Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An update in the life of Jenny

Hey Ladies-

Well this has been an interesting week so far....it's my first finals week as a lecturer. I was all organized for Monday but got a surprise when I got to work. I entered my locked office/lab and discovered that someone had been in my space between Tuesday and Sunday. They had completely rearranged things in the lab (tables and chairs). My coworker and I had things on the table and everything was on the floor. I was not pleased. I keep confidential things in my office so I had no idea who had been looking at things on my desk and whatnot. (I had final exams sitting on my desk...grr). It turns out that a dance professor thought she had the right to use that space...she claims she didn't know it was my office.

I was also pissed because my computer was ON when I walked in too. I know I turned it off on Tuesday when I went home and I never entered my office Tuesday through Sunday due to the weather. I have grades and confidential research information on that computer. And to top it off...it now has a virus. It immediately locked up when I tried to use it. Grr.

Anyway, the day kept going downhill because I started grading unit plans for one of my classes. I gave the students specific expectations for the unit plan. They had plenty of time to complete it. I've had many students do fine and get As and Bs on it. There are several students that earned 58 or less points out of 100 on it because they simply didn't complete all the requirements. A couple students didn't even hand it in because it wasn't a priority compared to other homework due. You can't pass the class without doing that unit plan well.

By 2pm when I was giving another final to my other class, I was beyond pissed and grumpy. I came home after that and just vegged out. Luckily today was much better. I didn't have any surprises. I am taking furlough days Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday which means I cannot show my face at my job until Monday. I made sure to bring all my work home with me so I can do grading and submit grades from the comfort of my dining room. I'm hoping to finish my Christmas cards, finishing wrapping some gifts, clean the house very well, and pack for our trip home in an organized manner. I need to start prepping for next semester too since I'm teaching a major course that needs to be restructured severely.

I have some other worries in my life too but I'll have to discuss those with you ladies on messenger. I'm so sick of stress!!


project.100.gone said...

wow...sorry I missed you last night, you probably could have used the venting. I hope that your first furlough day has brought you a little piece. The office stuff is a bummer...I would hate to have my private things rummaged through, even if by another colleague. To bad you can't lay the smack-down on her! Was it Janice? It seems like something she would do. I hope the rest of your grading and week go better!

LeAnn said...

All that stuff would put a big thorn in my side. I have similar feelings towards my students. Today was quite the day in that department. My NICC speech class did not have their speeches ready. Only three people were ready, and they have had over a week to do it too. I've seen them doing nothing in class these past few days so their excuses bounce off me like ping-pong balls.
THEN, I was super excited about my "Hero Charades" lesson plan for today. My first hour class didn't want to do it so their charades were boring. My fourth hour cheated, which is possible I found out. They pissed me off so much that I gave them a writing assignment. HA! My fifth hour did AWESOME and really got into it. God bless them. I threatened seventh hour with an assignment so they behaved well and did quite well with the charades. I laughed and had smoke coming out of my ears today. Whew, quite the day.
I would be fuming if someone went into my office and clearly made their presence known. I freak out if someone has been in our house, or even in my room.
Ok, I was going to go into detail about my Wal-Mart experience and car problems, but I realized that this is your blog, not mine. LOL!

project.100.gone said...

While yes, it is our blog...I want to know what happened to your car!!! Not to mention a 'Wal-Mart experience' sounds like it might be entertaining to hear about as well...go to LeAnn!