Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tis Planting Season

I've been excited to plant things in the past week so our flowers get a good start in addition to the garden.   The flowers were the first to go in and have survived a major thunderstorm.

We have planted about 75% of the garden at this point.    We've decided to plant the following this year:

  • pickling cucumbers
  • normal burpless cucumbers
  • roma tomatoes
  • big beef tomatoes
  • jet tomatoes (not familiar with variety, going on a whim)
  • beets
  • carrots
  • kohlrabi
  • chives
  • dill
  • sunflowers
  • zucchini
  • parsley
We haven't planted the cucumbers or zucchini yet as we I'm trying to grow some seeds inside and transplant them later.    I am hoping to can tomatoes, beets, and carrots.   I'm also going to try and make pickles.   I got a canning set for my birthday last year so I better start watching some YouTube videos to learn the skill.

We still need to add dirt to our raised beds.   I am using one to grow the herbs and sunflowers.   I am using a second to grow more carrots and beets.   I'm curious to see how they do in a raised bed versus the actual garden.   The third raised bed (primarily in shade) is for rhubarb.

I spent some time today painting one of new rain barrels.   We plan to have four on the back of the garage (in the garden).   We have two large barrels and two medium barrels.   One of each will be on each side of the garden and will be connected to the gutter system.   It was nice not using the hose much last year and having more barrels may prevent us from having to use the hose at all.

That's the basic update about the spring changes in our household.   I'll do another update soon about work and such.