Monday, September 12, 2011


Hey all:

I'm considering doing a little bit of work tonight before sauntering off to bed. I figured I'd veer off my plan a little bit and blog. Be cautioned...I don't really have anything specific to blog about per se but it's nice to take a break and just write. I'll just go off on some tangents.

--Happy Day ISU won! I was so proud to see replays of the football game and hear great comments on the news. I hope we can keep this up the rest of the season since the remaining games are all difficult.

--Physical Therapy is going OK. Today was rough because my back was unhappy when I woke up and it was difficult to move during all my PT exercises. She often gives me a back massage around the discs and I couldn't even tolerate that. They need to give the official word so my MRI gets scheduled soon.

--Gavin's football team won their first game. I'm impressed by his coaches. It's evident they've used the practices wisely. Sadly he's missing his game this Sunday since we're traveling to Illinois for the basset hound event. I think that's the only game he'll miss.

--I'm actually watching the final episodes of Kate Plus 8 tonight. It's depressing how downhill the show has progressed. I knew it wouldn't be the same considering all the drama in the family but it's still depressing to watch. Not sure why I'm watching the train wreck.

--I had a touch of being overwhelmed at the end of last week. I had a lot of tasks pile up at home, ISU, and DMACC. I stuck to my rule of not working on the weekend despite the urge to try and get a few things done. I had a very productive Monday though and make tons of progress through my list. I'm grateful I have a white board in my office so I can constantly alter my list and erase things when they're done. It's satisfying to erase a lot of items each day.

--I haven't been reading for pleasure and it's irritating. I have so many magazines to read from over the summer. I still have a stack of relgious books to read but I haven't been in the mood to dive into any. I'm really not sure what type of book I'm in the mood for.

--Swim & Gym starts tomorrow and we have the largest enrollment we've had for the program in a long time. I think we have 36 children enrolled for the fall. We've had 19 and 22 in the past sessions. We really can't take anymore due to ratios and such and it will be interesting to see how things flow with extra bodies now. Fortunately I have 10 employees that will help keep things safe and organized. I actually created an assistant position for the program because I'm sick of being so stressed. I picked out a strong PE major that worked for Summer Youth Fitness. I'm hoping I can confidently leave the gym area and put her in charge if I need to do something else for the department when the program is running. It will be nice to delegate responsibilities.

Ok, that's enough randomness for now. I hope everyone had a good start to their week.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Last year on this weekend

I stepped on the scale and it read 344.8. Last year on this weekend I was already so depressed that while that number shocked me, it couldn't really depress me much more than I already was. Last year on this weekend, I thought there was no hope. I thought that I would be heavy my whole life. Last year on this weekend, I looked like this:

This weekend I stepped on the scale and it read 260.2 and I was elated. The number shocked me a little but I quickly recovered. This weekend I see a future with a thinner, healthier me. This weekend I feel that I will never be back to where I was ever again. This weekend I see hope for not just myself but for everyone who is currently or will ever struggle with weight loss. This weekend, I look like this:

I know I still have a really long way to go but I never thought I'd make it this far. I can't believe it's been a year already since I started my final weight loss attempt. There have certainly been ups and downs along the way but after a year I think I can handle the bumps and bruises as long as there are plenty of happy times in between!

Alright, I'm going to go take advantage of this beautiful weather and get some walking in. Have a great day and I hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day Weekend!

Produce and Anger

I have to say that creating titles for each entry is a challenge yet fun at times. You probably think I'm angry at cucumbers or something but I'm not. Gavin and I just finished watching a show about heroes on 9/11 and right when the show started I was filled an immense saddness and anger all at once. It's sad that I had forgotten (bad choice of word) about all the suffering and panic that day. I didn't actually forget but the strong emotions had faded. I constantly remember that the buildings aren't there anymore but the personal stories they shared made me think about the poor people on the planes, those that probably died immediately when the planes collided with the buildings, those that were trapped and had absolutely no way to get out, those that fell from the buildings or jumped, those trapped in stairwells, those that got out of the buildlings but died due to the collapses, those that got out and surived but live with that nightmare every day, and those that lost loved ones on the day. The crappy realization is that we have still have to live with worry and fear that another attack may take place on the country. It makes me worry and wonder about the world that Gavin will live in when he's an adult. I got really pissed thinking about those that planned the attack and acted. I know our country was pleased that Bin Laden was found and killed but who knows how many other people/countries hate the USA enough to cause terror.

So where were you when it happened? I remember finding out when I got to Gilman Hall for my chemistry lab. They closed down the building since part of it was considered to be a federal building. I hopped back on the bus and went back to my first apartment in Ames and immediately turned the on TV. The second plane had recently hit the second tower so it had sunk in that it wasn't an accident. I was staring at the TV when the south tower collapsed followed by the north tower. Gavin a lot of questions tonight because he had never sat down and watched the proper order of events before. I often forget that he was only 1 year old when this really puts the time line in perspective for me. I do hope to go back to NYC someday and hopefully there is a proper memorial site in place by then.

On a lighter note, we went to the Farmer's Market in Des Moines for the first time ever this weekend. The weather wasn't great but the rain showers weren't horrible. Jon had been to the market before so he had good suggestions for food. The breakfast sandwiches are supposed to be wonderful so I shared one with sharing I mean I had two bites and he had the rest. It was on a biscuit with ham, egg, and american cheese. I was fine with only two was really rich. (And I had forgotten to take my gallbladder meds so I didn't want to toy with my body.) We had also made plans to meet up with Tiffany and Gregg so I got to see pregnant Tiffany. She is now entering her third trimester. She looked really good.

I purchased a pierogie....well a so-called pierogie. In my opinion, pierogies are like a big ravioli typically stuffed with potatoes and other goodies. This pierogie was kind of a donut consistency. It reminded me of a bismark or long john filled with cheese, potato, and mushrooms. It wasn't horrible but I don't think I'd get one again. I also went to one of the natural smoothie venders and got my first taste of wheatgrass in a drink. It wasn't horrible. I'd get one again. I got the "Berry Beety" smoothie. It had blueberries, apple juice, beet juice, and wheatgrass in it. I could slightly taste the wheatgrass and really taste the beets. It was refreshing.

Even though I used the word produce in the title of this, I didn't actually buy any produce. I have stuff at home to use up and I didn't want to buy things I wouldn't use in a timely manner. It was neat seeing the variety of dogs out and about too. The local radio station (pop music) had a dance-off event too in the middle of things that was fun to watch since it was choreographed. After the market ended, we went to a local English pub and had some appetizers while catching up with Tiffany and Gregg. They've moved back from Maryland and are living in Tiffany's hometown by Iowa City. Gregg is job is Tiffany even though she'll be having the baby in early December. She's done some substitute teaching. I actually hope we can go to the market again before it ends this fall and hopefully we can utilize it better next year. I haven't even gone to the market in Ames in years. When we were using WIC, we'd go a lot since I got vouchers for free produce. It would be cool to get some local produce or baked goods.

My back feels better! I've been doing my PT exercises and I think the realignment of my hips was really contributing to my discomfort. My back still isn't 100% but I've made great gains since Friday. I don't have to think so much and be on guard when walking around. I was in the habit lately of constantly being on guard in case my legs gave out. It's still difficult to get up out of bed and sometimes from a chair. But's been wonderful to not have constant pain. I do not know how Jon did it when dealing with the pain prior to his knee surgery and after the surgery. My pain was really wearing on my sanity on some days and really affecting my moods. I felt more like myself in the past couple days. I was nervous about attending the ISU football game since the seats aren't great for posture or back health. I didn't have any pain while watching the game just some discomfort when navigating the stairs. I was actually shocked that we won the game. Both teams played poorly in my opinion and there were issues with sportsmanship. Sadly an ISU player was disqualified and removed from the game. I thought the ISU vs UNI game would be our only one this year but now I really want to attend another. I'm hoping to either attend the Kansas or Oklahoma State game. Both are in November since our schedules are rather busy in September and October. Yippee Football!

I hope everyone has a labor free day tomorrow. I'm planning to rearrange my bedroom so manual labor will exist but nothing related to my job. It works for me.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Doctor, Doctor!


I had a doctor's appointment and physical therapy appointment this morning and thanks to all of that I cannot concentrate at work. I've been here for 1.5 hours and haven't got much of anything accomplished. I decided to vent via blogging so maybe I can refocus myself afterwards and not completely waste the afternoon.

I saw a different doctor this morning and not the usual physician's assistant. I was actually happy to see someone different. Long story there...I won't get into it. The new doctor spoke to me for a little bit and based on my symptoms decided that I should start some physical therapy. Not only does he want the PT to help relieve my issues but my insurance requires I give it a go for a few weeks before they will pay for a CT or MRI. They had an opening for PT appointment later in the morning so I took it so I could get the process started pronto. My therapist (Jill) is so nice and was wonderful to work with.

The symptoms that have led me to go to the doctor recently are related to issues with my lower back. It's not a chronic pain. I haven't had pain today (until my back was manipulated during PT) and I had a pain free day yesterday. It seems to be hit or miss. My back issues have been scaring the hell of me to be frank. My back suddenly just gives with no warning. I can be on stairs or on a flat surface. Sometimes the "giving out" is accompanied with severe pain or sometimes it just causes sudden weakness or numbness in my lower extremities. It's really not cool. Not only does it hurt but it's embarrassing because I've fallen down due to it. It's also contributing to my sleep issues because I'll roll over in the middle of the night and trigger that pain and it disrupts my sleeping patterns.

I did an assessment with the physical therapist and got some more information about my body that I don't care for:

-- one of my legs is longer than the other (may be due to my spine or hip displacement)

--my hips are not aligned properly (not sure if they caused back problems or if back problems caused the poor alignment)

--my reflexes on my right side (below the waist) are poor or not existent. She whacked away with her little hammer on things and my body wasn't responding.

--my pain response on that same side is poor too. I didn't feel them poking me or sticking me.

--I have horrible spasms and tension in my lower back. She couldn't work through it to find important landmarks. She was stunned that I was living with that discomfort. Well it's not really discomforting to me. I can't tell that I have that tension. She said a typical person would be in constant pain that would prevent proper walking and function. Apparently my threshold for pain is high or I've adapted to the issue.

She realigned my hips and used electrodes to try and ease that tension in my back. Sadly I think I'm back to point A though. It worked for a bit but not long term. I have some simple exercises/stretches to do at home. I've been doing some of them already but I'm hoping the addition of others will prevent my back from giving out. I really need to work on my core muscles so my back is stabilized from the front. I have a horrible imbalance due to my craptastic hamstrings and lack of core strength.

They are trying to expedite the MRI because she does think there are disc issues and she doesn't want physical therapy to irritate anything. I wish insurance wasn't such a bastard. I'm grateful to have it but the politics behind it are frustrating.

I've very down lately and I'm very pissed at myself today. I've had an attitude for years that almost allowed me to condone being overweight because I didn't see it adversely affecting my health. It may not be entirely the fault of my weight status but my weight isn't helping the matter. If I didn't have an extra 100 lbs compressing my lower discs, I'm sure they'd be much happier. I'm feeling very discouraged but my appointment with the physical therapist did provide some hope and motivation. I do have strength to work with...I'm not having to start at the drawing board in regards to preparing my body to fix my back. Even when I lose my weight, I may have constantly reminders of the harm I've caused. My back may improve and get better but it's never going to be 100% again. It's so disappointing. I want to be spry and active until I'm 113 and back issues won't help with that.

Venting complete!