Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Lovely Bones...

My plan failed. I went out and bought 'The Lovely Bones' on Sunday so that I would have a book to read on Thursday next week when I had nothing to do at work. I have, however, already finished the book. It was a very fast read and not terribly long which lead to finishing the book much faster than I would have liked to. Now I have to find another book for next week. On the plus side, if Amazon doesn't disappoint then I will have a shiny new, or at least new to me, book to read before next Christmas Eve day. OK, onto my thoughts on 'The Lovely Bones.'

The book opens with a very sad chapter about a 14-year old girl being raped and murdered by one of her neighbors. I was worried because my stomach can no longer handle gratuitous violence and the word dismembered was used in the review I read but it was presented in such a ways that it wasn't harsh or graphic. Everything beyond the first chapter is looking at the way her family, friends, neighborhood and murderer cope with life after her death. After finishing it the book last night, I firmly believe that the book is about growing up and moving on: not just for children but adults;not just for the living but for the dead. The book is told from Suzie's (the victim) perspective and it was really interesting to see how the author viewed heaven and the after life.

The book contains just about every element in it that you could want. There is murder/mystery/suspense, love, heart ache, coming of age, some humor and plain old, gritty reality. The nice thing about it is that not one of the themes overshadows the others, they all play nicely together. I feel safe in recommending this book to others so if you get the chance, check it out.

Other than reading I've been obsessively keeping an eye on the weather. I'm really hoping for the snow showers being projected on the 24th to move to the 23rd or even 25th...however, I think that makes me selfish. I've really got my hopes up about being able to drive home for Christmas and surprise my family. I've decided that I'll attempt regardless of what the weather is doing. If I have to stop and stay in a hotel half way that's alright. It'll be worth it! Anyway, I should get back to's very slow this morning but will be crazy busy this afternoon. Have a great day ladies!


LeAnn said...

Yay, I'm glad you found a good book. I will officially put it on my list. I feel like my list is full of just classics and nothing from other genres. You've finished two books quite recently. Look at you! I should have finished Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by now, but I putting along. I think it's crazy fun that you are planning on driving home to surprise your family. It shall be a lovely Christmas surprise! Yay!
It seems you and Jenny are back on track with the blogging. Keep it coming.

LeAnn said...

** I am putting along.**

I just had to fix it. lol

Nicole said...

you're too funny LeAnn! It drives me crazy that you can't edit comments because when I make mistakes and notice, it drives me crazy!

I hope that my family is as excited to see me as I am to see them. I keep thinking of the best way to do it. If they're up I can't decide between sneaking in the back door and just walking in (everybody comes in the back door) or going to the front door and pounding until someone lets me in. Either way I'm going to park at my aunt's house next door and walk over across the field. I don't want to miss the surprised looks on their faces and if they see my car pull in I will. As of right now the weather looks great...I hope it stays that way!!