Friday, October 17, 2014

Falling Off the Wagon...a little bit


It's Midterm Week!   And I'm actually organized and on-top of the extra duties I need to perform for both institutions this week.   All my midterms have been turned in for ISU and I'm waiting for my DMACC students to finish their online midterm exams tomorrow.   I usually have to scramble on Thursday and/or Friday of this week.   I don't miss that!

Next week will be slightly stressful as one of my classes is providing a health fair for a local elementary.   Even though this happens every semester, it's always a struggle to organize and makes me nervous.

Weight loss was 'meh' last week as I only dropped 0.4 lbs.   I wasn't shocked though due to some food choices.    I gained this week which was further confirmation that I need to get it together and be mindful about eating choices.   I went from "eating better tastes awesome" to getting sick of my food choices and wanting more variety.   The variety usually leads to less healthy foods.   I am on a mission to buy some zucchini today or tomorrow as sauteing that for a meal is delicious. 

I finally finished the book Emma.   The end of the book was decent and slightly predictable.   It is way too long.   Jane Austin could have made her point easily with about 100 less pages in the story.   I am now working on the remaining portion of The Kite Runner.   I do want to read Gone Girl too but it was a little pricey on the Kindle.   I may just borrow that one from the library.   The movie was great.   One of the best movies I've seen in a theater in a long time.  

I finally got information about the billing for my accident in August.   I am grateful for having decent health insurance.   I need to have LaCrosse and Waukon re-submit some things so my insurance processes the services as "in-network".   I've been playing phone tag with people in the last days.    They always call when I'm teaching.    I had guessed my ambulance trip was $1000 and I was almost right on the money.  

Happy Friday!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Another Loss and a Stressful Conference

It has been another hectic and very busy week.    First things first....I lost another 2.2 lbs which was a nice realization on Wednesday.   I'm trying to keep the correct frame of mind because things are always easier in the beginning since the body loses water weight and the guidance from WW is easier to adhere to in the first weeks/months.   I am hopeful that my elevated physical activity in the past few days will contribute to another decent loss on Wednesday.  

The university hosted a conference yesterday (Friday) and today.   The annual conference rotates each year to different locations.   It was at our location back in 2009.   Different issues back then but it was a stressful time as well.   The lead person for the organization is the polar opposite of me and others in our department that tried to help organize the event.   We had a year to work on putting everything together (and using notes from 2009) and it was still somewhat of a mess.   I am further irritated because a couple of us busted our butts to be helpful and make things work as well as possible.  Others that were part of the process weren't as helpful and it almost seemed beneath them to lend a hand yesterday and today.   One faculty member barely interacted with the conference despite being at meetings for months and suggesting a lot of the crap that didn't allow it to function well.   I am grateful that ISU reimbursed me for my registration fee (professional development) because despite paying full price, I didn't get to attend one key note speaker or workshop event.  I barely got lunch yesterday.    Hopefully if it comes back to us in five or so years, I'll once again forget about my irritation.

I finished reading the Julie & Julia book this week. was OK.  It kept me interested and I did read the book quickly.   A comment was made in the movie about the amount of cursing in her blog.    If it was similar to the novel, I could see why Julia Child wasn't thrilled about how she wrote about the recipes and cooking process.   I don't mind swearing but I was surprised why she swore in some parts of the book.   I am still working on Emma.   It is a dull book.   It is sadly turning me off of the classics.   Come on Jane Austin...I wanted better from you!   I need to read more during daylight so I can work through some non-Kindle books too.

Another somewhat busy week ahead of me....I am helping with a pre-game meal again for the football team.   I am actually leading this meal (Sloppy Joes).   DMACC students are taking their midterm exam on Monday.   Thankfully, I don't think I have anything going on next weekend.   I think I get to stay home.    I probably just jinxed that.