Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Not a big fan of PAIN!

I'm having a hard time buckling down to do anything super productive at work thanks to my back.   I figured I'd whine about it in the blog.   I gave in and have involved the medical community.  I go back tomorrow and will visit with the neurosurgeon again.  Apparently if I have something major like this, neurology has to be involved since they were involved last year with all the back shenanigans. 

I spent a lot of time this morning being pissed at myself.   I bet I could be 30 lbs lighter right now if I had stayed on track with Weight Watchers and boosted my physical activity.   My back would probably be much happier.   I actually think I'm more upset about that than the constant pain.   I'm so grateful to be relatively tolerant when it comes to pain.   I'm able to stand and walk so that's fantastic.   I'd have to say my pain is around a 10 when I lie down, bend over, or sit.   When I stand up or walk, it's only a 2. 

I'm also worried because I'm depending on my body to cooperate so I'm useful and helpful for the rest of the move.  I need to be sorting, packing, and preparing and not being able to sit and bend over is very problematic.   Frustrating!!!

Anyway....just wanted to vent some disappointment and frustration before my work day gets underway.   I'm hoping it storms soon so the temps drop.   I've had enough 90 degree temperatures and heat index spikes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another Much Needed Update

Greetings again:

It will be interesting to see how long this blog is....I'm having some pretty nasty back pain so I'm not sure how long I can sit up at the computer.   A lot has been going on in regard to work and the upcoming move to Ankeny.   Summer Youth Fitness is starting its third week.   I'm about 90% pleased with how things are going.   I've had some drama with some employees unfortunately so I'm trying to implement some managerial tactics to promote harmony in the work place.   I'm afraid one of my situations will last most of the program and affect a friendship between two of my employees and it all stems to different teaching philosophies.   I'm also unhappy with the work ethic of some of my aquatic teachers.  It seems that if I'm not in the pool area watching, they tend to slack off and the quality of lessons diminishes.   Blah.  

We've moved more of our belongings down to Ankeny thanks to Jon bringing his Jeep up to Ames.  I need to take a lot more there during this week and during the weekend so things are emptier before the movers come on June 29.  I'm also anxious to see how much this move will actually cost so I can start using my savings for other expenses I have in the summer months. 

Jon made some big purchases recently to benefit the cohabitation situation.   We now have a "chesser" in the main bedroom.   Chest of drawers + dresser = chesser.  It's much taller than a dresser and was very much needed so we had enough dresser space between the two of us.   We also have a new bed.   We went to the business looking for a queen set but now own a king set.   It's so odd having so much space in a bed.   It doesn't move when someone shifts their weight or leaves the bed.   It's also very tall and fits the room nicely.  We expected it to look to large but I think it compliments the room.   The salesman had a good point...the bedroom is for sleeping anyway, who care if the bed takes up a lot of space.   It's still nice to have a walkway to the closet and in front of the chesser.   I'll post pictures soon. 

I was able to see my counselor last week so we had another good talk.  I don't think I really learned anything new.   She really agrees and reinforces a lot of things I say in the conversations.   I'm still trying to work on things I do for myself but it's been tough lately with the move approaching and the stress of Summer Youth Fitness.  I want to read so many different books but haven't had the time or energy to do so.   Exercise is non-existent.   Blah.  Gardening is fun though....the garden is doing well and we have flowers on the tomato and pepper plants.   I wasn't meant to raise carrots or green onion.  They are growing poorly. 

In addiition to Gavin and I joining Jon's household, another dog will be joining the house too.  We are fostering a basset hound for a little while.  His name is Nash and he was born with the glaucoma gene so he's unfortuantely blind.   They are running out of foster homes in the area so we were asked to help with Nash until he is adopted.   Jon's floorplan will also help with Nash's safety.   He's supposed to move in on Saturday or Sunday when all of his vetting is complete.  He is being neutered this week.  He's pretty good and does remarkably well considering his disability. 

I guess that's all for now.   I'd appreciate any happy thoughts you can send my way in regards to my back.   I've loved that it's been better since last year but I've had occasional pain every once in awhile that stops me in my tracks.   Tonight's pain is the worse I've had in awhile and it's sticking around longer than usual too.   Here's the kicker...all I did was bend over in the shower to adjust the water temperature.   Right then I had horrible pain and my back gave out.   I could understand if I was picking up a heavy box or something but bending over slightly???  Grr.   Fact of the matter is that I need to lose weight and I've gained some back.   This is my body's way of telling me to get back into gear with my weight loss because my poor vertebrae and interverebral discs are suffering badly.  

Enjoy the start of summer tomorrow!!!