Thursday, November 21, 2013

Is It Break Yet?

I have miraculously worked my way through a pile of grading and have some down time before the after school program starts.    I'm fairly certain I've forgotten to do something.  I'm sure it will pop into my head in the middle of Swim & Gym when I can't do anything about it.   

Today is the last day of Swim & Gym for the semester.   It bums me out but I'm always relieved to have it over with by this time each fall and spring.   I should enjoy that part of my job more but sadly I don't.   I think it connects to the lack of quality help I receive with the program.   I am hoping the change we're making with the program for fall 2014 will also change my attitude about the program.  (It's becoming part of a class that all PE majors have to participate in prior to graduation.)   I'll have less stress with the recruiting of helpers.  

Jon and I went to Weight Watchers last night.  I am going back and forth with weight loss and weight gain.   I'm not shocked as I do well some weeks and I don't do well on others.   I am planning to go look at the Ankeny YMCA next week to see the facility and learn about the perks.   I don't go to Anytime Fitness anymore and I've never been fond of the setting.  I wish Jon and I could exercise together but our schedules never seem to allow it. 

We are doing Thanksgiving at Jon's parents' house on Thursday.   I've been assigned to make mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and provide cranberry sauce.   I'm more than happy to do it as I didn't want them to order all the food from Hy-Vee.   The remainder of the semester will fly by after next week's break ends.   I have a lot of big assignments and projects coming for all classes at both ISU and DMACC.   As usual, I plan to work ahead with grading.    Let's see if I can make that work for me or if I'll be scrambling to grade things in the dead of night before final exams.  

ISU is closed all next week but I do plan on working Monday-Wednesday.   I want to tidy up my office.   I have ideas for making the space more personalized just never have time to do so.    I get to go to the dentist on Tuesday.   Blah.  I'm resorting to a toddler as I dislike that area of health and prevention now.  Two root canals will do that to a person.

I thought I'd have something more profound to share but life has been pretty dull.   I'm excited to start my Christmas shopping.   I'm keeping things simple this year so my lists for people are quite short.   We are getting a real Christmas tree again too so that will be fun.    We may even do it the weekend after Thanksgiving.   If we stick to that timeline, I'll add pictures soon.