Monday, October 17, 2011

Random Thoughts

Greetings All:

Don't expect this to be too organized. I'm just going to list some of the stuff that has been bouncing around in my head lately in no particular order.

-We took a quick trip to Chicago this past weekend. Despite being so short it was really fun and really nice to get away from Ames for awhile. We went to the Blackhawks vs. Bruins hockey game and watched the Bruins win in a shoot out since the game tied. It was nice to have some alone time with Jon too. We'll be bopping down to Kansas City in November to see the Steelers play. It will be a quick trip too.

-Midterm week has come and gone. I was surprised by the amount of midterms I sent out this semester. The number is correlated with the fact that I have a large section of Consumer Health. Most students that are doing poorly in my health class will drop. The physical education students probably won't and need to kick it into gear quickly.

-On a related note, the work ethic around me irritates the hell out of me. It's been increasingly frustrating to bust my butt and go beyond my job expectations and watch other people do the minimal or even less. I see it around me at work and within the work ethic of my students. Whatever happened to doing the best you can or trying to surpass that? Even better....what happened to wanting to impress the teacher?

-I'm really displeased with the status of my apartment. It's not horrible but needs some severe tidying up. If I make a big trip to Good Will, I think that will help with my clutter issue. I also need to tackle my closet and do some minimizing. I'd really like to have a garage sale next summer and make some money but on the other hand I want stuff to be gone.

-After doing some Facebook stalking on Nicole's page and her family members' pages I must say "Wow!" Nicole you looked fabulous for your sister's wedding. It looks like it was a fun day. I hope you're enjoying all your time with family :)

Rats...I thought I had more to write about but I cannot think of anything else. I'll blame the time as it's almost midnight. Adios!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Yea - I can't believe how short your trip was. I guess if it was worth it, so be it. I would find it annoying, but that's me. We don't have midterms, but I kind've wish we did. I wish I had the power to kick students out at midterm if they are failing. That way I don't have to waste time and effort on that student. Maybe it would be more incentive to do well early on. I'll just keep wishing. Work ethic in America is on the decline, especially on the part of students. There are the teachers that don't do much either; they're annoying, but at the moment, it's the students that frustrate me the most. My apartment gets ignored a lot too. I finally was able to do dishes, take out garbage, and do some laundry last night.
I need to do some Facebook stalking to see Nicole's pictures yet. Plus, today's her birthday! Wowza. I know I need to read her blog(s), and work on writing my own. Later!