Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just Another Blog Entry

I don't really have anything earth shattering to discuss but it's a low key night so I thought I'd write my Grandma a letter and create another entry for the blog.   I thought it would be an easy going week but I've been quite busy at work with summer camp tasks and CPR training.   The custodians decided that my floor needed to be waxed this week too so I spent a lot of time clearing out things that were moveable.   It was inconvenient but also nice because it forced me to clean and toss a lot of stuff in my office.   I am working from home tomorrow as I won't be able to set foot in my office.   My boss at DMACC changed the textbook for my summer class so I need to review my upcoming presentations and make sure they fit the chapters.  I'm still a little puzzled as to why the book was changed without talking with the instructor. 

The Midwest is obviously reeling from the crazy weather in the past days.   Iowa is lucky to not have been hit as hard as Oklahoma.   I usually love stormy weather but even I will admit the weather on Sunday was a little scary.   I think our garden will bounce back minus a few plants that will need to be replaced.   It's Murphy's Law that things get crazy when Jon leaves the state and isn't here to help with his Emergency Management crew. 

I have been able to read for pleasure.   I started with some books that LeAnn let me borrow.   I read "The Weird Sisters" when I was traveling to and from Michigan.   It was OK but I wasn't in love with the story line.   I read "Sarah's Key" next and really liked the story.   It is associated with World War II and the Holocust and those topics trip my trigger.   I am reading "The Paris Wife" next.   I may try to read "The Girl with the Draggon Tattoo" after that.   I have a hankering to read some Stephen King too so I'll have to work that in.

I'm planning to attend Weight Watchers tomorrow as I've not officially weighed-in forever.   Well it seems like forever.  I have no clue what I weigh right now.  Sigh.

Here are some things I need to change to get back on track:

  • drinking less soda as I'm being too indulgent
  • eating breakfast regularly as well as eating a nutrient dense lunch
  • controlling how much I eat night with supper and late night snacking
  • including purposeful exercise/physical activity at least three days a week
I also spent a lot of time today (more time than I thought was needed) trying to schedule a hearing test.   It was confusing as the office in Ames was telling me information that conflicted with my primary physican's office.   Sadly I cannot have the test until June 17.   I'm interested to see what my results are because I can tell that something is "off" whether I'm at work or at home. 

Ok, time to create a letter for my Grandma!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Summer Transition


I've been at my mechanic for 2.5 hours so I'm sure they will wrap-up and finish now that I've started blogging.   I got a decent amount of work done today while I sat here as keeping up with my email is a struggle.  Summer Youth Fitness starts on June 3 so I have emails from parents, interested families, employees, etc. flowing in regularly.  I believe that everyone I need to hire has been hired.   Only had one employee back out due to finding a job with full time hours.  I have my mandatory orientation meeting on Thursday.   First meeting is at 1pm and a second option is in the evening.   I'm not at full capacity with enrollment yet but I predict a few parents panicking as they look at the calendar.   I think I can still enroll 15-20 kids and abide by my ratio rules. 

Figures that I would start things off talking about work.   I should have started things off by talking about my brief but wonderful get-away this past weekend.   I jetted off to Michigan to visit Nicole.   It was nice going off by myself without many worries.   I do have to admit that I'm still not a fan of flying, even at the ripe age of 30.   The security requirements at airports continue to suck too.   I did have some anxiety beyond the basic fact I was flying.   I am always so nervous about cramming my butt into an airline seat and using the seat belt.   I would be so embarassed if I needed a belt extender or something like that.   Fortunately I could sit pretty comfortably and the seatbeat fit...barely.   It was still comfortable though.  I was lucky on my way to Detroit as no one had the seat next to me.    I did have a lady next to me on the way back.  

Nicole and I had a fun, laxidasical weekend.   I went to a Botanical Center for the first time in my life.   I saw pineapples, Swiss Cheese plants, grapefruits, a room of cacti, a solar house, hens/chickens (plants not animals), etc.   I was also pleased to get a pedicure for my poor toes.   It had been months...2012 since I had gotten my feet worked on.    Thanks for letting me crash with you for a weekend Nicole!

In my head I thought I had more of a break before things got hectic again but time is slipping away fast.   My DMACC summer class starts next week (Thursday nights).   I've already mentioned my SYF meetings and that prep.   My ISU summer class starts in the middle of June.    June 17 to be exact.   I shouldn't have oodles of planning for that as I just taught it this spring but I need to merge content together to fill more time each day since it's shrunk down into 6 weeks.  

Jon and I bopped around town last night to buy dirt and plants.   I plan to do some planting today.    We bought bags of dirt to try and fill a corner of our garden that is low.    Water likes to sit there when it rains and I'm hoping to remedy that.   It's supposed to be 95 here today so I just want to be outside in the sun.    Yes, sunscreen will be applied as I'll be burnt in like 10 seconds.  

I got ballsy yesterday and cut my hair.   We'll I finally went in for a hair cut and had her go to town.    She took off two inches but the amount of layering she did made my hair look much shorter and it thinned it out a lot.   She used a straightener yesterday and I wasn't too thrilled with the look.   I don't even own a straightener so I was confused as to why she went that route.   I washed it last night and it looks really good this morning with it's natural body and wave.   She cut off a lot of my blonde though and I think I look odd with primarily brown hair.   Odd but more professional.   I think the cut itself looks more professional.  

I found out today that I've been named as a chair for a search committee for our department.    We are hiring a new martial arts person and the boss thought it would be logical that I lead the search considering I'm the Physical Activity Coordinator for the department.   I'm rather nervous though as I've never chaired anything my life...including a search for a new faculty member.    I hope the boss or someone else is willing to show me the ropes or deal with a lot of questions.  

I made a new recipe last night (the chicken salad recipe Nicole!).    I'm usually not a spicy food person but hot sauce is starting to grow on me for some foods.   It was essentially a salad with the basic ingredients:  lettuce, green pepper, red pepper, tomatoes, etc.   I added avocado, black beans, and corn.   Instead of using chicken breast, I used turkey breast that was left over from last week's crock pot experiment.   It shredded nicely into the salad.    The Bolthouse salad dressings in this area do not include the Salsa Ranch we used in Michigan.   I grabbed Wishbone Buffalo Ranch and it worked well.   I added a little more of the hot sauce and it was well balanced.   Jon wasn't wowed but I'll definitely make it for myself again.  

Ok...they have to be done with my car soon.   I'm sick of staring at my computer.   I'll blog again soon when I have pictures of my garden and flower pots ready.   Adios!