Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finally done...

and that means that I could finally read LeAnn's blog pertaining to The Time Traveler's Wife. Like LeAnn, I found the beginning of the book hard to get into. However, once I managed to finally make it past the first 20 pages I was hooked. I will admit to not being a huge fan of standard romance so I was hesitant about getting into this book but I really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters in this book. I felt like Henry was portrayed as multiple characters and I liked that a lot. We so rarely get to see truly seperate identities of one character and I like how he was portrayed at his various stages in life.

Some of the elements of time travel were really interesting as well. I have, believe it or not, had a conversating where friends and I discussed whether or not we would sleep with ourselves if we had clones. I can honestly say that I never thought that I would come across this topic in a book. I also think it would be marvelous to get to go back and see the people that we've lost. Even if it were just for a moment I think it would be amazing. I would not, however, want to have to relive some of the tragedies over and over again: i.e. his mother's death.

It was such a wonderful book and I feel like I could go on and on about it however, as you've both read it I don't need to. I think it was a solid read and I lent it to my sister-in-law and hope that she really likes it as well. It should be up her ally as she digs the love stories. I think that I might venture out this week and pick up a new book. I think I want to read the lovely bones. I've heard many people praise the book but I've never paid any attention to what it was actually about. Now that I know, I think I'm interested. I have to work by myself on Christmas eve day and will probably have all of 6 EKGs to do in the time I'm there so I figured I'd pick it up and read it while I was doing nothing else at work.

OK, I should proably blog more but I'm very spacey today and finishing up this blog is about all I can handle. Have a wonderful week!


LeAnn said...

I'm glad you liked it. I would agree that it's more than just a love story. There are so many other aspects or elements that make it more than a romance novel. I have a feeling that I will be going through books more and more once I am done student teaching. I will have a lot more time on my hands. I'm glad you are back to the blogosphere.

project.100.gone said...

So what is "Lovely Bones" about?

project.100.gone said...

It's about a young teen (14) girl who is raped and killed by her neighbor in the first chapter. It's not graphic, thank God. And then the rest of the book is her looking down from her Heaven watching how everyone is coping after her death. I went out and bought the book today and I'm 110 pages into it. It's a fairly fast read and I've liked it so far. Expect a review to come sooner rather than later.