Monday, December 21, 2009

Bah Humbug!

I am in a seriously Scroogy mood ladies! It has nothing to do with Christmas itself, I'm still in love with the holiday and everything that goes with it. I am, however, not in love with the freakin' forecast! I can drive in snow. I don't think I can drive in freezing rain :( I was so excited thinking that I might be able to work this out but now I don't know if it's possible. I'm still praying for good weather and hoping for the best but I need to get myself used to the idea of being here instead of home...bah!

On the plus side, if I have to stay home and be all depressed on Christmas I'll have a ton of caramel corn, sugar cookies and pumpkin cream tarts to drown my sorrows in :) I was a baking woman this weekend and I LOVED it. I sometimes wish that I had a million dollars so I could pay off my student loans, buy a little house in Iowa and open a bakery (actually a coffee shop where I can sell my baked goods). Now, while I might be a bit biased, I have to admit that the goodies I made this weekend are fantastic! I can't wait to share them at work tomorrow!

So yeah, I don't really know much more. Have a great week ladies. If/when you are traveling be safe!


LeAnn said...

I totally understand. I'm getting nervous because my boyfriend and I are suppose to drive to Minneapolis and fly to Florida Wednesday night. I wouldn't mind staying home for Christmas, but I really don't want to get stuck in Minneapolis. Plus, I have to run errands tomorrow and I don't want to have to contend with the weather.
It sounds like you'd be successful at your little Iowa bakery. I wish we could all be successful at our hobbies. I would be a famous author.
Sorry to hear about your possibly cancel Christmas trip. Better safe than sorry. I hope both of our travels are safe and fruitful. Don't get Scroogafied.

project.100.gone said...

You were missed too! I was so mad that I neglected to text message you until a day or two after Christmas. It would have been awesome to hang with you over the holidays. This just means that I need to get my caboose out to Michigan in 2010 and visit you. I'd like to make it an annual or biannual occurrence.