Saturday, December 25, 2010

Season's Greetings!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

I am currently sitting at my Mom's kitchen table watching her prepare home-made potato soup. It smells incredible and I'm anxious to devour it. I was lucky to get some of her mashed potatoes for lunch too.

I had a very pleasant Christmas and it was very nice to come up to Waukon (avoiding the snowstorm) and see family finally. I had actually forgotten that I had birthday presents waiting for me and received plenty of Peanuts items. Nicole also created a fabulous blanket for me. It's been used both nights since it's freezing in my old bedroom (in the basement).

I once again realized this year that I really enjoy watching other people open their gifts rather than focus on mine. I got some nice stuff and I do appreciate receiving it but it truly is more fun to give than to receive. Kudos to LeAnn for giving me a couple books with the craziest postcards in them that I've ever seen. Mom and I read through them earlier tonight and were laughing so hard we cried.

Our family made four batches of popcorn balls this year and had some nice assembly line action going on since we all have our duties for that process. We also attended the candlelight service at church last night and watched some Christmas movies. The family got Farkle (a game that requires luck and a good roll of the dice) and we played that a bit today. Gavin got the new Scrabble Flash and I think I've played that more than anyone today.

I hope everyone else has had a great holiday today. Nicole- I hope you have good weather as you continue to travel around Iowa and Minnesota throughout the week. And thank god you have been working out since I almost got my car stuck on Thursday night. Not sure what I would have done if you weren't there to push me out.

I'm very grateful to have all my friends and family in my life. (those are the best gifts of all)


LeAnn said...

Nicely written. I didn't realize you read through all of those postcards. I'm glad you got a good laugh out of them. Don't forget you have your Jim Gaffigan CD to laugh at. The blanket was quite lovely, Nicole and Jenny. It was a good Christmas. Good Farkling, popcorn-ball-making, and of course, dancing! You are on your way home, and Gavin and I will be heading over to the Howes' soon to leave the house quiet. Thanks for the gifts! Tell Jon sorry about the boringness of his gift. See you in a few days.

Nicole said...

I concur with LeAnn, very well written. I think we too often forget about the gifts we have in our lives everyday, mainly having people to love who love us in return.

I'm glad that you had a nice Christmas with the family. I'm also really glad that I got a chance to see you, albeit the visit was much too short. I'm much like you. I love watching people open gifts, especially if I've put time and effort into getting or making something really special.

What were the books that LeAnn got you? I thought maybe they were the post secret books but after reading how funny they are I don't know if that's right.