Monday, December 28, 2009


I hate headaches! I spent all day yesterday fighting what I thought was a migraine but now I'm starting to think it's a tension headache! I really don't like migraines but I especially dislike tension headaches because the only thing I can do to make them better is lay my head down...not really practical at work :'( Oh well, I'll stop whining and get on with happier thoughts.

Christmas wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. I will admit that spending the day by myself wasn't an ideal way to spend my holiday, it could have been much worse. It rained all day (I know...raining on Christmas?!?!?) so I didn't feel guilty just hanging around the house. I made some soup and this really fantastic buffalo chicken dip...yum! Then my family called me and we all opened our gifts together. I got a sewing machine, a sewing kit, a shirt, a mag light for my car, and four folding chairs. It was quite the haul...I must have been a really good girl this year. I then proceeded to spend my weekend watching movies and doing some shopping...I got all of my Christmas cards and wrapping supplies for next year (can't beat 50% off)! I will admit that I ate way too much but, in all fairness, had I been at a big Christmas celebration I probably would have had more so I can't get too picky.

Seems how my planning didn't go as I had hoped last week, I think that I am going to attempt my trip back home this week instead. I have the PTO and my mom's extended family Christmas is Saturday. It will be nice to get back there and see my family, many of whom I haven't seen since I moved to Michigan. It should be a nice trip and I think it will actually be more relaxing that if I had made it back for Christmas. Less traffic on the roads, better weather and ideally my crazy stepsister won't be there the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I love her but she's one of those people who's easier to love in short visits! I hope that it works out because it would be really nice to see my mom. I literally spent 5 hours with her the last time I was home...that is SO not enough.

Anyway, I don't think I have anything else to contribute today. I hope that you ladies are enjoying your break. Make the most of it!


LeAnn said...

Headaches are no fun. I hate how they can ruin a day or plans. I usually get plain ol' headaches or migraines.
Sounds like Santa was good to you. It's too bad the weather decided to be a bastard and not let you get home. Going home for New Year's is almost as good, so I would say "Do it!" The traffic might be iffy since it's still a holiday week/weekend.
Luckily we were able to fly from Minneapolis, but driving there was horrible. Sorry to hear about the overeating, but we are all guilty of it these days. We went out to eat in Florida and ordered pizza one night, all of which led to my eating more than enough. I got some passes to the local work-out place, so they will be of great use in the upcoming weeks.
I don't want to spill too many beans as I plan on blogging about my trip, Christmas, etc. Plus, I have been reading "The Lovely Bones," so you will be getting a blog about that in the near future.
Good luck with the headaches. I have no special cures.

project.100.gone said...

I concur...headaches blow. I really don't get them very often so I guess I can't really relate. Both you and LeAnn probably hate me for that LOL. So when do you think you may take off for Iowa...if you choose to come?

Oddly enough, I didn't really overeat over the holidays. I wasn't a huge fan of the junk food we had only vice was the amount of chips my mom keeps on hand. oh well. hope to chat with you soon!