Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

It's still December 25th so it's fair to still proclaim "Merry Christmas" at 10pm.   It was a very low key day.   I'm not used to Christmas being so easy going so it was a change.   We all slept in until about 10am and spent a little time opening gifts.   Gavin had the majority of the packages under the tree so it was fun to watch him open up his goods.    He's finally at an age where he appreciates clothes for Christmas.   I went to Old Navy yesterday and got some amazing deals.   He now has athletic pants, jeans, and lounge pants that fit.  And I only spent $40 for about $125 worth of merchandise. 

I'm trying to pull all the random facts and information that's been floating around in my brain lately.   I should have blogged a few times since the end of November but I let my grading duties take priority (obviously).   After the semester ended at both ISU and DMACC, I wanted nothing to do with my computer so I've not logged onto this for awhile.  I was thrilled to get through all my grading duties earlier this month.   The last two weeks were 60-70 hour work weeks for me.   Sadly I'll have the same thing happen in April/May when finals approach again.  

I was not as organized as usual either with my Christmas shopping.  I didn't really start until after Final's Week so there was some scrambling.   I didn't even wrap some of Jon's gifts as we went shopping this past weekend and he just picked out some clothes and goods at Kohl's.  We kept things simple this year too and I didn't get Gavin a ton of stuff either.   (Thankfully he realizes that Christmas isn't about quantity.)    A recent order to Amazon didn't come on time either so a couple items were missing from the tree.   I blame the snow storm more than my procrastination.  

The weightloss has been a little craptastic.   We've been eating out more and more impulsive with our choices.  Example:  ordered pizza last night due to laziness and cravings.   Really need to get my butt in gear for 2013.   I got a Christmas card from a high school friend and she has dropped a lot of weight.   It's actually bizarre to see her so thin as she's been heavy set since I've known her.   I don't know how she did it but it was motivating to see her photo on the Christmas card.   The Activelink gadget has also been reminding me of my sloth-like tendencies.    I'm rarely making my daily goals for movement.   I've been sleeping a lot lately...too much actually.  It's amazing how a person can sleep in super late, be kind of productive, and feel exhausted by 3pm.  

I haven't read anything for pleasure.   Should be, but haven't dove into any books.

If you're in the mood for a semi-realistic historic movie, check out "Elizabeth".   It was a random movie on my Netflix list and we watched it prior to Christmas.   It was really good and the history in the movie was interesting.   I have the sequel on it's way about the same character.   Who know a queen of England could be so interesting?   I haven't been wowed by any other movies though. 

Anywho, I should sum things up so I can get to bed somewhat earlier.   We depart in the late morning for Waukon for a few days.    It will be nice to see the family and have some good times before it's back to the daily grind for ISU.   (not sure if I'm teaching for DMACC yet....would be nice to find out if my classes have enough enrollment)

Merry Christmas!!