad students that teach, and some other miscellaneous stuff. 

Health-wise I am not off to a good start.   Both Jon and I aren't pleased with eating habits and activity levels.   Lots of work to do....need to officially dive in.  

Thanks to receiving my Kindle for my birthday, I've been reading more for pleasure.   I read A Prayer for Owen Meany:  A Novel and really enjoyed it.   It's the book that was used to create the movie "Simon Birch".   The book is much different but they did a good job making the movie.    The boy (Simon Birch/Owen Meany) lives into adulthood in the book which is quite different than the movie.  

I also read the short story related to "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".   I was surprised it was a short story and so basic.   It's quite different than the movie so for once I can say the movie is better than the book.

Last night I finished Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, which yes was also developed into a movie.    The book is very similar to the movie.    The main difference relates to the daughter (Sandra Bullock in the movie) and the fact she isn't kidnapped by the Ya-Yas but is alone in a cabin reflecting on her childhood and her upcoming wedding.  

I am working on two Stephen King books.   The Talisman has been a tough read so far.   I started  The Wind Through the Keyhole which is a new addition to the "Dark Tower" series.   It's been awhile since I've read the series so I'm hoping I can make sense of the book.    It's not attached to the end of the series but would be between books 4 and 5 chronologically.  

I have some Beth Moore books waiting too.   She writes religous books and almost all her books were free one day through Amazon so I bought 6 of them.  

Gavin started up with basketball.   He's on B team and has played two games.   He's still a little rusty but there is still another month of practice and games.   When Swim & Gym starts, I'm not sure how many games I'll be able to attend.     Games are on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Mondays.    Blah.  

Ok....back to watching reruns of Roseanne!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bring on another semester...

I am wrapping things up for the day before I head out into the frigid cold.   I'm curious to hear what the Fusion sounds like when I try to start it in a little bit.   My game plan was to update and change my syllabi for the semester for both institutions.    I was successful.  I even worked on my online courses a bit too and worked ahead for the semester.  My class sizes for DMACC are rather large so I'm curious to see how many people drop in the first week.  

I am becoming more motivated to spruce up my office at ISU and make it more personal.   I've never asked to paint it and I'm not about to do that yet.   I want to try and do something collage-wise with pictures of Gavin so I can be more boastful of my offspring when people are in my office.   I have so many extra pictures of him at home.  I need to figure out a cute way to present the pictures though.   (Yes I've been scanning Pinterest for ideas).   I never had a lot of creativity or craftiness working for me so I doubt I'll be blessed with any this week.  

I am truly pleased that my stressed demeanor just melts away over the holiday break.   I am truly enthused and excited to start the spring semester.   I have great ideas for all my classes.   (especially the class associated with educating future health teachers)  

I'm also excited for my millionth pursuit of changing my lifestyle.    Right now at this moment I'm thinking "eating better and exercising more?  piece of cake.   I'll start tonight."   What sucks is that I'll get home and laziness or indifference will kick in and my line of thinking will switch to "mmmm breaded cheese balls and sitting on the couch.....I'll work out tomorrow." 

I should probably go to Weight Watchers and see what I weigh.   It will depress me but I need to know where I'm starting from.    History repeats itself!!  

Anywho...time to pack up and head back to Ankeny.   Yippee.