Monday, November 26, 2012

Back to the Daily Grind


I'm happy that I held off on blogging until this afternoon.  I was sooo tired this morning and my writing would have been very blah.   I stayed up way too late so getting up in a timely manner presented a problem.   Gavin still got to school on time but I was zoned out all the way to Ames.  Luckily I got back into the needed groove before my 10am class.   I got a lot of work done last night I felt justified to stay up until 3am.  I have about an hour left at work until I need to head south to pick up Gavin from school.   Then I get to come right back to Ames to take him to his dentist appointment.  Yippee!  Having his dentist and orthodontist in Ames is a pain in the butt once in awhile but I like them both and didn't want to switch him.   Especially his orthodontist, his life with braces will be done soon. 

The break was very nice and I think I had a nice balance of downtime and work.   I knew that avoiding work all week was impossible but I didn't want to bury myself in tasks.   Monday and Tuesday were spent with work activities for the most part.   Email took up some time on other days of the work.  My health studies students had a major unit plan due today and some of the obviously procrastinated as I got urgent questions from them this past weekend.   I was so tempted to write "You should have asked this question prior to break, I'm not wasting my break answering it for you."  But alas I'm too nice. 

It was fun seeing family for a bit during the break.   I was able to partake in the Thanksgiving-Eve party and have some slush.   I had not drank a lot in a very long time and I think it was the cause of my feeling very ill at 3am when I was trying to sleep.  Luckily I woke up feeling fine and whipped up a large batch of meatballs for the Thanksgiving meal.   I was disappointed about the lack of green bean casserole but made some this weekend for Jon and myself.   Horrible in regards to Weight Watchers points but ever so tasty.   It was fun to goof off with some of the cousins.   My ability to catch and throw a football has become poor.   My PE teacher peers would be horrified.  

Jon wanted to buy a certain item that was on sale for Black Friday so we ventured out Thursday night.   I guess he made a Gray Thursday purchase rather than Black Friday.   It wasn't too crazy at Target as we arrived late after the 8pm opening of the store.   Luckily the item was still available and in stock for purchase.   Gavin went to a friend's house Friday through Saturday so Jon took the opportunity to try a new grocery store in Des Moines called Trader Joe's.   It's organic and natural food at a supposed affordable price.   Some of the items were quite expensive.   The store proved that an item can be labeled "natural" or "organic" and still be fairly unhealthy for you.   I looked at some things and calculated Weight Watchers points.   Many things were put back on the shelf.   I was hoping they would have satisfactory hummus to buy as I've recently fallen in love with a garlic hummus from a natural food store in Ames.   It's kind of expensive and difficult to not indulge in.  I couldn't find a hummus at Trader Joe's that explicitly stated it was garlic in nature.   Several of the plain hummus options have garlic as an ingredient but I wasn't sure if that would meet my expectations.   I should just learn to make the stuff on my own.   Jon found reasonably priced salmon and I tried it for the first time.   It's not too bad but not my favorite fish. 

I was able to make it to Weight Watchers last Wednesday prior to leaving town and lost 3.8 lbs.   It will be interesting to see what the holiday food intake has done to that total weight loss.   I'm still wearing my ActiveLink.   It finished my 8 day assessment.   I wasn't surprised to learn that I'm not a very active person.   I sit a lot in my car now.   I sit a lot at my desk at work.   Definitely need to get up and walk more often.   One thing I learned during the 8 day assessment was that placing the accelerometer on my waist band was a poor choice.   It stayed on if I wore jeans but if I wore athletic pants or dress pants, the stupid thing fell off a lot.   I had to save it from a dive into the toilet a few times.   Luckily you can pick different locations to wear it so I switched to keeping it in my pocket.   I may end up keeping it attached to my bra as I feel it would be more accurate closer to my body.   It seems for it to be loose in my pocket and not secured. 

I need to lose about 7 more pounds to have lost 10% of my total body weight.   It irritates me that I've been so close and I keep motivation.   Jon's been going back and forth too but he has reached the 10% loss.  He' also skipped less meetings and got an award for attending for 16 weeks.  Just another case of knowing what I need to do and putting it into practice diligently.   Sigh. 

Alright, it's time to get myself organized so I can be on the road soon to provide taxi services for Gavin.   Blogging was a lot more fun than grading some of those projects.  


LeAnn said...

So, did you really get sick Wednesday night? I woke up Thursday morning feeling fine, thank heavens. I wish I could have made the Raspberry-Cranberry jello salad for Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll make it for Christmas instead. Thanksgiving was quite nice with cousin-bonding outside. The next day my arm was sore, and Alissa said her legs were sore.

I've heard of Trader Joe's, but I've never been there. I like hummus, but I'm not crazy about it. I still haven't tried salmon either - I'm afraid I'll hate it.

I hope to continue losing throughout the winter, so I feel and look better in the spring and summer. But, I haven't been weighing myself, so I have no idea. I'm hoping for some good Just Dance marathons to burn calories.

By the way, I would like to come to Ankeny/Des Moines for Christmas shopping sometime soonish. Fingers crossed that I can fit it in. I'm afraid time will go too fast.

Nicole said...

I know this comment is delayed but I just have to say I love your purple Christmas tree picture at the bottom. It's my Christmas background on my work computers(I found it last year and just had to tag it).