Monday, December 6, 2010

Goodies, jogging and sales oh my...

Hello ladies. I was hoping to blog over the weekend however, my operating system decided to crash on Saturday night and I had to deal with that yesterday. Reinstalling the OS wasn't so bad, the 103 critical updates on the other hand are taking longer than I'd like. Oh well, that's what I get for having a system that's over 4 years old. Fortunately I had all of my documents, photos and music backed up so I didn't really lose much. I did sadly, lose almost all of the audio books that I had ripped from CDs I checked out at the library. I don't have enough space on my iPod for all of my photos music and audio books so I usually just add the books that I'm currently listening to at work. I guess I have to check some out again and get them back. Bother. Anyway, all's well that ends well and now I have a shiny new install of my operating system. Go me!

I had a really nice Thanksgiving with Jessica here. I forget how easy it is for us to just hang out. We never feel like we need to entertain one another yet we always have fun. I miss having girlfriends around to just hang out with. While she was here we did lots of cooking, black Friday shopping and we even got a little bit crafty. JoAnn's had really good deals on Friday so I got yarn and made Rishy some hats and she got some fleece, it was dirt cheap, and made a tie blanket. While it was on sale I picked up fleece and made both Taylor and Jackson tie blankets for Christmas. At $2.99 a yard you can't hardly beat the price. I also hit up a really good sale at Lanebryant. They had everything in the store buy 1 get 1 free. I got 2new cardigans and 2 bras. Both of the cardigans are really girly but I like them a lot! I've gotten a lot of compliments on them.

Each day I get a little closer to being ready for Christmas. I have all of the kids homemade gifts done with the exception of Jada's hat which I hope to whip up tonight. I've also purchased all of their other gifts too. I thought this year, instead of books I would get them all DVDs of movies that I love. I hope they enjoy Beauty and the Beast, The Great Mouse Detective and How to Train Your Dragon as much as I do! I've even started on some of my Christmas goodies. My first batch of caramel corn turned out amazingly well and will soon be shipped over to Afghanistan along with covered pretzels and peanut butter balls. I just hope they don't melt in the heat. I think this coming weekend I'm going to bake sugar cookies. The first day I'm back for Christmas Taylor and I are going to have a Harry Potter marathon and frost cookies for our family festivities. He actually called me this weekend to make sure that I hadn't forgotten my promise. I'm glad he's as excited as I am.

I've been trying to do well with my fitness goals. It's so hard this time of year with all of the sweets and other rich foods that seem to be around. I didn't really gain anything over Thanksgiving but I didn't really lose either. I've been very faithful to my exercising and I'm still minding myself when it comes to diet, however, I have to admit that it's hard to be as strict when you're making goodies. I mean, you have to sample to make sure everything turns out well :) I'm enjoying everything in moderating and I think that's the most important part. I do have some exciting news to share with you. It might not seem like much but I'm pretty pumped. This weekend when I was working out I jogged for 10 minutes! I don't think I've been able to jog for 10 minutes in years, maybe decades. And the best part, I didn't feel like a giant pile of crap afterwards. I actually felt really good. Yes, I was breathing hard and sweating like a pig (yes, I do know pigs don't actually sweat...I didn't come up with the saying I just use it)at the end of my 60 minutes on the treadmill but I felt great! I think part of my new years resolution is going to be getting back into the walk/jog protocol and see where it takes me!

Anyway, I should go. It's lunch time and I am quite hungry today. I hope you ladies have a great week!

p.s. Jenny, once I get all of my updates taken care of on my computer I'll reinstall messenger and finally get a chance to chat with you!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm not sure I should be leaving a comment, because your blog was so upbeat and positive. I'm feeling quite the opposite. Mondays blow. I'm tired, obviously cranky, and the day wasn't the greatest. However, I will try to keep my negative mood out of my commenting.

I don't know a whole lot about computers, so I can't even comment on your OS issue. I just remember needing a replacement laptop during finals of my senior year. I don't totally understand "backing up" on computers. I should, but I don't. I'm glad you are resolving your issue.

It sounds like a good Thanksgiving in Michigan. I like those types of friends too. You don't have to go out or do anything to keep entertained. I'm pretty low-key these days, so those types of friends are wonderful. Kudos for going out in the Black Friday madness.

You must keep yourself busy with the home-made gifts and the cooking/baking. Reading your blog definitely made my stomach growl. I used to be more into baking, but not lately. I'm too tired/lazy it seems. It's a horrible excuse.

Congrats with your 10 minute jog. They aren't as easy as they seem or sound. Right now, it seems impossible to work out. I'm sitting at my desk exhausted. I'm not sure what I'm going to need to do to get a healthy routine going. You go girl.